Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 867

Jifeng is finally going to the base camp!

This is mango satellite TV\'s biggest project in more than a month. As a trump program that has been on the air for ten years, today\'s base camp still firmly holds the leading position of the domestic variety show leader. Both the audience rating and the topic degree are worthy of No.1 in China.

In the past ten years, many big stars have been on the stage of the base camp, but Ji Feng is still the most important time for them. Besides, the highest ratings in the history of the program is the period when Ji Feng appeared, which left behind two more positions. In addition, this is the first show of variety show in the true sense of Jifeng. Naturally, the importance is extraordinary!

Moreover, although Ji Feng\'s trip is relatively easy, it is not an official activity of NBA after all. Because of the Olympic Games, UA has no way to carry out such activities as China trip. Ji Feng\'s itinerary is all set by himself. However, Ji Feng is not a person who loves the program. The number of programs he participated in this year is very few, and the itinerary of the base camp has already been determined. Ji Feng is the only one in China A variety show.

The director and host team of the base camp are really able to wake up laughing in their dreams!

Of course, in this period, variety shows are not as developed as ten years later, and the variety shows that can be called names can be counted by one hand, because in this era, the audience king is still a TV series. It is good to have a trump card program in each major local TV station, and the audience rating is generally not comparable to that of TV series.

This is one of the reasons why Ji Feng chose the base camp. There is no other choice. CCTV has many programs to invite Ji Feng. But that kind of place is too formal. Jifeng still wants a relaxed environment to interact with fans.

Therefore, Jifeng passed the channel ahead of time. After all, he is an athlete, so I hope to put the recording outdoors and add some outdoor sports.

Naturally, the program team agreed. The conditions they offered this time included this point. Therefore, after communicating with Ji Feng, the program team began to design, hire venues and invite guests.

Everything else is smooth. The base camp has done outdoor projects many times before, with rich experience. The local large-scale gymnasium, the most sophisticated equipment, the stage construction, and the most abundant production team and on-site staff have all finished one by one. This time mango satellite TV has sent out the elite of their whole Taiwan, and is determined to create more brilliance!

Of course, a lot of people are competing to go, especially the girls and basketball loving staff. Basically, they are scrambling to go. Because there was a crazy purple flower sea, Ji Feng was absolutely the perfect man image in the heart of the female staff of mango satellite TV. Being able to see Ji Feng on the spot and have the opportunity to interact with Ji Feng is simply the greatest blessing of life It\'s good!

The preliminary work was very smooth. I waited for Jifeng to record on the 6th, but there were some problems in inviting guests.

It\'s not that people can\'t be invited, but there are too many people to come!

Jifeng confirmed that the news base camp of the program naturally began to publicize it early. Unexpectedly, this directly exploded the entire domestic entertainment industry. Not to mention the 18 line stars who want to rub heat, almost all the little flowers who can name themselves want to share a share. There are Jifeng\'s real ball fans, some who simply like Jifeng\'s beauty and wealth, and those who want to make friends with Jifeng There are countless.

Of course, it is understandable that Ji Feng is not in the entertainment industry, but the entertainment industry is all about him. According to the statistics of entertainment reporters, in the past year, Ji Feng is the most popular entertainment front page person, more than the entertainment industry. This can kill many people who dream of making headlines.

Moreover, Ji Feng\'s several ups and downs in the entertainment industry also let everyone see, especially the hot bar, which has gone from obscurity to national fame, and even won popularity in the United States. He got all kinds of big brand endorsements and appeared in various famous magazines, which were full of Ji Feng\'s figure.

How can this not be envied.

However, to their regret, the quota has been divided up for a long time. JY entertainment naturally needs to install its own artists. Hot bar can\'t go because the love is open. It\'s not the time for them to share the same stage, so Zhao Xiaoying has long been absent from the variety show.

Together with Ji Feng\'s fanatical fans Da Mi Mi, and Liu Yifei, the fairy sister who has become popular all over the country, these three people constitute the female guest lineup.

The male guest invited Xiaoyao brother Hu Ge. After all, this is an actor who met Ji Feng once. This year, they also had frequent interaction on the Internet, and Ji Feng had activities. Hu Ge always waved flags and yelled early, and had a good relationship with Ji Feng. Ji Feng naturally recommended him.

Although the lineup is not so luxurious, even though shuangbing and Sidan didn\'t show up, we still have to consider the age. Ji Feng is only 19. There are not many people who can talk with those sisters. In fact, many of the six people actively contact the program group and want to appear on the program. However, the program group refuses because of Ji Feng\'s pain. In addition to their age, they also need to consider the relationship between the host and the guest It\'s not good to win the master. It\'s enough to have Jifeng. Jifeng is the trump card master!

Moreover, in their eyes, Ji Feng is a sportsman after all, and it is not known whether he can adapt to the atmosphere of the variety show. Therefore, we should try our best to protect Ji Feng. After all, this popularity will be enough for the program team to drink if it offends the fans.However, they still don\'t know that Jifeng is not unaccustomed, but too adapted. They can hardly catch it ~

on the evening of the 6th, Jifeng\'s team finally arrived at CS!

Mango satellite TV sent a luxurious team to meet at the airport. Of course, it also took dozens of security guards. After all, the pearl jade of SH airport was in front.

Their premonition was right. Ji Feng\'s arrival once again made the airport congested, and tens of thousands of people picked up the plane. However, with what Ji Feng said at the airport, everyone was very restrained this time. After greeting the fans, Ji Feng left smoothly and returned to the hotel.

That night, Mr. He led five members of his family to visit Jifeng and invited him to dinner. This was the first time that both sides met in the video before!

"It\'s time to see Ji Feng! It\'s time to see Ji Feng! It\'s time to see Ji Feng! ~What to do? Do I have a problem with my make-up! " -Xinxin

"ah, ah, Jifeng, Prince, can we have dinner together today? I\'m not dreaming -Nana

"Hey, Mr. He! I\'ve brought five pairs of sneakers, all of which are crazy Feng series. Which pair can prove that I\'m his iron powder, or I\'ll leave them to my son after Ji Feng signs his name! " -Waves.

"Calm down! chill! You don\'t give us mango satellite TV smear, calm down, don\'t jump on it! Teacher he, you take care of them -Weijia.

"Cough, I\'ll hold it for a while, don\'t rob me!" -Mr. He.

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