Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 861

Ji Feng finished the bullfight with a 45 degree flank dribble and a three-point turn.

After the goal of the season peak stall, seems to be wondering why his hand so explosive!

The audience in the field gave Jifeng applause and cheers for his face. We should know that this is North Carolina, and the audience has a high demand for basketball. It can be seen that Ji Feng really conquered here with his technology, just like he did in Los Angeles.

And although the score of this bullfight is very different and the time is not long, the content is rich enough. Different from the ordinary bullfight, except for the first goal scored by Ji Feng, the other goals are all three points. Besides, except for one shot by Kuri, Jifeng has scored every one!

That\'s wonderful, OK!

In this era when the inside line is the king, not to mention the game, even the bullfight is every ball to the inside line. The big center relies on his own weight, and the small man relies on his own technology and speed. In 1v1, most of the goals come from two-point ball. As for the three points, it may be forced to come.

But Ji Feng has refreshed people\'s cognition. He told everyone with his practical actions that as long as you are accurate enough, you can kill the opponent in any way!

After the bullfight, Curie is not convinced. He has never been abused so badly since he was a kid. He was still in his home court. It\'s really embarrassing for so many girls to watch him!

He might be comforted to know Derozan


Therefore, Curie continued to invite Ji Feng to do the three-point projection game, which is also a entertainment project for many players after training. The three-point projection, any position, any method, whoever does not enter first will lose.

"OK, you come first!" Jifeng of course, no problem, this kind of training, the whole league he has confidence to kill, did not look next to James has covered his face, dare not look at it!

Curie is not polite. He is confident and walks up to the three-point line. He often plays this game. When he was a child, his father, Dale Curie, often played with him. At University, no one in the team was his opponent.


Curie shot the first goal!

"Not bad!" Ji Feng shrugged, this guy really has talent.

But the season peak also will not be polite, the same position, the season peak relaxed also with the color.

Two people just like you one ball, I a ball right, just got up, Curie feel gradually hot, more and more confident, but to his surprise, every Ji Feng can respond, and looks more relaxed than himself. And Ji Feng even played with flowers, super long distance three points also scored!

Unknowingly 15-15, both sides first 15 ball all throws!

"Monster..." Curie exclaimed, this is his mother to play this game the pressure of the biggest time, Ji Feng really terror.

The pressure came to Curie\'s side and stepped onto the three-point line. Curie spent more time preparing, but the preparation time was too long, which affected the feeling of the hand.


"Ohno ~"

two voices, curry finally missed the first shot.

"It!" Currie waved ruefully, and the game was over again.

Sure enough, his feeling is right, Ji Feng easily takes the ball, throws into the 16th, 15-16, this kind of game is designed for Ji Feng

"Wow, so handsome. How did you do it?" Curie came forward to clap Jifeng with an open mind for advice. He was convinced that the goal was lost. To say nothing else, the three points were true. Kuri was also a quick three-point man. Naturally, he knew that in addition to talent, he could not do without hard practice day and night.

He now feels that the reporter\'s portrayal of Ji Feng training madman is not exaggerated. The success of this man is reasonable.

"Practice more, you can do it, and seriously, you should come to the NBA earlier. According to your talent, the university can\'t teach you anything. You need to practice under more professional guidance, and you need to hone yourself in fierce confrontation. Seriously, your three-point and offensive skills are really talented. You are the fastest guy I\'ve ever seen. Keep your playing style and hair Show your talent, man Jifeng sincerely said, of course, their own body bug, of course, is not a secret to share.

But Ji Feng is absolutely sincere. This guy has all the potential to be based in the NBA. His projection ability can definitely make up for his weak body. On the offensive side, this guy will do a great job. In NCAA, he can\'t learn anything.

Curie was moved. He could hear Ji Feng\'s sincerity. To be honest, his playing method has been questioned. Most of the time, the coach would shout, "run into that damn inside line for me!" This is the first time to see him so supportive. Maybe it would be better to train with this guy?

Suddenly an idea came out of curry\'s mind!

"Thank you, man. I will. I hope to compete with you one day." Kuri and Jifeng bump chest said.

"Of course, maybe soon." Ji Feng responds with a smile.

"Well," curry nodded, and then tentatively said, "well, listen to James, you\'re pulling people, hansboro? That guy\'s a sweet potato. ""That guy has been passed, and when he goes to NBA, I will let him know the cruelty of the world." Think of that stinky proud guy Ji Feng has a toothache.

"Haha, I think I need to be silent for that guy, but it doesn\'t matter. I mean What do you think of me? I mean, can I have a chance to train with you? " Curie said that Jifeng is definitely a brand of NBA, with strength and brains. His development in this year is also very valuable. Curie thinks it\'s time to think about his own future!

"Yes?" Ji Feng is stunned. This is a request to join the gang. I didn\'t expect that it would be so smooth that he delivered it to the door by himself!

That can make him run!

"You want to join my company? Man, maybe you\'re at least gambling, but I want to say, of course, but I don\'t think you\'ll regret this decision. We can do something big, can\'t we Jifeng said confidently.

"Ha ha, of course, but I think I need to consult my father about the specific contract!" Curry had a good laugh.

"No problem! James will do everything. As for the contract, I think I\'m absolutely comfortable here Jifeng said, holding KULI\'s shoulder, which is definitely the biggest harvest of his trip. With Kuri, Derozan and huoledi, Jifeng\'s brokerage company has begun to take shape.

Ji Feng is confident that this company will become one of the most powerful companies in NBA!

At the end of the gymnasium trip, Ji Feng asked Kuri to come to the best restaurant in the town to meet him. During the dinner, Ji Feng also said his plan. This year, he has the task of the national team, so it is difficult to realize the plan of training with Curie.

As for the future plan, curry is still a member of Davis College. He still needs to play NCAA, but Ji Feng promises to take him to training.

With enough food and drink, curry returns to school, Jifeng and James return to downtown Charlotte. They\'re going back to Los Angeles tomorrow morning.

"Maybe it\'s time for a training camp." After leaving KULI, Ji Feng thought that training camp might be a very good way to select talents! , the fastest update of the webnovel!