Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 801


Too strong!

This is how everyone feels about Ji Feng.

Drag a foot, up can not only 4-4 in the offensive end, efficient 9 points, but also send a subtle assist, help the Lakers narrow the gap to only two points, in the defense end also let pierce 3 shot only 1.

Once in a while, the injured Jifeng and the healthy pierce didn\'t fall into the downwind at all. This made Jifeng fans excited, and also let countless neutral fans sigh. As expected, there is a reason why Jifeng can be selected in Trinity in rookie year. There is a difference between the best one and the best three.

This kind of remark is that pierce has no time to watch TV, otherwise his depression will be more serious

However, pierce on the bench at the moment estimated that he had no time to think about these problems. Rivers was squatting at his feet to do psychological construction for him. Obviously, he was still the main attack point of the green shirt in the next two minutes.

But look at the green shirt soldiers at the moment, with two big words on their faces: "pressure!"

It can be seen that Jifeng injury this opportunity let them really do not want to miss, but because of this, their psychological pressure is really too big.

It can be seen from their dialogue:

"we must win!"

"We\'re going to win, guys! It will be! "

Carrying such a burden, I can only wish them good luck

The Laker next door is full of momentum. In front of Ji Feng is a team doctor who helps to deal with the ankle, and behind him is someone who helps hand out water and towel, just like a Los Angeles giant. Ji Feng himself and Kobe Bryant cheer on all the players. What\'s more, Ji Feng\'s words are better than Jackson\'s.

"Believe me!" Ji Feng\'s words are very simple, but absolutely effective!

And the Lakers have no burden at the moment, win is to earn, they have already been desperate, so the expression on the people\'s faces is focused, and nothing else.

Pause over!

The final suspense is coming!

The green army for the first attack, to this time, the green army to carry out their slow pace, try to spend the offensive time, try not to let the Lakers have the opportunity to run fast attack, of course, can not make mistakes.

Allen continued to use the running involved, inside Perkins ran out to pick and roll, pierce picked up the basketball again.

This time Pierce face frame attack, shakes off the season peak mid shot.

"Yes!" pierce waved his fist excitedly.

However, although the goal was scored, ESPN commentators felt that the green army could play a little more complicated and didn\'t have to give every ball to pierce.

"Celtics actually have more choices. It\'s true that Jifeng is injured, but your tactical intention is too obvious. You can\'t give every ball to pierce. You have three giants. Garnett is obviously a strong point. Although he has hardly shot a key ball in his career, you can\'t let him run back and forth all the time. In this way, the Lakers will find a way to deal with it It\'s a way. "

This topic needs to be verified in the next round, and now the Lakers have proved once again how fluent their offense can be with Ji Feng.

Jifeng catches the ball at the top of the arc, then hands it over with Gasol, and then goes down. Gasol passes the ball up to Jifeng, and Jifeng cuts the ball inside!

His speed is very slow, but the rhythm is very good, which makes those who say that Ji Feng\'s breakthrough depends solely on speed have no face. Ji Feng uses pause to let pierce show his flaws, and then worship Buddha!

Pierce\'s eating!

He obviously made an empiricism mistake, because he liked to score goals with smash and super stagnant after body contact after Ji Feng\'s breakthrough. Pierce just seemed to forget that Ji Feng\'s feet couldn\'t jump at all.

And then there\'s a light throw!


Five out of five!

"Jifeng can also play floor flow, too strong."

After the ball, the fans exclaimed, it seems that Ji Feng is definitely playing with his brain and skills. This is very similar to Kobe and Jordan. They have strong body and delicate skills. They will have 1000 ways to beat you, just depending on which one he wants to use.

However, Jifeng also has his own consideration. He can limit his performance and do not jump if he doesn\'t touch. In this way, he can avoid the second injury of his foot. In case the guy over there is forced to come to him again, he will lose more than he gains.

Well, it\'s impossible to say that everyone is a good person. My friends, please search for the number of superstars in the league who were hit by others when they were injured

The difference is still two points. Now the game is only more than one minute. The whole game has reached the most exciting moment. All the fans on the field have stood up, including the fans in front of the TV, and no one can sit on the stool safely.

More than one minute, strictly speaking, there are only three attacks left for both sides. The difference of two points is not safe. Everything is full of suspense.

"Pull it out, pull it out!" rivers stood at the edge of the field and waved to the players in the field. The ball was so important that they would take the initiative to score.Rondo dribbles and Fisher defends near the three-point line. After all, the man released his shot from a long distance. It would be recognized if he made a sudden move to shoot for the Lakers. But this kind of thing is very difficult to happen in a dream.

Sure enough, Rondo had 13 seconds left to score the ball, and pierce, after Garnett\'s cover and Ray Allen\'s opening, shook off Jifeng and came out to catch the ball.

He wants to break through!

Confident pierce played the crotch dribble, then ready to break to the right, which was basically forbidden by the League coach when Ji Feng\'s legs were good.

In a word, there are not many broken balls in Jifeng. It\'s not the season peak water. When the players see Ji Feng in defense, they seldom play tricks in front of him. Except those who dribble really hard, most players are forbidden by the coach to show their skills in front of Jifeng, because the mothers who will be shown usually don\'t know it.

But pierce seized a good opportunity. At this time, he was confident that Jifeng could not break his ball. Playing like this would just take time and break through to kill.

Very safe!

But he seems to forget that there is someone behind Ji Feng waiting for pierce to go inside!

It\'s Kobe!

In Pierce\'s breakthrough in the moment, Kobe abandoned Ray Allen and chose to double with Jifeng!

Close the door!

Pierce was closed solid knot, all of a sudden hit Kobe, his hands raised the ball was Jifeng right hand slap to the front court!

Then Kobe Bryant a fly to grasp the basketball, Jifeng flash past Pierce\'s big butt, Kobe hit the ground to Jifeng, Jifeng this moment regardless of his foot pain, directly to the front court.

Behind him is a face muddled Pierce, but Jifeng did not give him a chance, to the three-point line on the direct pursuit of three points!

"Onway!" pierce jumped up the cover in despair, but it was too late. The basketball went straight into the net!

The Lakers are super!

With less than 40 seconds left at the moment, the green army stopped for a short time, and Ray Allen\'s jump shot was blocked directly by Kobe.

Ji Feng finds basketball!

The Lakers spent the last 20 seconds, Kobe shot again!

Lead to 3 points!

After that, Ray Allen\'s desperate three-point shot allowed the Lakers to cross the border! , the fastest update of the webnovel!