Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 886

In addition, the elder brother is 10 cm lower than Ji Feng. It is estimated that 194 cm is a false report. Ji Feng thinks that he has 192 cm at most. Don\'t underestimate 2cm. 2cm is already a big gap on the court, which means that his antagonism will be lowered to another level.

This directly leads to the elder brother who wants to put on a cruel remark and has to tilt his head, which directly leads to Ji Feng\'s laziness to spit out rubbish words. It\'s reasonable to say that rubbish words are reasonable. It\'s only interesting to spray rubbish words by people of the same magnitude. With such opponents, garbage words are really boring.

Liu Jialing, who is on the sideline, photographed Ji Feng\'s challenge to Olympia shipriano, who is half a head shorter than himself, and has become one of the classic scenes of Jifeng\'s national team career.

However, this is all after words, the referee has let the two teams stand in the middle circle, the game is about to start!

It goes without saying that the Chinese team won the right to the ball for the first time in these three games. The super high speed and size of the opponent made the opponent have no idea of making money. Although the physical fitness of the big center on the opposite side looks good, his size is really hard.

The average height of the first team in Angola is less than 195cm. Only one player is over 2m and only two are over 2m. This height level is the shortest among the four teams participating in the competition.

Don\'t say this time, this height intensity is really hot chicken level in the world, especially in the basketball circle which relies on the inside line to walk the world, this height is definitely the opponent\'s favorite.

However, to be able to rely on such height in the world stage to play this, does not also laterally prove that Angola basketball still has a set.

But now it\'s China\'s right to the ball. Olympio shipriano yells at his teammates to defend. At the same time, he clings to Jifeng and tries to go around. The Angolan coach keeps yelling and cheering for him off the field. It seems that he has been appointed. This should be one of the means for Angolan coach to deal with Jifeng.

However, the Chinese didn\'t give them a chance. After half-time, Liu Wei came to the flank, transferred twice, and asked for the ball from his back. Liu Wei gave the ball to the inside line, roughly pulled it out, and after receiving the ball, he hit the first goal with his skillful little hook.

It\'s stupid not to take advantage of such a big advantage inside!

"You are afraid! Boy, you\'re scared! But I won\'t, I\'ll show you my skills! " Olympio shipriano saw the goal and continued to challenge Jifeng. He obviously wanted to make Jifeng angry.

Then Olympia shipriano asked for the ball directly before half-time. He was an all-round player on the outside line and could play No.123 position. So he was very confident in his dribbling. He often used people to play tricks on his opponents in Africa.

But he obviously chose the wrong person. It\'s hard for people who have never been to the NBA to imagine the intensity of confrontation there. Seeing many stars make wonderful moves, sometimes you will think that you can do better than him!


This is absolutely an illusion!

Olympio shipriano played flower work near the middle line. The fake action of swinging the left and right upper limbs had a model. Then he saw Ji Feng not moved, but slowly paced back. He wanted to make a fake move directly, and then pull back to break through in the opposite direction!

As a result, Jifeng directly snatched, blocking the direction he wanted to fake action!

"How?" Olympio shipriano obviously didn\'t think of this. How suddenly there was darkness in front of him!

But now he can\'t take it back, inertia with him directly hit Jifeng body!

Ball Lost it!

This season peak really didn\'t want to be cut off directly. He just predicted the move in advance and blocked the route according to his playing method in NBA. Who knows Olympio shipriano will give the gift directly!

That season peak naturally will not be polite, direct right hand will the ball forward a stab, stride to catch up, fast attack to walk!

By the time Olympia shipriano eased up, Jifeng had already dunked three steps within the three-point line.

"Bull force ~ ~" Sun Yue jumped up from the bench and waved a towel. He felt that Olympia hipriano was here to send, but he didn\'t expect the first goal to start.

Jifeng jogged back after the goal and said to him when he passed Olympio shipriano: "be serious, man, or it\'s too boring."

"You wait!" Olympia shipriano bit his teeth hard, he was careless this time, Ji Feng was NBA level after all, he shouldn\'t be such a wave.

This time, Olympio shipriano was much more conservative, and only after half-time did he catch the ball from the right 45 degrees under the cover of his teammates, and then quickly threw it back and called the pick and roll counter run!

It\'s Angola\'s usual tactic, using the transfer ball and the flexibility of the move to look for the opportunity to shoot from a long distance.

In the last game, Russia was defeated by such tactics, but Russia\'s tall body became a burden, which made Angola hit the ball continuously, leading to the collapse of the whole game.Now an old trick has come to Angola. Olympio shipriano cuts in after picking and picking up and reaches out to catch the ball. However, the ball is received, but he has no chance to shoot, because Ji Feng is everywhere!

"What kind of mobility and judgment is this?" Olympio shipriano is confused.

But the ball is still in hand, 30 seconds of attack time left 10 seconds, so he has to make a choice!

He chose to break through. After all, he couldn\'t do it in front of Ji Feng. He still has this judgment.

However, he did not have a chance to break in. He threw the basketball on the board, and ah Lian got the rebound!

The attack in Angola is frustrated again!

And when it\'s China\'s turn to attack, Olympia shipriano did what he wanted. After passing inside and outside, Olympia shipriano faced Ji Feng at the top of the arc!

Jifeng has no dobby, he doesn\'t want to use any cool technology, such height quality wants to defend him, it\'s really

Dry pull three points!

Basketball flew into the net in Olympia shipriano\'s gaping eyes!

Three points!

That\'s the unreasonable way to play!

"Olympio shipriano finally waited until Jifeng to face him, but the result may not be the same as he thought." Su Qun said calmly.

Ji Feng got 5 points at the beginning, leading the Chinese team to play a perfect start of 7-0!

This is not over, Angola is anxious, want to push the fast break, but the Arab League in the interior line, Angola small guard breakthrough by him on the rebound!

The Chinese team pushes the fast attack again, Ji Feng receives Liu Wei\'s pass, hits the board to throw from oneself to buckle, then takes two points again!

Olympio shipriano was totally confused , the fastest update of the webnovel!