Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 772

West sighed for a while, then said hello to all the Lakers and stood on the Laker logo in the middle of the dressing room. West didn\'t forget the purpose of his coming here.

"Ji Feng said it\'s a conspiracy of those guys. They want us to mess ourselves up and make them a challenger. If we get caught in the scheme, we\'ll suffer a lot. If we don\'t adjust in time, you\'ll be happy to get a runner up, just like me." West said with a smile.

Time is really a good thing, he can now easily say such things as runner up, you know, competitive sports, runner up is very cruel.

He has never said anything about his failure to get MVP anywhere, because it is nothing to be happy about for him.

At that time, they had a chance to win the championship. The defeated MVP could only remind him of this point countless times, and that was the closest time for his old brother Elgin Baylor to win the championship. That defeat made Baylor a lifelong champion and retired regretfully.

Jerry West, he\'s a great admirer of Jifeng. His contribution to the whole Laker needs not be said much. He\'s a natural basketball player, whether he\'s a player or a manager.

As a manager, he is not the same as Jordan, who has a very poor talent selection. After retiring, he created two dynasties in the Laker through trade and draft. West made great contributions to the achievements of "Showtime" and "OK".

(in real life, west left the Lakers in the warriors, with one by one to create the prototype of the warriors, this ability can be called terror, as if to make up for his frustration on the court, and now in the clippers, fans can wait for the Clippers to have any action, and the Clippers are playing well today.)

As a player, he had 14 years of career and 14 years of All-Star. He was also the first rookie of the Lakers to enter the all star season. Until the peak of the season, no one inherited West\'s achievements.

Naturally, there are countless other honors. He scored 25192 points in his 14 years of career. It is hard to believe that if he can play the data for 20 years, he averaged 29.1 points in 153 playoffs. Among them, he scored 40.6 points per game in 11 playoffs in 1965, which can be called a terrifying performance.

But behind this is his slightly sad story. This is a superstar who has played in the finals almost all his career. He has reached the finals nine times in his career, accounting for more than half of his career season. But he only won one championship in the end, and all of the first six times were defeated by the green shirt army. He is also the only man who has won the finals MVP as a loser.

It has to be said that this has seriously affected his historical position, but we have to admit that he was still an incomparable figure at that time. West\'s greatness, because of its very mismatched glory, has already exceeded the conventional definition. He let the championship as a hard indicator, to the greatest extent, has no proof value.

However, the truth will not forget West. With his feat of personal development and historical progress, he is always deeply active in the consciousness of even distant bystanders in the huge effect beyond the championship.

"At that time, we were careless. It was not just the management. Of course, now people are saying that the management inflated and prepared the balloon to celebrate the victory in advance. But isn\'t that normal? In the seventh game, no matter what the victory or defeat is, some things should be prepared. This is their job, and the players play after all, which is more like for me It\'s just a way to get rid of the players. In fact, it\'s the players who inflate Said West.

"At that time, as now, the outside world said that we would win, we would end the consistent Dynasty of those horrible guys. At that time, the whole league was waiting for someone who could kill those guys. They were so powerful. The eight consecutive titles were like a big black cloud, covering all the teams. At that time, we had the best chance. ”

"that year we did a great job, we almost beat them, we suppressed them, we had home advantage, victory was in front of us, at that time, all of us were thinking about what it meant to us to defeat them, we lost our square in front of the honor."

"We lost."

West\'s voice is very quiet, but Ji Feng can feel the calm in the unwilling, they lost to their opponents, also lost to themselves.

"Boys, you have a chance to make history and do better than us. It\'s up to you." West said, patting the nearest Gasol on the shoulder, then turning away from the dressing room.

"Guys, I think we need to analyze those guys!" Kobe stood up and said.

"Hooray! this is it! Come on, guys, let\'s have a series of tactics lessons Ji Feng shouts.

"Come on! We have to do those guys here!" Bynum dropped his clothes.

West\'s statement is effective, at least the Lakers are not blindly optimistic now, they began to seriously analyze the green team\'s lineup.

After analysis, we have to say that the green team is still very strong, especially their backup lineup, whose thickness is definitely better than that of the Lakers.First, as like as two peas in the first place, the green army\'s three giants can match the Lakers JKJ exactly.

Gasol against garnet, this will be a very fierce confrontation, garnet will be a little stronger, after all, is the most comprehensive big front in history, but Gasol is not bad, he should be the killer of the Lakers.

Then there is Kobe and Ray Allen. The comparison is definitely Kobe\'s advantage. Whether it is defensive or offensive, Allen alone can\'t solve Kobe, but Kobe can only lightning Allen, but Allen\'s three points are still unsolved.

In the end, Pierce\'s match with last season peak will be the key to win or lose. Pierce is the core of the green army and also the spiritual leader. His weight is his sharp weapon, but he also has flexibility. He has a long shot, the key ball is stable, and the most important is defense. Whether he will limit Ji Feng is the focus of everyone\'s concern, and vice versa.

After the center, Bynum and Perkins, this group of Bynum should be dominant, but Perkins frame protection ability and hardness is Bynum does not have.

On the guard line, Rondo\'s organizing ability is better than that of the three man team of the Lakers\' guard line, but his offensive ability is not enough, so there are still some to play, depending on who can play the advantage.

The main line-up is infinitely close to 55. Maybe the Lakers are stronger, but not too many, but they will suffer from the substitutes.

Green reserve, James Posey, Tony Allen, Eddie House, big baby Davis, PJ brown and alien Cassel.

Almost all of these guys can be called bench bandits, especially James Posey. His attack and defense are very balanced, while Tony Allen\'s defense is tough. Davis is even heavier than Howard.

"The play of the substitute will be the key!" Said the Zen master. , the fastest update of the webnovel!