Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 780


Look at this very low score, the two teams only 39 points, even less than 40 points, you know this season, the Lakers have a single quarter 50 + crazy performance, but now, want to put the ball into the basket is not an easy thing, you are full of obstacles.

If you use a word to comment on the first quarter of the game, there is no more appropriate word than anxiety. The whole court seems to be a huge meat grinder, both sides keep fighting and constantly consuming.


Every corner of staples!

Even Buckley said bluntly in the Live Room: "I think the confrontation between the Lakers and the Spurs, the Celtics and the pistons is enough to represent the highest level of defense in the league today. But after watching this game, I have to say I\'m wrong. The level of confrontation between the green army and the Lakers is the highest I\'ve seen this season, even not losing to the original OK Laker Duncan spurs collision!"





the Laker fans in the stands finally experienced the confrontation in the Finals again. No matter the tactical level, the confrontation between the stars and the fierce degree on the field, they all improved a level than the previous playoffs, which made many old fans intoxicated.

Take a look at Nicholson, a veteran fan on the sidelines, who has never sat down. Standing on the sidelines, he has tried his best to interfere with the green army players, and by the way, he is worried about every shot made by the Lakers. This has led to his whole face flushed and his shawl distributed. He looks like a sharp brother in Los Angeles, but he doesn\'t feel that his image is damaged at all.

After all, it\'s fun to watch the ball!

And that kind of tension brings suffocation, let a lot of fans who only like the Lakers this season feel tired after only 12 minutes, such as drinking two bottles of water in one session But they\'re still cheering for the Lakers.

"Listen, guys, the first quarter was good, they\'re in our rhythm now, and in the second quarter we\'re going to give the arrogant Los Angeles people some color to see!" Although he lost one point and didn\'t score 20 in the first quarter, rivers was very satisfied with the green team\'s performance.

That\'s how they play. As long as they can win, he doesn\'t mind how many points they get in a game. Moreover, according to their defense based tactics, seven or eighty points are common.

So now the low score rhythm is exactly what they like!

Now, rivers decided to take the initiative to change, the test is over, it is time to light the sword, and his candidates are not Garnett and pierce, but the three distracted shot, gentleman ray!

This is the result of careful consideration. In the first quarter, they made a dead play inside. In the first quarter, they didn\'t take a three-point attack in a quarter. Almost all of them broke through or hit one on the inside line. This led to the Laker\'s defense concentrating on the inside line, and the contraction was particularly severe. Therefore, this gave Ray Allen the opportunity to shoot!

"Ray Allen! I\'m going to let Perkins and Davis pick and roll. You go from here and around here, Rondo will pass the ball to you and take the ball straight out, you know what Rivers said on the tactical board.

It has to be said that although rivers has been criticized for the single tactics, especially the attack, which is basically a three board axe, playing ball by defense, but this hand still reflects his coaching level, and his ability to seize opportunities is not bad.

He chose to let Ray Allen continue to play in the second line-up, so in the first quarter, he let Ray Allen rest for 5 minutes, in order to misplace to play the Laker\'s backup lineup. In his opinion, the Lakers won\'t let Kobe on at this time, and Jifeng he prepared James Posey to hold him down, and Ray Allen can make a good shot!

And by the way, Garnett pierce can earn time off and do more with one stone.

As for the reason why Ray Allen can\'t make a shot, it\'s not in his consideration, because he has absolute confidence in Ray Allen. Even if the season peak suddenly rises this season, in terms of three points and projection ability, after Reggie Miller retired, rivers\' No.1 is definitely Ray Allen!

In fact, today\'s Ray Allen has further evolved his own projection ability. His range covers the entire three-point range, and his hit rate is very impressive. Moreover, he has a killer instinct that other shooters don\'t have.

“OK!” Ray Allen patted himself on the chest. That\'s what he does. Shooting three points is as easy for him as eating and drinking.

The game starts again!

As rivers expected, the Lakers made it to the season peak with Bynum and Turiaf inside, Farmar and Wharton on the outside. Standard second quarter early lineup.

Next door, there\'s a combination of Ray Allen, Rondo, James Posey, Perkins and Davis.

Green Army ball right!

"See you again, boy. We\'re going to have a good fight this time." James Posey faces Jifeng and dribbles with rubbish in his mouth and looks like he wants to play singles.

Jifeng didn\'t pay attention to it. Instead, he stood up to defend. In addition to Ray Allen, the most powerful attack force was James Posey, who was black and hard. So Jifeng was always ready to go up and give him some color to have a look.Well, many people also think so. After all, James Posey\'s mouth gun Max before the game, can he advise this opportunity?

However, it turned out that this was the case. James Posey gave Rondo the ball directly and ran away with Jifeng.

"I wipe..." Ji Feng wants to make complaints about it. This is smaller than thunder and rain.


Before Ji Feng can catch up with him and start spraying, the sudden change of situation on the field, Ray Allen on the flank suddenly starts to accelerate. His speed is absolutely very strong in position 2. The sudden acceleration makes Farmar not even keep up with him. Perkins doesn\'t even need to pick up and roll. Rondo directly points the ball, and Ray Allen\'s three-point shot!


With tacit understanding!

"Wow, this season\'s typical green tactics, Ray Allen ran without the ball to catch the ball, this is the green team\'s first three-point goal in this game, Celtic counter super Yu Jia said.

"Defense! Keep up Ji Feng Chong FA Mar shouts, this ball is too careless, how can let go of Ray Allen.

And when the Lakers from Ji Feng after the tie after the layup, the green team back, this time Farmar to keep up, but Perkins big butt and big baby big elbow let Farmar almost die on the spot.

As a result, Ray Allen made three points again!

Enter again!

2-2 3-pointer!

If Ray Allen doesn\'t make a move, he will kill. The green army is 3 points ahead. The balance on the field is actually broken.

It\'s so terrifying.

Moreover, Ray Allen did not stop his performance. In the next three minutes, he took advantage of his chance to play Farmar, and he went out five times from the three-point line and hit four goals!

He also made a pass error for Farmar on the defensive end, and long long\'s counter attack and fast break were in.

"The Lakers were passive. Ji Feng got 5 points, but he didn\'t quench his thirst. The Green Army played a 14-7 in 5 minutes, leading by 6 points." Yu Jia said with a little worry that everyone could see that the green army was on the rise.

"Ray Allen, gentleman ray, fierce!" Zhang said with emotion.

The Lakers need to come up with a solution now! , the fastest update of the webnovel!