Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 753

"Beautiful! Ankle terminator in San Antonio! Damn it, I love his stillness Barkley was dancing and excited in the studio.

This coquettish action, coupled with Ji Feng\'s calm expression, as well as a calm look after throwing in, Buckley thinks Ji Feng should be called the king of forcing the king, big bird bird should abdicate and make way for the virtuous!

Jifeng, this is definitely a higher realm, moisten things silently, with practical actions to prove that he is such a force!

"I wipe, it\'s really hanging. The guy who played with me at the beginning was really a person with Ji Feng." Cranbeck, who is picking up the ball at XJ basketball club, looks at Ji Feng on TV and feels that he was shaken down at the beginning, which is not so hard to accept. After all, even Bowen and he are the same treatment.

What\'s more, I feel a little honored to be shaken down

And many of the teenagers who are watching the live broadcast are convinced by the moment of Jifeng. Many people swear in their hearts, this is their future example!

One of them is Owen, who thinks he should stick to his dribbling style and let the coach play

Ji Feng on the field does not know that he has unconsciously poisoned a large number of latecomers. Even if he knows, he will be very happy to receive it, and his followers have increased. When he retires, will all the players in the League watch him play and grow up.

That feeling, not bad!

But the sideline Popovich appears some bleak at this moment, he sat back to the coach seat for the first time.

Everyone knows that the Spurs are the Spurs of GDP, but he has always known Bowen\'s efforts for this team. He is very important to the Spurs, and he has always been an indispensable figure in the team\'s field and dressing room.

Without Bowen\'s brilliance in the third position, without him as the villain, and without him clinging to the core of his opponent, there would be absolutely no brilliance of the Spurs.

He wanted to let Bowen die in the Spurs, which is the biggest award to a veteran. After all, he does not lack the championship and honor, so being able to let him play here for another two years is Bowen\'s biggest dream.

When they get older, no one wants to drift outside. San Antonio is the home of these old guys.

But a few days ago, Crawford to his trading list, Bowen was in the list!

Popovich is certainly struggling, but in any way, Bowen, who is already 38 years old, is definitely the first link of the Spurs\' youth, not to mention that although his defensive ability is still there, Bowen, who has played only 18 minutes per game this season, has long been out of his peak, and his physical strength can\'t support the 48 minute confrontation.

But it is undeniable that he can still give his strength in 10-18 minutes of playing time, Popovich is also doing the same, the effect is good.

But just this ball shows, and Ji Feng such energetic young player confrontation, has not been able to do it!

On the field, Bowen was shaken down, the difference expanded to 14 points, which was the last straw to defeat the Spurs, and their morale fell to the bottom.

It\'s hard to believe that the Spurs will pass the ball in the final attack. Parker is the fault!

As a result, the Lakers got the ball, and the third quarter ended!

The Lakers are 78-62, 16 points ahead!

"The Lakers are only one quarter away from home unbeaten in the playoffs." Yu Jia said.

In the last quarter, the Spurs put all their eggs in one basket. Popovich became the main coach of the dead grass, and the audience also gave the team great support.

"Defense! defense! Defend The shouts of the stadium resounded.

But the Spurs GDP also did not give up, Duncan catches the ball to shake off Gasol, one handed smash fired the Spurs\' first shot to pursue points.

And the Lakers continue to carry out the small ball tactics, season peak dribble, and then the Lakers one point, Kobe\'s pick and roll into the inside line lay up again, the time is only 10 seconds!

But the Spurs are really fighting!

It can be seen that their physical strength is huge. After all, these old guys have been running with the Lakers for such a long time, but they are all biting their teeth. They even played against the Lakers in the first four minutes, but their speed didn\'t fall behind. They also used Duncan\'s height to score three consecutive goals, reducing the difference to 13 points!

Ginobi also Li stood up, a snake step to kill, Radmanovic 5, Manu two penalty all, the difference back to 11 points!

However, at this time, the Zen master once again offered a powerful lineup in the second quarter!

One big and four small!

With the first goal, the guardian completely destroyed the Spurs\' defense line with speed, and holly couldn\'t stop the ridicule of running up. The three-line fast break of the Lakers, and finally Gasol slowly came over, hand in hand to catch the ball, three-step smash!

Perfect cooperation!

The Spurs also want to be quick at this time, but this thing is not the Spurs\' strong point. Ginobili\'s pass directly hit the referee, and the Spurs made another mistake

Then ushered in a wave of three-point rain, Jifeng ambush in the bottom corner, two consecutive catches, facing Holly\'s defense, the direct shot.Att center again sounded the sound of three-point bag.

Shua Shua!

Ji Feng hit the sixth and seventh three-point goal of the game, and the score of this game also officially came to 30 points!

The Lakers also opened the gap to more than 15 points again!

"Spurs, I can\'t stand it." Yang Yi said.

Spurs players are very anxious on the field, time is less and less, they need to chase points, but their physical strength is more stupid, so they can not run, at this time can only rely on Parker and Ginobili.

The Lakers know, of course, that both of them are taken care of by the finish line. As long as a breakthrough is made, 2-3 people are in the bag, and they even use fouls to stop them from scoring in a row.

Ji Feng also took advantage of the situation to break a ball from Parker, playing a fast break

The Spurs finally collapsed

The gap has been opened to 22 points, San Antonio is silent, fans in the stands have begun to leave quietly, there are also fans silent tears.

The Spurs are a respectable team, GDP has not given up, they persisted to the last minute, the difference has been tenaciously reduced to 12 points.

But time is running out!

"Beep, beep, beep!"

The referee\'s whistle finally remembered that manu was lying directly on the floor with his chest up and down. They still lost, in a very desperate way.

The Lakers broke their home unbeaten gold medal in the playoffs, so that the only home unbeaten team this season is the only one left.

"Let\'s congratulate the Lakers! They beat the San Antonio Spurs by 104-92, 12 points to win the fourth match of the western finals, while bringing the series score to 3-1! It\'s a very desperate score. Only six teams were able to win the series 1-3 down. The Spurs are on the brink of a cliff, and the Lakers are just one step away from the finals , the fastest update of the webnovel!