Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 755

Buckley also learned in the live studio that Jifeng\'s playoffs were even in three even numbers. As a strong seasoner, he certainly appreciated Jifeng\'s performance.

"Listen to me, it\'s not so easy to get three pairs. This is the advice of Sir Charles. Later boys should focus on doing a good job, so that you can have a foothold in the NBA. As for Ji Feng, that guy is a monster, you should not imitate it!" Barkley said solemnly.

Although Barkley was meant to be a joke, this is not alarmist. After all, there are more and more young people who like Jifeng. There are many fans of Jifeng in the youth generation. Young players such as holly and harden all say that they like Jifeng\'s style, while Ross and Beasley, in an interview, said that they would like to fight Jifeng in the league, especially Let alone the younger generation.

A lot of people want to learn, but Ji Feng has everything on the court. It\'s not right.

After all, everyone\'s style is different, in addition to imitation, you should find your own good job, in the NBA, a fresh move can also be based on!

But of course, there are also people who disagree with Jifeng\'s data. For example, PI Erye is deeply dissatisfied with his record of more than ten years, and he thinks that this era is the era of data explosion.

"In our time, Ji Feng couldn\'t get so many open shots, and we wouldn\'t tolerate him shooting so many three points."

Many fans understand this very much. After all, there are not many records of pip\'er-yeh who can take a shot, more than one is less than one

So many fans went to his home page to comfort him and pissed off Peter.

However, Ji Feng is very modest about setting a record again. After all, this is only the top ten, not the first.

Pippen has a word that Ji Feng agrees with very much. With the change of League style and the continuous change of basketball rules, especially the change of blow and penalty scale, there may be an era of triple explosion and data explosion.

However, Ji Feng said that he was looking forward to that era. His playing style in that era should be more like fish in water.

If this is the case in the United States, China is even more crazy. Jifeng once again cut off many people\'s dream of making headlines. The cover of Tencent sports is directly replaced by a picture of Ji Feng shaking down Bowen.

Now there are many people in the entertainment industry waiting for the NBA season to end, otherwise what they do will be the season peak pressure!

The player who crushed the entertainment news to death, Ji Feng is the first player after Yao, which is really terrible

But this does not include a lot of florets, they are very happy to see

In addition to the season peak, the Lakers are also part of the headlines. After all, today\'s Laker refresh people\'s cognition, and the small lineup in the second quarter has also refreshed people\'s understanding.

Jackson Jackson also became the main character of the press conference. After ESPN analysis, the success rate of the conversion attack of the Lakers was as high as 70%, with 9 rebounds more than that of the Spurs. The fast break score was 28-10 and won 8 points. The most important thing was that the Lakers had 25 shots in the field, hit 15 goals, and scored 45 points in one of the three points, and the shooting rate was terrible.

Compared with the Lakers, the Spurs have only 14 three-point shots and a 5-ball shooting rate, which is not enough.

This is the difference between the two sides of the tactical choice, the Lakers with faster running, more flexible scoring defense let the Spurs run, although the Spurs are still dominant in the inside, but the outside is too much.

However, Zen master said that the tactical issues, all of which are not discussed

It\'s not easy to think out the tactics. How can you say it casually!

And of course, there\'s also the rest of the Lakers, who played great today.

Kobe Bryant daily gets 33 points, 11 rebounds and 5 assists, and is still the playoff scoring king. His and Jifeng\'s JK combination is now more and more powerful. He is proficient in scoring rebounds and assists. Generally speaking, two superstars will weaken each other, but Jifeng and Kobe really complement each other.

Pau Gasol didn\'t score much today. Seven points set a new low in the playoffs, but he got 19 rebounds, which also set a career high. He successfully completed the task assigned to him by Zen master, which was also revenge for Duncan\'s rebounding explosion in the last game. In addition, Gasol had three blocks and four assists. Gasol showed his other side.

On the bench, Farmar also came forward. Today, he made 2 of 4 shots in the outside line, scored 14 points, Fisher scored 10 points, and Radmanovic scored 8 points.

Although only four people scored in double, all the players on the court had scored, and the substitutes were no longer completely exploded by the Spurs. Today, they played at least 55 times.

But spurs entire field 5 people score double, but still lost, this lets spurs fan very heartbroken.

Duncan is still the cornerstone, playing 44 minutes, 26 shooting 10, cutting 29 points, 14 rebounds, 3 assists and 3 blocks. His age to be able to play such data is really worthy of the name before the largest in history, and of course, the height of the inside line of the Lakers is really not enough.Oberto also got 14 points, and Bonner\'s 12 points, the Spurs inside the absolute advantage.

Parker was limited this game, 20-3 outside, cold feeling he let the Lakers more determined to prevent his breakthrough, but he still got 23 points and 9 assists.

The worst thing for Spurs to be restricted is Ginobili. As long as he breaks through, it must be Ji Feng and Kobe Bryant. Judging from the data, it\'s just how strong JK\'s joint defense is. After 36 minutes of playing, 2 out of 8, 1 out of 4 out of 3, and only 7 points came in.

Combined with these four games, Ginobili\'s dumb fire is the key factor of the Spurs\' weakness, especially in the pursuit of points, most of the Spurs can only rely on manu, but he is really very limited.

"Now you know what it\'s like to be watched by Kobe and Ji Feng together." So says Los Angeles sports.

It\'s true. No problem.

And this is also related to the weak offensive ability of Ji Feng\'s counterpart defense. Holly has 10 points, Bowen has 7 points, and yuduca has 3 points. They make Ji Feng very easy to assist in defense.

After this game, there were many analyses coming in one after another, but almost all of them were not optimistic about the reverse set of the Spurs, and most of them failed to sing the Spurs.

However, the whole team is very low-key. During the interview, they said that the Spurs are a strong team. We\'d better prepare for the fifth game.

And Spurs players have said they will not give up, Parker said the fifth game he will play as the last game of his career.

Listen, it\'s scary

But this also can see the Spurs\' determination, they really have no way to retreat this time, only the last one is desperate.

After the game, the Spurs also rushed to Los Angeles for the first time, just like Bobo said, the preparation started from the moment of the end of the game!

"Come on, guys. There\'s one more scene." Ji Feng looks at the charter plane of spurs next door and mumbles to himself.

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