Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 830

However, green star Bill Russell sent his best wishes to the green shirts in an interview after the game: "bless these guys, everyone knows that we will not easily give up the championship."

This also shows the attitude of the whole Boston fans. Even if there are difficulties, they will never shrink back. This is what the history of this city has accumulated for them. After all, this is the place where the first shot of the war of independence was fired. The struggle has been integrated into their blood. They can lose, but they can\'t retreat.

G6, it will be another hard fight!

While the press conference was still in progress, the outside world was also very lively because of the game. In addition to ordinary netizens, all kinds of stars also jumped out to congratulate Ji Feng.

Su Qun wrote an article in the column: "the yellow and green war is worthy of its reputation. This is the finals with the highest tactical level in recent years. It can be said that there is no one. Both sides try their best. The six All-Star collision is really fierce. However, Ji Feng\'s existence overwhelms the balance of victory. With 38 points, 16 assists, 11 rebounds, 6 blocks and 3 steals, such a data is just like God coming down to earth!"

Netizens have said that as expected, the first season blowing will never let people down. How can su Qun let Zhang guide alone!

And Dayao also expressed his congratulations to Ji Feng: "congratulations to my brother, you did a great job, so after G6, can you show me your trophy?"

The appearance of Dayao also makes netizens have a lot of discussion. As a former card player in China, now the top center in the league, it was once rumored that he would join the Laker in the off-season period, but was eventually detained by the Rockets. Seeing Ji Feng, netizens can\'t help but imagine that if Dayao had joined the Lakers, it might be another scene, Jifeng + Dayao crarry finals? It\'s just fantastic.

It\'s a pity that Yao\'s injury situation is unknown, and as a kind Yao, it\'s hard to leave the Rockets who found him and trusted him. Ji Feng and Yao are the same team, maybe only exist in the national team this summer.

But the world is hard to predict, perhaps, they will meet in the field!

Everything, wait for next year!

And Yao\'s team mate, who is also recovering from injury, posted an article after the game: "G6 belongs to one person!"

Carter added: "this guy has always been so incredible, you don\'t know the first time I saw him dunk, my jaw fell off."

Iverson: he can kill me, so what a surprise

Thomas, the smiling assassin, also expressed his appreciation to Ji Feng in the media: "that guy is better than me. It turns out that tough guys don\'t suffer from ankle sprain, and he has the opportunity to do what I didn\'t do."

Thomas\'s point of view basically represents the opinions of many tough guys in the league in the 1980s. Today, the league\'s playing method is soft and more and more soft today, they appreciate Ji Feng\'s players very much. Rodman even invited Ji Feng to a party on the Internet. Of course, Jifeng fans spurned him back and asked him to go to Madonna to teach their brother

Magic Johnson now boasts himself as a half master of Jifeng. When asked who performed better in the rookie season and his rookie season, the magician directly replied: "Jifeng! No doubt, I can\'t count how many records this guy has broken. I\'ve done my work for five years in a year. Isn\'t it good enough? "

And the climax came from Joe. Shortly after the game, Jordan wrote: "I knew this guy was strong. His character on the court was very similar to Kobe and I. He made me think of my youth."

Jordan\'s words shocked a crowd of fans, Joe even so recognized Ji Feng, which can not be seen for many years, although Jordan\'s successors are very hot every year, but most of them are YY\'s of the media. Jordan didn\'t say who his successor was. Jifeng got his approval. It\'s really amazing. For a time, Ji Feng\'s position began to be infinite Be pulled up.

As for the chance to take advantage of the opportunity to rub out the popularity of more celebrities, but unfortunately, without inglish, he smashed the TV at home after G5

And the major sports media began to re analyze Ji Feng\'s tactical style. After analysis, ESPN believes that extraordinary learning ability and growth are the most terrifying weapons of Jifeng.

From the initial can only break through, the ability of confrontation is general to the current balance of attack and defense, both attack and defense, reflecting the learning ability of Jifeng.

"He\'s growing up!"

This is the consensus of all people. It seems that in order to compete for the season peak, there will be a fierce battle in the off-season.

In a word, Jifeng really has the trend of becoming a god tonight.

In China, Ji Feng has been a God for a long time. Whether it\'s the people who express their greetings when they are injured or the impact of winning, Ji Feng seems to be on hand.

The most direct impact is that the Affiliated Middle School of SH Jiaotong University has become the Holy Land in the hearts of young basketball players. There are not too many people who want to join. Zhang Hengyuan is confused. According to this trend, the Affiliated Middle School of Jiaotong University can still dominate the basketball field of high school for a long time.

Meanwhile, the Shaq club, which was out of sight, felt uncomfortable. As if Ji Feng had said before he left, there was no future for the club with chaotic management and unclear selection. His appearance in the League also proved this point. They did not have the dominant position of Yao at that time.On the contrary, the GD men\'s basketball team, which invited Ji Feng to visit, is slowly rising. Their talent pool and talent selection vision are excellent. It is estimated that many players in the basketball team will come from GD men\'s basketball team in this Olympic Games!

But these have nothing to do with Jifeng for the time being. He has already closed the network and focused on the game. Except for the close people, other people can\'t find Jifeng.

After attending the press conference, the team immediately gathered. Two hours later, the plane left Boston overnight. They will return to Los Angeles to prepare for G6.

"Hoo ~ I\'m finally leaving. My God, I can sleep well at last!" Said Farmar, with a big stretch on the plane.

"Good night, everyone. See you tomorrow!" Fisher also put on his goggles and oversized headphones, collapsed on his chair and got up in two minutes.

These three away games are physically and mentally exhausted for the whole team. Ji Feng is a little better. After all, he has just arrived, while other people in Boston are tense every day. After all, the hot water in the hotel sometimes does not exist, the alarm is often sounded, and the fireworks that last for a long time outside the window in the middle of the night and so on, all make the Laker players want to have a good sleep.

And the greater pressure comes from the field, losing two games in a row to be levelled, who can do without pressure at all.

But fortunately, they have carried it, and the most terrifying journey has ended. Now, they are going to return to Los Angeles, return to the place where their dreams began, and launch the final impact for the final victory and defeat! , the fastest update of the webnovel!