Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 852

In addition to the daily flattery, the most concerned issue for fans is the off-season plan of Jifeng. After all, the off-season period of a star is like a student\'s summer vacation, which is very long. Even if a top student like Ji Feng has two months\' rest after playing the finals, if you are a "poor student" who has not entered the playoffs, not counting the summer league, then you can start from April In the end, you can rest until the end of August. If you are more ruthless, the regular season will start in October, so once the holiday is released, it will be half a year!

What the stars will do in the off-season has always been the focus of many fans\' attention. As we all know, off-season players are very free, and no one here will stipulate what you must do during the holiday, so the way we spend the holidays is naturally varied.

But if you were a student, what would you do during the summer vacation after 82 exams - top students or more, for six months without vacation?

Of course Rest!

At the end of the season, about 10-20 days, most players will choose to give themselves an annual leave. Of course, how to rest and how to rest are very different.

For example, Carter, a real fishing enthusiast, can see from his social network that he has fished a lot of good fish recently, as well as his old brother on vacation. McGrady took his wife to Hawaii for half a month. The beach beauty yacht is a place that every man will yearn for.

There are also various kinds of old night club drivers who splash their money and release their hormones by the way. For example, pierce, who was not decadent after losing the finals, invited the three giants back to Boston to have a carnival all night. This is also a way to release pressure.

of course, there are also game house boys. Many people like it when they are on the right For example, Dayao, who is still recovering from injury, is a top fan of Warcraft. Just now, he sent a text message to Ji Feng asking if he would like to accompany him.

Of course, in addition to rest, many players have to work hard for their livelihood next season. The laid off players need to go back to the road of trial training in the United States. The traded players need to adapt to their new owners. The same is true for stars. What teams to join, what kind of contracts to sign, and how to do public relations after signing contracts all depend on the players\' personal efforts, so after the end of the season, we can see Like a quiet NBA, in fact, the undercurrent is surging under the water.

In particular, this year, the green army of the Lakers is bigger. If every team wants to make a difference in the new season, it is necessary to strengthen and trade. Especially some aging teams, such as the Spurs, have made a lot of potential deals in recent days.

In addition to these, most players will choose to improve themselves in the off-season. According to a popular saying in NBA, the off-season period is an important reason for widening the gap between players. Why does the Ministry of education prohibit students from attending tutorial classes, while the business of tutorial classes is still booming?

Because it can really improve the results!

If you are willing to practice and find a famous teacher (except olajuwang) during the holiday, you will get a lot of income in the coming year. The most direct thing is that the data will rise in an all-round way, become the main force, and sign a large contract with hundreds of millions of yuan.

Every year, Kobe comes up with a new weapon during the off-season. The all-around fighter is not made in a day, unless you are a bug like Ji Feng!

Lao Zhan is one of the representatives. The picture of him holding a tire has been circulated on the Internet for many days

And business activities are also exclusive to the stars. NBA is a Business League, and a variety of commercial activities emerge in an endless stream during the off-season.

This summer, there is also an important activity, that is, the 2008 Olympic Games is about to be held, various countries are now in the process of training. The old driver has returned to Germany, Parker and Dior have also rushed back to France, Spain is waiting for the figure of Gasol, especially the United States. They have learned a lot from the successive failures. A brand-new dream team is being selected, and the list can be released There will be a fight between the dragon and the tiger in August!

Of course, in addition to these, there are also those who choose to go to school, those who take exams, those who do social volunteers, those who do charity, and so on.

What about Jifeng?

"Hey, I\'m here, man."

At three o\'clock in the afternoon, James, who has been summoned by Ji Feng, is ready to come. Looking at his thick stack of documents in his hand, you will know that Ji Feng\'s off-season must be very busy.

"I\'ll go. You\'ve emptied the office." Ji Feng is speechless, because seeing these things, he feels that the holiday is far away from him.

"Hey hey, your hunch is right, your off-season affairs are very much, this is only a part of it." James said with a smile.

This is a good thing. The more famous the NBA is, the busier the off-season season will be. Not all players will have something to do. Some people can only go fishing.

"Well, well, tell me about it." Jifeng shrugged, and he was ready.

"The first is tomorrow\'s championship tour, which you know, and then the contract. You can\'t bear the contract of 1.5 million yuan next season. We are negotiating with the Lakers to renew the contract. In addition, if you want to go somewhere, you can tell me, I will talk. I have received 15 teams\' meeting invitation in recent days, almost all the teams in the league have space I\'m interested in you. ""I know, of course, the first choice is the Lakers. I don\'t think bass can afford it. Besides New York, others may not be able to afford it. As for New York, the place is poisonous, so it\'s the Lakers." Jifeng thought very clearly, all these things can be left to James.

"That\'s what I mean. After all, the team, the championship and the Mets will decide." James nodded and pulled out another stack.

"There are also endorsements and commercial activities, because the main endorsements are long-term contracts, and the off-season is the time to shoot advertisements and participate in activities. The most important thing is UA. They need your participation when they are ready to make the second generation boots for you." James said, "and uncle drew\'s second ad, Mercedes Benz\'s latest model, which they have already delivered. Besides, Versace asked if they need them to customize your equipment for you back home."

"Well, there are no problems with these. I will solve all these problems here before returning home. You can coordinate the time. The most important thing about UA is that I will take a day to visit them." Jifeng nods. Before he returns to China, he has about ten days.

"There are also Asian tour and European tour, which is the tradition of many stars off-season, and training camp." James went on.

Don\'t say I don\'t know. I\'m scared. There are so many things to do in the off-season season of Jifeng. Super giant also has super huge worries.

"The training camp will not be held. I don\'t have this time this year. I can\'t do the business of selling dog meat with sheep\'s head. Korea and Japan have time to go. Europe is too far away to go. It\'s not my home. I have a lot of plans to go back to China." Ji Feng said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!