Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 789

Rivers\' words will not be doubted, after all, this is only the first game, for the finals, everything is just beginning.

Judging from the performance of the two teams tonight, this round of series is not so simple. The victory or defeat of one match is not enough to announce the victory or defeat of the whole series.

As for Jifeng\'s performance, rivers was very clever and didn\'t give much evaluation. Naturally, he knew that Jifeng\'s performance tonight was phenomenal. His defensive strategy was eclipsed in front of Jifeng\'s unreasonable three points, which is one of the main reasons why he lost today.

Then there was the collapse of the whole mentality. In the last two minutes, they didn\'t even organize a proper counterattack. It was only by 8 points scored by Cassell that they could not lose more than 10%, which could be regarded as a trace of face.

To be able to blow up the Celtic, who is famous for his iron and hard line, we can imagine how divine Jifeng is tonight.

However, after all, the giants of the green army have a wealth of experience. After initial impatience, pierce, Garnett and others have already adjusted during the press conference.

"If you say it\'s tonight, then of course, 12-8, primary school students all know who is the better one. Tonight he set a new record, which is great. Not everyone has the chance to set a record, let alone in the finals, although we are Opponents, but I still have to say that Jifeng is very strong. "

Ray Allen\'s words make those reporters who want to find things fail. Although what he said is similar to what many people think, hearing such praise from a green shirt army always makes people feel that the painting style is wrong.

Ji Feng was sitting next to him. After hearing what Allen said, Ji Feng also praised Allen\'s performance: "Ray Allen is the best one. I\'m just a rookie. If I want to surpass him, I still need to do more."

Well, two people, one brother, two good looks

This reporter is even more messy, said the good Mars! What about the good enemy! Fight! You are fighting! What shall we write if we don\'t fight!

Jifeng has not always been a good companion. Today, Jifeng is fighting with the big men on the opposite side, and the rubbish talk has never stopped. How can we still praise each other at this time!

In fact, the reason is not complicated. First of all, he has accumulated his personality. He has never seen any big waves before. He is old in the world. From his nickname, he is actually very good. He seldom hurts others on the court and doesn\'t often spit rubbish.

Moreover, for Ji Feng, he is more appreciative. As a pitcher, he appreciates another pitcher. Ji Feng\'s performance tonight undoubtedly makes Ray Allen see his bosom friend. After all, in today\'s League, three-point ball is not very valued. Although the inside line is declining, the outside line is also dominated by the inside line.

A lot of stars prefer to shoot long distance two points rather than three points, such as Anthony, Anthony, and Anthony

This kind of atmosphere is very popular in the league. It\'s not black our melon Ann. The main reason is that his playing method is more representative. In addition to him, in fact, many top outside stars are like this.

Before the season peak is also one of the best, but tonight season peak\'s performance undoubtedly let the three-point power show in front of everyone, Ray Allen believes that one day, the three-point ball will really shine in the League!

Well, Ray Allen, the prophet stone hammer.

After that, Garnett and pierce also praised Ji Feng, making many people think that these old guys are playing with snakes

But this also caused Ji Feng\'s vigilance, these guys are not Ray Allen, it seems that this round of series will be more difficult.

But I\'ll leave it to the future. Tonight is the time to enjoy the victory.

At the end of the press conference, the Zen master waved his big hand and all the staff had a half day\'s holiday. Ji Feng drove home with a happy mood and was surrounded by a smiling hot bar. Ji Feng\'s performance tonight made her more convinced that she was Ji Feng\'s lucky star.

And tonight\'s season peak, who can not love it.

At the moment, on the Internet, as long as there are sports related sections, Ji Feng\'s figure is indispensable. Ji Feng has successfully made the headlines of dozens of national sports editions.

Tencent: "three records in one night, Jifeng God comes down to earth! The Lakers take the lead

Slag wave: "all the villains of the Lakers, JK team continues to invincible posture."

Sports Weekly: "no solution season peak, super giant no doubt!"

Domestic media boast that Jifeng has nothing in the sky and on the earth, and the media all over Asia are the same. Japanese media call Ji Feng "the king of basketball on the road", and a strong breath of Chinese and Japanese comes to his face. As for South Korea, he starts to do his old business and is said to have started to investigate whether Jifeng has Korean blood

As for Los Angeles, the joy of winning over the green shirts turned staples into a city that never sleeps. Tens of thousands of fans stayed in the streets to celebrate until early morning.

In Los Angeles, the media touted it even more seriously. Ji Feng\'s image was once again promoted. After all, this is the tradition of the world\'s Metropolitan media. After all, it has won the praise, lost the cancer, and is universal in the worldFor example, a lot of tabloids said that the green army did not have the strength to fight back, Los Angeles swept to win the championship and so on.

In Ji Feng\'s opinion, all the games are watched with the buttocks, and the eyes can\'t be donated to the people in need. Therefore, Ji Feng doesn\'t pay attention to these voices at all. It seems that there is such a thing after watching too much. Only he knows how difficult it is to win the game.

The intensity of the competition made Ji Feng\'s physical strength bottomed out again. Before returning home at night, Wencun fell asleep on the bed and didn\'t wake up until the sun went up. When she woke up, the hot bar went out to work. After all, her external reason was to take pictures here. This formalism still needs to be done.

Ji Feng slowly gets up, after a little washing, while eating boiled chicken breast and steak and a lot of salad, while watching last night\'s news and highlights with his mobile phone.

At the moment, in addition to last night\'s news continues to dominate the screen, the hottest topic on social media is the praise of Ji Feng by a group of new generation players who have not entered the NBA League. Although each of them is not well-known in the society, after all, some of them are still high school students, but the power they bring together is still huge.

For example, the guy named Steven next door was very excited after watching the game. Ji Feng\'s three-point projection, especially the super long-distance three-point shot, made him feel like finding a bosom friend. This made him find the coach wanted to continue his three-point play the next day, and then was punished by the coach to pick up the ball in the morning

While picking up the ball, he asked him to shout, "I\'m not Ji Feng!"

It\'s really quite miserable.

But no one knows how much trouble this guy will make with three points in the future.

As for other people, that\'s more. Ji Feng is just like a super idol.

To paraphrase the Los Angeles Daily: "who doesn\'t like Jifeng?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!