Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 787

"Let\'s congratulate the Los Angeles Lakers! They took the lead in one of the seven best of four finals, leading Boston Celtics 1-0 on aggregate

"They were 11 points behind in the unfavorable situation, and finally successfully reversed the score and successfully defended their home court!"

"They\'ve been able to maintain their home advantage and the next game is still at Staples Center. We\'ll be here three days later on June 9."

Yu Jia can\'t sit still on the second floor. The lingering charm of the competition can be clearly felt from his voice. He finally came to the scene to explain. Now he is going to take a picture with his hero Ji Feng!

He has to hurry up. According to his experience, Jifeng is definitely a hot cake tonight!

However, the director Zhang next to him is still calm. CCTV has made an appointment for Ji Feng\'s post game interview. He will go to the players\' channel to meet Ji Feng. He is checking the data of the game. By the way, he will think about how to blow Jifeng fresh and refined without leaving any trace!

Well, director Zhang has long coveted Su Qun\'s reputation in the first season, especially after today\'s competition, which can be regarded as the masterpiece of Ji Feng\'s career, he can\'t wait any more.

However, Su Qun, who was concerned about him, started ahead of time. As a commentary of Tencent, Su Qun almost went up all the way through the game. After Ji Feng scored the eighth three-point, Rao was a talented person in Su Qun\'s own language, and his vocabulary was bound to bottom out.

But the first time after the game, Su Qun posted a picture of Ji Feng hitting the last three minutes in his column of slag wave, and wrote: "if you are graceful, if you are a dragon, this season peak seems to be the best annotation of this sentence. Tonight belongs to Los Angeles, belongs to Jifeng, but also belongs to every Chinese basketball fan."

Have to say, very strong, if the season peak sees, have to give him a clap, this flatter is too cow have.

However, Chinese fans are not aware of the excessive, according to their view, this season peak performance how can not blow too much.

"Green shirt Soldier: I did, and you."

"There is no solution to Jifeng online three points, who said that Jifeng three points is not good, please make a face three times and then say sorry to Jifeng."

"It\'s another miserable day for Jihei."

"Despair, 12 threes, knife cut on the hemp tendon, that sour, I can\'t believe it!"

"Invincible! Invincible! This kind of performance is really amazing! "

In the live broadcast room of the forum, the praise of Ji Feng has been promoted to a higher level. Some fans even think that Ji Feng is the most powerful player in China ever, and there is no one of them.

And in staples, the moment the game ended, staples began to rain golden. After a stirring game, they could finally celebrate.

The Laker players all ran into the field, beating the green shirt here, is definitely the highlight of their career, they have reason to celebrate tonight.

It\'s a crazy game!

43 points, 7 rebounds, 5 assists and 2 blocks!

At the same time, he also handed over the invincible data of 12 out of 16 three-point goals, setting a record of three-point shooting in NBA history!

In addition, Ji Feng\'s 5-out-of-5 free throws, 2-out-of-3 two-point shots, 73% of the whole field and 75% of the three-point shooting rate, which blinds all professionals.

And this is the final G1 season peak to hand over the answer sheet!

Extraordinary, do not need any words, data to explain everything, tonight\'s season peak is so unexplained, so desperate!

Jifeng has also become the most brilliant player in the league\'s history!

Bird wrote on social media after the game: "is this some April Fool\'s Day joke? Please, it\'s not funny at all."

And Reggie Miller also wrote again: "Ji Feng Sheng, this guy seems to be able to directly teach others how to stay competitive in the playoffs, or how to shoot the key three points in the finals. I think there will be a lot of people signing up."

Reggie Miller\'s words are disguised to admit that Jifeng is already a super giant. After all, the finals are the stage all NBA players yearn for. No matter how supernatural you are in the regular season and you can\'t have performance opportunities in the finals, you can\'t prove your value.

In NBA, every superstar or even super giant must go through the baptism of the finals. Only after experiencing the finals can we know what real basketball is.

Like tonight\'s suffocating defense and competition atmosphere, you feel oppressed every time you touch the ball. Therefore, under such pressure, it\'s more difficult to play well

but under this competition, no one dares to question the great appearance of Ji Feng!

And many green army fans are sad. Tonight\'s green army is good enough, and Ray Allen could have been the absolute protagonist. They almost took a victory in Los Angeles, but the appearance of Ji Feng broke their fantasy, and the way was brutal!

Ji Feng is expected to soon become the most hated player for green army fans

But for the Laker players, it should be an honor, isn\'t it.And Smith in the moment after the end of the game said: "this is an epic level of the duel, Jifeng also handed over the epic level of the answer paper!"

Buckley even worshipped him in his chair. He could not believe the existence of this kind of data even though he was blowing this season. In particular, the 12-3 points in a single game were not rampant. It\'s really frightening at a time when the three points are not rampant.

When ESPN resumed the game after the game, he directly awarded Ji Feng the best player in the first show of the historical finals, believing that his performance was phenomenal.

"The first NBA season, the first tour of the finals, the first finals, the first World War I set a number of NBA records, playing forward, calm, brave style, he has all the perfect qualities of professional players, you can not be conquered by him."

This view has also been recognized by many people, after all, the rookie in the first game of the finals on the only one person Ji Feng.

And this topic has also caused extensive discussion among fans, many of whom have been referred to their performance on the finals debut.

However, even if the scope is extended to all the players who play in the finals for the first time, there are not many players who can compete with Ji Feng. Except for the man who led the team to the finals in the year when staples slashed 48 points, 5 rebounds, 6 assists and 5 steals in the first game, "answer" is Iverson. Jordan, who made his debut in the finals, contributed 36 points, 8 rebounds, 12 assists and 3 steals Break the triple double to help the Bulls beat the Lakers.

This can also see the strength of the Lakers, many stories are inseparable from one of the protagonists.

There is O\'Neill\'s first game 26 points, 16 rebounds, 9 assists and 3 blocks, but he was tormented by olajuwangwang, and he also lost the ball, so it\'s a pity to go away.

So Jifeng unconsciously, again gained a title , the fastest update of the webnovel!