Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 764

"Well, tell everyone about your tactics!" After hearing this, Zen master directly handed Ji Feng the tactical board in his hand. He thought Ji Feng\'s words were feasible. Kirby and fisher made a feint attack. This tactic was very bold, but it was only with boldness that he decided to try. Sometimes on the court, he had to be brave and dare to think and do!

In any case, it is the last 0.8 seconds. If it is, it will become. If it is not, there will be no loss. It is a matter of luck.

In terms of stimulating the potential of players, Jackson has always done a good job.

Under the camera, Ji Feng writes and draws with a tactical board and explains the tactics to his teammates. The main tactic is that Gasol must accurately throw the ball into Jifeng\'s hand, otherwise there will be no time. Fortunately, Ji Feng and Gasol have a tacit understanding, and Gasol has a good pass.

“…… That\'s it, guys! Let\'s just do it! If we do, we will be the champion of the Western Conference. Otherwise, we will be doing him for five minutes Jifeng said after throwing the tactical board, holding his side of Farmar and Gasol said.

"Yes! Damn it Cried Bynum.

“OK! Guys, it\'s a goal to see if it\'s a success or not Kobe called out as he gathered everyone into a circle.

Now the camera is all in the direction of the Lakers. When they see Ji Feng holding the tactical board to explain the tactics, everyone gasps.

It\'s hot, blinking and blinking. My boyfriend is really cool!

And Zhang Hengyuan smelled a trace of the smell of the same disease, at the beginning of his team, Jifeng this captain\'s words sometimes more effective than he

Barkley looked at Smith beside him. Both of them could see what was in each other\'s eyes. He couldn\'t believe it.

"Hello, Hello! Ji Feng is guest coach! Oh, my God, I must be wrong Smith exclaimed in surprise.

"0.8 seconds, does Ji Feng have any good idea?" Barkley put forward the hypothesis.

There\'s no way, there\'s only such a hypothesis. After all, in this place, the coach is the first authority of the team, the coach has the absolute control of tactics, the assistant and the players only have the right to suggest. It\'s up to the coach to listen or not, let alone Phil Jackson, a legendary head coach!

He even let Ji Feng take up the tactical board!

Kobe doesn\'t have that right, OK!

"Well, I admit I\'m jealous!" O\'Neill, as a special guest of the local media in Los Angeles today, after seeing this scene, said with exaggeration: "this Asian boy is amazing!"

He knows what kind of Coach Jackson is, and he says Popovich is a centralized coach. In fact, the Zen master is the same. Anyway, even at his peak, he has no such right.

Of course, it has something to do with his never thinking about tactics

Although there are not many people are optimistic about this attack, although there is 0.4 seconds Zhuyu in front, but the ball is still controversial. Whether the table is going or not is a historical mystery, because it is a bit exaggerated to turn around and throw out the basketball in 0.4 seconds.

However, Ji Feng didn\'t think so much. Anyway, in the last 0.8 seconds, Ji Feng could do anything to win!

However, the trust gained by Jifeng\'s practical actions this season is useful. The Laker players don\'t have any indication. Ji Feng often makes some amazing moves, and it turns out that most of them are successful. When we see Ji Feng picking up the tactical board, we feel blind and trust.

Moreover, after watching Ji Feng\'s shooting performance in training, all the Laker generals think Ji Feng is the best candidate!

Pause over!

The referee urged the two teams back to the court. They were ready to play overtime. 0.8 seconds. What can they do.


0.8 seconds can do a lot of things!

According to Bobo\'s tactics, Ji Feng and Kobe are surrounded by heavy troops. Bowen follows Kobe and holly follows Ji Feng. Duncan covers Gasol who is ready to serve, while Oberto drags Bynum.

The other was Fisher, who was followed by Finley. Parker and Ginobili couldn\'t defend and were put on the bench.

The Lakers are in line!

Ji Feng and Kobe stood together, which also caused the Spurs and the Lakers gathered 8 people near the free throw line!

"This ball must be my subject."

"Seasonal peak, seasonal peak, seasonal peak!"

"Bynum can actually dial it!"

"Just throw it away. Get ready to watch the overtime."

"It\'s time for the old fish to have a wave!"

The posts on the forum rose rapidly in these seconds, and people\'s emotions were all mobilized.

"Ready!" The referee gave the ball to Gasol!

In a moment, the players on the field moved!

Duncan jumps to interfere with Gasol\'s line of sight, and Bynum pushes Oberto to the inside line. He needs to block the big man in the interior line for Jifeng and open the space at the same time, while Fisher suddenly starts, shaking off Finley\'s defense and coming into the restricted area!That\'s where he was in the first place to take the ball!

"Watch him, watch him!"

The Spurs are facing a big enemy, Finley follows, and Fisher successfully focuses Holly\'s attention on himself!

At the same time, Kobe also moved, he pushed into the space that Bynum squeezed open!

"Kobe! Kobe! It\'s Kobe A Spurs fan yelled wildly. What a feint Fisher tactic!

Bowen is also fighting his life, directly hit Kobe with his chest!


Kobe directly blocked Bowen there!

This is also a feint!

At this time, after four seconds did not send out the ball Gasol finally threw the ball out!

Under the opposite basket, a man who had been hiding behind Kobe was jumping up in the air, his right hand raised.

Gasol\'s pass is very accurate, mainly Spurs players did not expect to pass to Ji Feng, can only watch basketball over 4 people.

Ji Feng meets basketball!

Near the forbidden area!

Holly found that he was so far away from Jifeng. He took off in a hurry, but Jifeng was really too high!

His lips are going over the basket!

"Finished" Holly can only cover Ji Feng\'s chin!

At the moment of Ji Feng\'s hand, he seemed to be able to hear the sound of his heart breaking. "It\'s the only voice from his heart!

Ji Feng met the basketball, one hand to the basket!

The red light is on!

The game was quiet for a moment, and everyone\'s attention was on the ball!

As if it became a slow action, countless people were staring at this basketball which decided the fate of the two teams!

The basketball bounced to the back edge of the basket and flew up!

And then!


fall into the net ~!!!

A fantastic goal from the sky!

"Hoo ~" was like a strong wind passing through. Staples fell into a strange silence. All the people\'s movements seemed to be still at this moment.

0.8 seconds!

Finish the kill! , the fastest update of the webnovel!