Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 882

In the first quarter, 32-10, 22 points in a single quarter, which was a fantastic score. The audience at the scene had been crazy, and Jifeng\'s strong shouts resounded through the Huanglong center!

China\'s bench is also crazy, from the bench to the coach, no one is sitting watching the ball, even Yao also smile out of the expression bag, towel waving very feel, change a Jersey Ji Feng thought MIM came

"The God of heaven\'s performance, Jifeng is simply the Russian man-machine in the fight, no matter who is defending me, anyway, no one can defend me, this is the confidence brought by strength!" In the studio, Yang Yi finally closed his mouth, and then there was a burst of praise for Jifeng.

"What\'s more, my Chinese team completely beat Russia to pieces. In a single quarter, I got 10 points, one minute only, and in the middle, I didn\'t get a point in the middle. Now, from the coach to the players, the whole team\'s face is written with two words, confused!"

"But we are happy! This is the best first quarter I\'ve ever seen China play. When the opponent covers his shirt, he doesn\'t feel like a strong European team like Russia, but a Southeast Asian team like Malaysia and the Philippines. Generally, only when the Chinese team plays against them can China play such a oppressive match! "

Yu Jia, who is close to him, is very excited. He is checking the information in the live room, because in his impression, this is the best quarter played by Chinese team against European team.

Although Chinese basketball has always been the dominant player in Asia, it is also famous in the world. In recent years, with Yao, Ji Feng and other players entering the NBA one by one, the reputation of Chinese basketball in the world is gradually improving. China has indeed made good achievements in international competitions in the past ten years.

However, it is undeniable that even if the Chinese team plays against the second and third rate teams in Europe, the result is more losses than wins. The saying that there is no weak team in Europe is also applicable in the basketball field. For example, in the warm-up match with the first team of Serbia last month, Silvia, with NBA players such as milisic, defeated China by 25 points, while in the last World Championships, Yao finished The Chinese team also lost 19 points to today\'s opponent Russia.

Although the United States has always been a well deserved overlord, European teams have always occupied the second place in the basketball industry.

Other such as losing more than 30 points is not much to say, more hurt feelings, as long as we know that the fruit tree growers have never been cheap from European teams.

Of course, winning is a real win, but it is very dangerous to win, such as the 2004 victory over Serbia and Montenegro, the miracle win in 2006 against Slovenia, winning more than 10 points are very few, the last big win over Serbia 20 points is a very good game.

But this game is different, the first quarter of this match broke the record of China\'s biggest single quarter lead against European teams!

Ji Feng also used 21 points in a single section to break the record of his national team\'s single section score. At the same time, it was also the highest individual score in a Stankovic cup, and also created a record of individual single section scoring of the national team.

Such explosive scoring ability, in the history of the national team, never appeared!

And ESPN said: "Jifeng felt offended. Russia paid the price for their choice. The players on them did not limit Ji Feng\'s ability. It is not surprising that such a difference is not surprising. Moreover, if Russia continues to fight like this, they are likely to swallow the biggest loss in the history of the national team."

"Coach, let me play!" Kirilenko said to the coach on the bench that he really couldn\'t look down!

Russia\'s original plan was that since the first game was lost, it would simply play the plan, anyway, it can not win the championship. When the Olympic Games are coming, don\'t expose too much strength, which can be regarded as a good choice. Moreover, you can also look at the strength of the substitutes and mix up the lineup to get more with one move.

You take the victory, I run in the lineup, that\'s what Russia thinks!

The result is really good, but thousands of calculations did not count Jifeng so tiger, a quarter of them beat, if this continues to fight, this is not an ordinary defeat, but a humiliating defeat, this impact on the team\'s morale is too big, and the criticism from the outside world will inevitably affect their next preparation for the game.

Some miscalculation!

This is the biggest feeling of the Russian coach after the first quarter. If you go on playing like this, you may really have a bad time!

"Wait a minute!" But now there is no way not to go on like this, this time to change the main force, if lost again, then they can really become a joke!

Therefore, Kirilenko\'s request was rejected, but Russia still made some changes. The main back guard of the team, viatesv, came into play. His task was very clear, that is, to control the rhythm of the court and not to let the Chinese team play the crazy attack rhythm in the first quarter.

At the same time, also want to make use of the second quarter at the beginning of the season peak down to recover some differences.

At one time, their tactics have made some achievements. In the second quarter, the five up and five down Chinese team played a little slack, which was a normal phenomenon under the huge lead. Viatsv led the Russian team to play a wave of 8-2 small climax, and the difference was less than 20 points.However, after calling a pause, the Chinese team immediately shot a ball from Zhu Fangyu outside the three-point line, and the defensive side, the Chinese team also played joint defense, although the height of the interior line was not enough, but the outside line was very tight, so that Russia\'s attack time was 30 seconds until the last second, and the result naturally was iron!

The Chinese team again pushed back, Chen Jianghua\'s role was fully displayed, his speed let viatesv look confused, a moment did not pay attention, Chen Jianghua breakthrough score!

This also led to the season peak 5 minutes back when the difference remained at 16 points, Russia also pulled back 6 points!

"It\'s over..." Kirilenko sighed at Ji Feng\'s appearance. The guy knew it was true by looking at his expression.

Sure enough, Jifeng came back to the state immediately. First, viatesv was delayed by the online package, and the latter made a mistake. Then he took a quick counter attack to dunk and got two points.

After that, Jifeng was still full of fire, which was totally different from the first game in which he focused on assisting teammates. It was just like missing the pass key. The high-quality shot made the Russian players\' body and mind constantly destroyed!

9 points in a single quarter and 30 points in half court. Ji Feng is running to set a record tonight!

What\'s more, yunas didn\'t immediately let Jifeng rest in the second half. In the third quarter, Jifeng was still on the bench. He got 7 points from inside and outside. Under the attack firepower of Jifeng, the difference was constantly widened!

The game in the third quarter played 78-38, 40 points difference, let this game completely no suspense!

Russia simply began to play bad, playing sympathy card, yunas also did not let Jifeng play in the fourth quarter, Jifeng score fixed frame in 37 points, 4 assists, 6 rebounds!

In the last garbage time, both sides played iron, but this did not affect the mood of the fans. As the game goes by, the biggest difference in China\'s history against European giants will be born!

With a whistle from the referee, the score was set at 90-50, and China\'s 40 point advantage was overwhelming Russia! , the fastest update of the webnovel!