Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 833

The O\'Brien cup is now on the second floor, with stern and league officials, as well as Laker owner Buss and general manager Kupchak, who will watch the finals together!

World attention!

This game has attracted so much attention that the world\'s attention is focused on it!

The focus of attention is not only on the field, but also on the off-site. The private clothes and movements of the stars have become the object of the reporters\' capture and report. As early as 3:00 p.m., the reporters were waiting for the arrival of the players from the two teams.

Before the game, the private clothes of the players of the two teams have undoubtedly become the focus of discussion, especially the appearance of Ji Feng and Kobe Bryant\'s self-cultivation suit at the same time, which blinds the eyes of many fans and is undoubtedly rated as the best before the game!

In fact, Ji Feng didn\'t plan to wear it like this, but in the morning training, the old fish specially told everyone to wear more spirit. According to his words, this is to give the opponent enough pressure before the competition!

However, I don\'t know whether the green shirt army has any pressure for the moment. Anyway, the pressure of reporters is very high. Many reporters are jumping and waiting. The atmosphere here is so warm that once they enter here, they will unconsciously be infected by the atmosphere here.

"It\'s hard to imagine that Ji Feng is playing under such pressure." A Chinese journalist lamented that he usually claimed to be used to seeing large-scale events. As a result, his hands and feet were cold and his heart pounded for half an hour.

"Of course, Ji Feng is a great man." Shen Yang raised his neck and said, "today she has a feeling that she has witnessed the birth of a new history."!

Appearance ceremony!

There is no doubt that the scene is a sea of purple and gold. The Laker fans have filled more than 20000 seats. The terror of this green shirt is obvious to all. They should come to the scene in person to give the team the greatest support!

With the voice of DJ and the shouting of the audience, Ji Feng was the first one to make a quiet appearance. The atmosphere of the scene suddenly changed into a frenzy. The cry of "Jifeng" rang through staples, and Jifeng has become a new favorite of Los Angeles!

Ji Feng stands on the ground, looking up at the 14 Championship flags floating in the sky, and is extremely firm in his heart!

"Come on Hot bar hands together, eyes closed slowly pray, she is looking forward to her man can realize his dream today!

This is the stage of dream!

When the two teams finished playing, the commentators also began to get excited. CCTV was still the live commentator. The two familiar faces, Zhang guidi and Yu Jia, appeared on TV: "CCTV sports, CCTV sports! Game 6 of the finals is about to start! The two teams have all appeared in the first round, and neither team has made any adjustment. They are still the familiar 10 players

"The two sides are very familiar with each other. There is no need to test. This game will undoubtedly be a battle of will and physical strength. Who can win the final victory is related to the ownership of this season\'s champion cup - O\'Brien cup!"

"Whether the Lakers can win the championship and Celtics can survive in the Jedi, let\'s send our best wishes to the two teams and good luck to Jifeng."

"Why hasn\'t the game started yet! I can\'t wait Magic Johnson is the commentary guest of this Laker court. It\'s a good experience to sit here and see the Lakers win the championship.

"Boys! We\'ve been fighting together for a whole season. We\'re sweating on the training ground. We help each other and rely on each other! Today, we are one last step away from our pre-season goal! The champion is there! We can\'t let him slip away from us! " The Lakers will form a circle around the court, Fisher said first.

"Come on, come on! One, two, three


The Lakers have a lot of momentum!

And next door, the green shirt army face with is the will to fight to the death, they have no way back, only let go!

Ji Feng walked on the field and met Pierce\'s eyes opposite. Both of them could see the sparks bursting out in the air.

The game begins!

Bynum and Perkins greet each other with muscles in the air. After a long time of fighting for the ball, a new situation appears. For the second time, Perkins earned the right to the ball!

The Lakers and fans stood up and yelled at defense. Rondo dribbled the ball slowly. The whole green formation looked very solid!

In this game, the green shirt army also has nothing to lose, what they have to do is to stick to their own things, play slow pace, and win with defense!

The first goal, the green shirt army is very steady to the inside line Garnett, Garnett catches the ball to hit and hit again, but Gasol defense is very good, did not lose position, Garnett transferred to pierce, and Pierce is more difficult to attack, Ji Feng\'s death entanglement makes him unable to find a mobile phone.

As time went by, the first attack was blocked by the Lakers for a 24 second violation, and the basketball was finally thrown out at will.

"Nice!" Ji Feng and Gasol clapped hands to celebrate, in terms of defense, they can also do well!

However, when it was the turn of the Lakers to attack, the Lakers immediately felt the suffocating defensive strength of the green shirt army, which directly seemed to be the defensive strength of the fourth quarter. The whole court was delayed with close pressure and double rotation inside!Rivers put out all his family skills, and the green army is definitely the three services, even Pierce, who has been criticized for not working hard, has also become crazy, and he is entangled with Ji Feng at all costs of physical strength. It seems like a fierce hand to hand battle on the court.

This also led to Kobe\'s forced breakthrough, and Garnett took off the first rebound!

The first round of confrontation is extremely fierce, the rhythm is very slow, both sides played a wonderful tactical game, but the score is still zero to zero!

Both sides made a 55!

At this time, we didn\'t realize what kind of game we were going to experience. After all, there were more matches that could not be played in the first leg.

However, in the second round, when the green shirts sent the ball frequently to the inside line again, and the Laker narrows its defense, and there are often 4-6 strong men over two meters in the scenic area to fight hand to hand, everyone seems to understand how much this is a game!

Bloody and fierce!

Both sides can never easily give up an inch of land, every ball must fight, hand to hand and body collision full of every corner of the court!

As a result, the basketball can\'t get into the basket at all, and the referee\'s whistle is frequently sounded because of the foul of both sides!

"Perkins, the hitter fouled! Ji Feng has two free throws

Time goes to 3:56!

Ji Feng forcibly broke through the three man trap, causing Perkins a second foul, standing on the free throw line, Perkins was replaced, Ji Feng two penalties two.

However, for the Laker side, Fisher has already fouled twice and was replaced a minute ago. Gasol has also fouled twice, and Bynum has fouled once. However, the Laker fans are very relieved because pierce next door has been replaced for two fouls!

The number of fouls on both sides is enough in less than 4 minutes!

Sure enough, men, confrontation is the eternal theme! , the fastest update of the webnovel!