Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 864

They went directly to Jifeng\'s house without too much stay. They told their parents about his return yesterday. Therefore, in JY entertainment and JY group, the chairman and general manager of JY entertainment and JY group have already canceled their work in advance. After all, this is their son who comes back home again after a year, with his formal girlfriend, so go to hell with work or anything!

Oh, by the way, although Jifeng has bought a lot of real estate in SH, three villas have been bought, and several apartments near the urban area have been directly bought as investment. After all, who knows that the real estate industry is the most promising industry for investment, and Jifeng naturally will not miss it. In addition to SH, BJ, SZ and other places, Jifeng\'s studio in the mainland even aims to implement it The intention of the boss, but also GZ invested in the mall

However, Jifeng still chose to live with his parents and didn\'t move out. After all, Jifeng doesn\'t come back several times a year, and this house has a different meaning to Jifeng.

On the court where he grew up with him, Ji Feng will never forget that day. The subsystem of God created his present, and going there with a hot bar has a different meaning for him.

But Jifeng turned his head and saw that his face was slightly red and his hands were clinging to the safety belt. His expression was still a little tense and hot.

"Nervous?" Ji Feng doesn\'t have to ask why. Anyone who has experience with parents knows it. He doesn\'t need to explain at all. Ji Feng thinks that when he does this, he will be very nervous.

"Don\'t worry! My parents are very nice people, and you\'ve seen more than I have this year. "

"It can be the same! At that time, it was a working relationship. Naturally, there were no redundant ideas. Now What if your parents don\'t like me! " Hot bar pitifully looking at Ji Feng said.

"Ann, how can it be? My parents don\'t know how satisfied they are with you. Before I went to the United States, I quickly took you down. Now I go back, I don\'t know how happy they will be." Ji Feng said with a smile.

"Don\'t worry, there\'s me." Jifeng held the hot bar\'s hand, and then stared at the hot bar\'s eyes: "believe me ~ good."

"Hoo ~! I\'m not nervous! Let\'s go. I\'m hungry

Comfort good heat, half an hour later, Jifeng\'s car finally arrived at home.

"Mom and Dad! I\'m back Jifeng shouts through the door.

Facts have proved that the worry of hot bar is absolutely unnecessary. As soon as she enters the door, the hot bar just says hello, Xia Yanran directly uses a bracelet to buy the heart of hot bar. After half an hour, Jifeng is out of favor. Two women directly go to the kitchen and test their dishes.

Jifeng and Jiran, who are about to be white mice, stare at each other for a while, so they have to go to the study for tea and chat.

Come to the study, two people sit opposite each other, many father son communication problems do not exist in these two people, Jifeng has been able to and Ji ran very good communication.

"Good year, boy." Ji ran took a sip of tea and looked at Ji Feng carefully. He didn\'t see him for a year. Ji Feng has changed a lot. Although he is not 20 years old, and he will go to university soon, his face is full of maturity. As expected, society is a good place to temper people.

Think about Ji Feng\'s achievements in this year. Ji ran said that it is impossible not to be proud. In the past, people always said that Ji Feng was Ji Ran\'s son. Recently, everyone has. Ji Ran is still very happy. He doesn\'t mind his status being lowered. After all, Jifeng is his son.

Lao Tzu\'s face is bright when his son is making a fortune. Moreover, I have to admit that this guy\'s vision ability is really good. No matter at home or abroad, so many investments have little loss, and they are basically big profits. This is particularly extraordinary in the context of the global economic crisis in 2008.

Jifeng has made his name in the business circle. Many people are saying that if Jifeng focuses on business, he is definitely a rising star in the business circle.

"Hehe hehe, it\'s OK. This is just the beginning. I\'m so strong that my son can\'t be disgraced." Ji Feng said with a smile.

He doesn\'t think there is anything. Investing in these professional hobbies often coincides with their meeting. For example, those houses are sold so cheaply under the economic crisis. It\'s really unreasonable for him not to accept them!

He is mainly basketball, so the next time the father and son are talking about what Ji Feng saw and heard in the United States this year.

Jifeng said happy, Ji ran listen to happy, although he did not understand a lot of things, but this does not prevent him from becoming the best listener.

During a happy dinner, the four people raised their glasses frequently, and the table was full of laughter and conversation. Ji Feng did not touch the nutritious meal for a long time. This meal was made by his two most important women by hand. Even poison should be eaten!

And for Ji Feng, it\'s a rare opportunity to have such a warm dinner in a year!

After dinner, Ji Feng and the hot bar left, the hot bar is sneaking out, and fly back to BJ in the evening to shoot the final part. The Olympic Games are coming, so the hot bar should hurry to finish the work, but she has reserved all the tickets for the men\'s basketball group match!

Send the hot bus on the plane, Ji Feng returns home, lies on the familiar bed to sleep peacefully~One night without a word ~

the next day, the biological clock made Ji Feng continue to be a hard-working man. He started his first ball training in a week on the familiar court. This shows the advantages of having a court at home. Ji Feng did not have this condition in Los Angeles.

However, the task of buying a bigger house has been handed to James. After the contract with the Lakers is finalized, it is estimated that there will be a result. Anyway, there must be at least a standard court at home!

After training, Ji Feng received a call from James!

"Ah, well, I see." Ji Feng, who put down the phone, opened the web page. James didn\'t say anything else, just told him a message!

After finishing all the warm-up matches in June, the Chinese men\'s basketball team\'s list of 12 people\'s basketball players has finally come out, and Ji Feng is in the list!

The specific list is as follows:

leader: Li Yuanwei.

Deputy leader: Hu Jiashi, Bai Xilin.

Head coach: yunas, El, Guo Shiqiang, Nelson.

On the guard line, point guard No. 4 Chen Jianghua, No. 5 Liu Wei, shooting guard No. 6 Zhang Qingpeng, No. 7 Wang Shipeng, No. 9 Sun Yue.

Forward line, small forward No. 1 Jifeng, No. 8 Zhu Fangyu, No. 10 Li Nan, power forward No. 11 a-lian, No. 15 Du Feng.

Center, No.11 Dayao, No.14 Dazhi!

This is a list of the strongest 12 people\'s Congress in China, which is a collection of the strongest basketball talents in China!

Once the list was published, the hot blooded Chinese basketball fans vied to forward it, and the forum exploded again! , the fastest update of the webnovel!