Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 769

On the night of May 31, Auburn Hill Palace.

The referee blew the whistle at the end of the game. The pistons fans started to leave the field. The score was 81-89, and the green shirt team had an 8-point advantage. They beat the pistons away!

Boston exploded!

At the moment of the end of the game, the fans on the square in front of the North Bank Garden stadium began to celebrate crazily. All the beer and drinks flew into the sky, and there were even pieces of clothes. The fans were crazy and chanted the slogan:

"go and win the championship! Go and win! Go and win it

Such shouts resound through the night sky!

Countless green army loyalists were celebrating crazily. In the camera, many old fans were in tears. Bill Russell, the "Lord of the rings" on the sidelines, was also red eyed. The refrigerator beside him covered his face with his hands to hide his tears.

In the field, pierce hugged Garnett tightly and kept saying "thank you" in his ear. Ray Allen was also excited to run all over the field. The excitement was expressed in his words.

This passion reached its climax when the three giants jointly won the eastern championship trophy. Countless green army fans announced in various channels that their green army is back!

The last game was in the north bank garden. The green shirt army of the three armies won Tianwang mountain with one victory, occupying the absolute initiative of promotion.

Garnett scored 33 points in 44 minutes, pierce scored 16 points, and Ray Allen scored 29 points, including 5 out of 6 of 3 points and Perkins 22 points. In the face of over 45 minutes\' hard work of the Pistons\' main force, they were 106-102 and carried to the end.

In this game, facing the devil\'s home court Auburn palace, the green army\'s iron and blood defense limited the physically weak pistons. In this game, pierce stood up, 10 out of 12, 10 out of 13 free throws, 27 points, Garnett 16 points, 8 rebounds, and Ray Allen 17 points.

Pistons although Billups recovered to 29 points, 6 rebounds and 6 assists, but still did not help, the green army victory heart, too strong!

"Let\'s congratulate the Boston Celtics for winning the pistons again at home and knocking out their opponents 4-2 on aggregate, so that they will become the Eastern Conference champion of this season, and also successfully reach the finals to meet the Los Angeles Lakers!"

"The pistons did their best, but they still didn\'t block the crazy play of the three giants. In front of the finals, these old guys really fought hard. The crazy trade in the draft conference last summer has fully demonstrated his influence. Pierce, Ray Allen and Garnett, three famous stars, finally won the Division final trophy at the end of their career , and made it to the finals. This is their first trip to the finals

Buckley\'s tone is full of emotion and even some envy. According to Buckley\'s peak, he also led the team to the finals at that time, which should not be envied. But what he envies is that these old guys still have the opportunity to attack the championship, but it is his regret that there is no Championship. It is hard for ordinary people to understand this feeling.

"The green shirt army still advanced, this year\'s finals, will explode!" Ji Feng turned on the TV just to see this scene.

Although Ji Feng thought that the green army would be promoted a few days ago, when this moment really appeared, it was still very mysterious.

When was the last time the Green Army played the finals? He couldn\'t remember. Well, he was not born at that time.

"Not an easy opponent, those guys, tough." James said with some emotion that when he was a teenager, it was the time when the green army and the Laker played each other crazily. It has been so many years in a flash.

The network exploded in an instant, and the green army entered the finals, which was a great event for the NBA. The green army loyalists on the east coast finally found the first vent in more than 20 years, and the forum was instantly jammed.

Many domestic fans just feel that Garnett, Ray Allen and pierce, the familiar stars, have entered the finals and congratulated them. However, in the United States, this is crazy, especially when the opponent next door is the Lakers!

Many uncles in their 40s leave crazy messages on the Internet, saying that their youth is back!

If you look carefully, you will find many fans aged 60-70, who are also feeling their youth.

The NBA official website is the first time to replace the pictures on the official website with purple gold representing the Lakers, and green representing Celtic, jkj and the big three!

Tencent sports immediately released the headline: "the eternal Yellow and green war, the eternal enemy!"

Zha Lang: "yellow and green finally meet, century duel, please look forward to it!"

the Los Angeles media published: "the best script! Let\'s get rid of the green shirts! "

The Boston media, on the other hand, do not give in to each other. Frankly speaking, only when you step on the Los Angeles people can you win the championship!

The news also blew up countless celebrities of the two teams. More than 20 jerseys flying in the green army stadium told people how glorious their history was.

Although big bird bird bird is no longer in the green army, he still publishes articles to support his old boss, and does not change the essence of his Sao Hua Wang: "four games, it\'s so simple."Then the pattern is the following reply: "yes, you can go home in four games!"

Yes, the two teams that have won 31 titles have met again in the playoffs after 21 years!

The enmity between the two teams runs through the history of the NBA. How deep is the resentment between them? To paraphrase a sentence from hafferchek: "do you still need to mobilize to play the Laker? We will climax when we look at the opposite side."

Look, how straightforward.

But this is the fact that the two teams, as the two big NBA giants, have fought for more than half a century and three times.

Apart from other things, not counting this time, in the history of the league, the two teams have successfully met in the finals for 10 times, which is enough to be a good story.

However, this may not be a good history for the Lakers, because in these 10 games, the Lakers only won 2 times, 2-8 losses, the Lakers have a huge disadvantage.

Throughout the 1960s, the Lakers and Celtics met six times in the finals, and the Lakers all lost to the Celtics. Among them, the 68-69 season was the closest time for the Lakers to win the championship.

Originally, the seventh game of the two sides was held in the western forum arena. The Lakers were expected to win the championship, but the bad thing was that cook, the owner of the Lakers, was too confident and prepared the balloons for the championship celebration in advance. As a result, the Celtics players on the scene felt insulted, rose up and beat the Lakers again.

As a result, this finals also became the only player in NBA history who won the MVP as a loser, Jerry West.

This is also the reason why the Lakers have kept a low profile this season. I can\'t help it. I\'m afraid of losing!

This situation didn\'t get better until the 1980s. The Lakers created Showtime\'s brilliance. They played against Celtics three times in the finals. This time, the Lakers finally changed their depression in the 1960s. They fought three times and won two times, respectively in 85 and 87.

The last time the two teams met was in the 1986-1987 finals. It was the last time for the black and white devils to meet. The magic led Laker defeated the green shirt 4-2 on the aggregate!

And this time, who is in charge of ups and downs! , the fastest update of the webnovel!