Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 804

As soon as possible, he doesn\'t want to help his team-mates on the way, but he doesn\'t want to help his team-mates on the way.

Although the Boston people back home are strong, but the Lakers are not muddled, Jifeng believes that the game will not end so easily.

Returning home, Ji Feng did not pay attention to other things, but after a little supplement, he lay down on the bed under the care of the hot bar. His mobile phone was turned off, and the noise outside had nothing to do with me!

Don\'t think Jifeng also knows how much noise the outside world will have now, after all, this game makes a lot of noise.

Jifeng is right to think, the first to bear the brunt is China. Many fans are celebrating the 2-0 lead of the Lakers, but they are also paying close attention to Ji Feng\'s injury at any time.

Because there is no official news, Jifeng has not been interviewed by any media after the game, and Tencent, which is familiar with Jifeng, has not got the first-hand news as usual, so there are all kinds of things to say at one time, and the online rhythm is hardly too much.

Some say that Jifeng season reimbursement, some say Ji Feng forced back to the court lead to injury aggravation, also say Jifeng cheat injury in order to give green shirt army eye medicine In short, we have to admire the brain holes of netizens.

Of course, more is to send blessing to Jifeng. Many friends who are familiar with Jifeng have sent their blessing to Jifeng through various channels. We all don\'t want to bring all fans moving this year. Jifeng is troubled by injuries.

In the United States, although it is late at night, the Internet is still lively, but the focus is mainly on how long Ji Feng needs to rest.

After all, the first injury report the Lakers gave was a normal sprain, but even a normal sprain can take more than a week to get better.

Even if it is a week, excluding the factor that Ji Feng is injured again, it means that all the away games after the absence of Jifeng summit, if it is six days, it is very difficult for Jifeng to catch up with the last away game. After all, he has just recovered and played such a fierce game. Once he is injured again, it must be many times more serious than the previous injury.

And in the NBA, never underestimate any injury, even if it\'s just a sprain, because long-term playing with such an injury is likely to cause habitual sprain, which is very difficult to treat.

The next day! Just as the Lakers arrived in Boston for their first training session, Ji Feng was escorted to the hospital by the most professional medical team.

"Jifeng! Can you tell me something about the injury? "

"Jifeng, Jifeng! Can you catch up with the next away game? "

"Will your injury threaten your career?"

As soon as he got out of the car, Ji Feng was surrounded by groups of reporters. Looking around, there were no less than 100 reporters from all over the world. Fortunately, the Lakers had been prepared, and a security team of dozens of people opened the road. Ji Feng was also very calm and entered the hospital with the help of his assistants!

This scene has also been reported by many media around the world, people have to sigh that Jifeng is Jifeng, going to a hospital is such a big battle

And a few hours later, Jifeng walked out of the hospital, waved to reporters and walked out of the hospital, and then left by car.

Left a pile of waiting for Ji Feng to come out to accept the interview reporters looked at each other.

"So, what\'s the situation..." Asked a reporter, looking at the Laker team, who had no one left in the blink of an eye.

"Well According to the appearance of Ji Feng, it should not be too serious... " Another reporter replied.

In fact, the Laker management and coaching team got the hospital inspection report later. The report shows that Ji Feng\'s left ankle sprain is more serious. Although it shows Ji Feng\'s recovery ability is excellent, according to the past rules, Ji Feng\'s sprain of this degree is expected to be suspended for 7-14 days!

Two weeks, this is a terrible recovery schedule, which means that if the recovery is not as expected, Jifeng is likely to be reimbursed this season, that is to say, he will miss all finals!

And in the best case, Jifeng can only catch up with staples\' sixth finals!

"Shit! What a hell!" Kupchak slapped the table hard. This season, the Lakers had a smooth sailing, even set a record, reached the finals, and led the opponent Celtics 2-0 first. Seeing from the O\'Brien cup and the revival of the Lakers, Kupchak lost his cool.

"Don\'t worry, old man, it\'s already happened. Now we should think about how we should deal with this situation. You know, I got 200 calls a day today, all of which came to inquire about Ji Feng\'s situation." Said old bass, pinching out his cigar.

"My suggestion is to keep it secret. Inside the team, I think Jackson has to tell us, and I think we should ask Ji Feng for his opinion." Kupchak said after calming down.

As a qualified general manager, he soon thought of the possible impact of Ji Feng\'s injury. It is not exaggeration to say that this matter is likely to affect the final victory or defeat of the finals.

"You are right. Ji Feng is very important to us. We need him, but we have to face the situation of losing him temporarily. Do you think we can keep it completely secret from the outside world?" Said old bass."There is no airtight wall in the world, it is very difficult, but if it is published, it will probably affect our morale!" Kupchak\'s analysis is very clear.

"Then announce it! Rule down, hold a news conference in the evening, we only say that Ji Feng is seriously injured and his return date is not determined! I\'ll talk to Ji Feng later. In addition, I\'ll find the best sports rehabilitation expert! " Said old bass.

"I see! I\'ll go now Kupchak\'s eyes brightened. Since this matter must not be kept secret, tell the truth. But they didn\'t tell the specific situation. They simply muddled the water and let them guess!


This can greatly reduce the impact of public opinion and morale on the Lakers. No wonder the boss is the boss and he is a wage earner.

Kupchak was happy to go, and the Zen master there also got the news. He quickly understood Bass\'s intention, but he didn\'t tell the players clearly, only that Ji Feng was likely to catch the third game.

This sentence will give the Lakers a lot of motivation, fighting for the green army, waiting for season peak to become their will.

At the moment, Ji Feng, who is doing rehabilitation at home, does not know that his injury has led to so many storms.

But even if he knew he didn\'t care, he asked the imperial sister, everything was ok, so he looked at the doctor\'s diagnosis and threw it aside.

However, soon, he also saw the press conference held by the Lakers. Looking at the stunned eyes of the reporters, Ji Feng felt that when he came back, it would be more lively ~

but on June 10, the main character of sports news was still Ji Feng. The front page of ESPN said: "Ji Feng is seriously injured, green army opportunity is coming!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!