Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 767

At the end of the award ceremony, Ji Feng also became the focus of reporters\' pursuit. Back to back triple doubles, the final Jue Ping snatch, and the last 0.8 second legendary shot, the great reversal of the 19 minute epic Ji Feng made the game full of topics.

After the award ceremony, Ji Feng received an exclusive interview with Tencent sports with the trophy representing the Western champion.

"Can I touch it?" Shen Yang looked at the cup in Jifeng\'s hand and said.

"No problem, of course." Ji Feng handed it to Shen Yang with a smile. In fact, he didn\'t intend to take it with him. After all, this was not Ji Feng\'s alone, but Tencent insisted on carrying it. After getting the consent of the coaching team and team-mates, Jifeng also held it.

He still remembers what Kobe said when he took the trophy: "just take it, you can play, I have four of them."

Jifeng: "it\'s just

How can the Japanese table tennis team see the Chinese team

However, although the Lakers and Kobe can\'t look up to it, it\'s the first time for domestic fans to see the cup like this. After all, Yao didn\'t make a lot of appearance last time, and the Spurs couldn\'t give him the cup. It\'s clear from Shen Yang\'s careful appearance.

When Shen Yang shows it in front of the camera, Tencent\'s live room is full of praise, of course, there are all kinds of ridicule of Dayao

Talented netizens put Yao P on the photos of the Laker\'s cup. Yao looked at Ji Feng with envy on his face, and the supporting text was the same as Shen Yang said: "can I touch your cup?"

Of course, there are also fans who expect Jifeng to join hands with Dayao, Jifeng + Dayao, just think about it.

In the channel, Shen Yang returned the trophy to Ji Feng and started the official interview!

"What\'s it like to get the Western cup?"

"It\'s great, especially at the moment of scoring. Now I understand why you are chasing the O\'Brien cup. This feeling is really intoxicating. I think it will be more enjoyable to be able to hold the O\'Brien cup!" Ji Feng held the cup and said, "and I think I will come back again!"

"Yes! I believe it too Shen Yang is full of small fists, but she is watching Ji Feng come here step by step. She is absolutely confident of Jifeng: "but you have won the Western championship. What\'s the next goal? Are you confident to win the championship?"

"Of course! Our next goal is to win the final championship. No matter the pistons or the green shirt, I think our goal is only the champion. I think they think so too

Jifeng did not cover up, no more low-key, nor afraid of poison milk, all entered the final finals, their goal of course is the championship!

"Come on Shen Yang looks at the domineering Ji Feng, and he is full of pride in his heart. Ji Feng is the first Chinese player who can shout out the championship Declaration on the world\'s highest basketball stage.

Of course, Jifeng has this strength, also has this qualification!

Meanwhile, other Laker players interviewed by media all over the world expressed their desire to win the championship!

Kobe: "it\'s a question, champion. That\'s what we\'re aiming for at the beginning of the season."

Gasol: "I\'m here to prove that I can help the team win."

Fisher: "there is no doubt that our journey is not over. We are not going to have a party. This party will stay in June."

Zen master Jackson: "the champagne is hidden. I\'m waiting for the day to open it!"

These remarks have also been reported to all over the world with the media, and the Lakers have finally revealed their last tusks, the purple gold legion, and finally come back!

As the loser of this war, the Spurs also generously accepted the interview, Duncan expressed his congratulations to the Lakers: "congratulations to them, this is what they deserve, we exhausted all our strength, but they are very strong."

"The last champion? Of course I hope it\'s the Lakers. They\'re from the West and they beat us, don\'t they Said Ginobili.

"About Ji Feng? Oh, roar, what else can I say? As you can see, he is a legendary rookie. He has changed the definition of rookie. You can check whether this guy is the rookie who scored the most points in the playoffs. No, no, no, I don\'t hate him at all. Although he knocked me down, the court is like this. " Bowen said with a smile.

Popovich emphasized the integrity of the team: "except jkj, the other three guys have played their own strength, they sacrifice for the team, do some dirty work, this team has all the elements to win the championship."

Popovich\'s words coincide with ESPN\'s statement. In addition to Ji Feng\'s three doubles, the five Lakers scored double.

Kobe also played an important role, he got the highest 34 points, 7 rebounds, 7 assists, the playoffs can get 31.2 points, ranked first in the league.

Gasol had 14 points and 12 rebounds, and his pivot became more and more important. Gasol\'s two losing games were caused by Gasol\'s limitation.

Bynum came back with 10 points and 7 rebounds, Fisher had 12 points and 5 assists, Wharton had 8 points, Farmar had 9 points, and Vujacic had 6 points.Compared with the Lakers, the Spurs scored more concentrated, and Duncan scored 26 points and 15 rebounds. Duncan did his best in the series.

Ginobili also got the highest score of 37 points in the game. He was also the biggest contributor to the Spurs\' first half lead. He is worthy of the reputation, and he is still the most dependent scoring point for the Spurs.

Parker got 20 points and 13 assists, and his attention was focused on the organization, and Duncan\'s pick and roll was still the most stable scoring method for the Spurs.

In fact, the Spurs\' GDP performance is slightly better than Laker jkj tonight, but they still lost two points, which is the impact of aging.

The Spurs\' substitutes and veterans focus on defense, which means they don\'t have the physical strength and energy to focus on the offense, and vice versa.

In addition to GDP, only Finley got 10 points, the rest did not double performance, and finally Holly also appeared a fatal defensive loophole.

ESPN said frankly, the Spurs want to make a comeback next season, change is imperative.

At the end of the press conference, the Lakers said goodbye with a sense of happiness. They didn\'t prepare for the party. Everything was left after the finals.

The Spurs players have rushed to the airport, their season is over, the next meeting will be a few months later in the new season, the Spurs hope to defend the title is over again, for someone veteran, it may be the last time for their career to win the championship.

A season of hard work here to end, we can see the Spurs players face unwilling, closer to the championship, the more regret.

But this is the NBA, there is no lack of cruelty, success or defeat, it is so simple. , the fastest update of the webnovel!