Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 75

The Grizzlies lost their first preseason game in a very subdued way, and as Gasol said in an interview with Spanish media, they could have done better.

It was also interpreted by everyone as Gasol\'s disguised pressure on management and his dissatisfaction with coach mark.

However, everyone understands that Gasol wants to go to a team that is expected to win the championship, and the Grizzlies, after this game, most people think that the Grizzlies will continue to count down in the league this season. As for whether it is down one or two, who cares.

CCTV\'s broadcast ended in a hurry after the game, and there was no more than one minute left. Because Ji Feng had been sitting on the bench in the second half of the game, Yu Jia and Zhang guidi lost their interest in talking more. After all, it was two o\'clock in the morning of Beijing time.

Many fans turn off the TV after Ji Feng won\'t be on the court, and greet the mark family.

Even the hot bar also bite the food in the mouth after the end. She saw the back of Ji Feng\'s expressionless leaving, feeling very distressed.

"He must want to win."

Finally, Yu Jia\'s words can represent the voice of Chinese fans: "please coach mark to see the bench more, they have strength and momentum, please give them more opportunities!"

But Mark was satisfied with the game in an interview. He thought the team didn\'t get into shape in the new season and complained that they had to play so far.

"Why didn\'t you play Jifeng and Conley in the second half? They did well in the second quarter." ESPN reporters asked directly what many people wanted to ask.

"Jifeng? He\'s just a rookie and I think he needs time and I don\'t think he thinks he has the ability to change the game Mark\'s face darkened to the naked eye. He looked at the reporter who asked the question, replied, and then finished the interview.

"It\'s ridiculous that they put their hopes on a rookie who doesn\'t have a draft!" Mark thought to himself as he walked.

Chris, the team manager in the United States, was also the first to receive the news of the team\'s defeat in Spain. He also watched the game. To be honest, in his opinion, the team played like a piece of dog excrement. There was nothing to say except Ji Feng!

"This kid is really a big heart player! It seems that we have really found a treasure When Chris watched Ji Feng hit three points in a row, he felt this immediately.

Jifeng seems to be born for the big scene. As Chris, who has been in the League for more than ten years, he made his first appearance, even less than a fifth of Ji Feng\'s performance.

"This stupid mark!" However, in the second half, mark was always using guy and Chris, and now he thinks mark is a stupid coach more and more. So before the game was over, Chris called the team owner.

And TNT commentator, after the end of the game as usual to discuss the game.

"This is not an unexpected result. Let\'s take a look at the starting data of Grizzlies. Guy is 3-for-13, Milicic is 2-for-11, Damon Stoudemire is 1-for-4. In addition to Andre brown and Mike Miller, their shooting rate is so bad that people don\'t want to see it." Smith just threw the data sheet aside.

"To tell you the truth, man, the Grizzlies may still be at the bottom of the table this year. We still have questions about whether Gasol wants to play in a team like this." Barkley said bluntly.

"The Grizzlies lost the whole game. Of course, there were bright spots. We can see that Ji Feng\'s performance in his first official game was very impressive. He helped his team complete the anti overtaking in the first quarter. In addition to getting six points, he also sent a key stealer. And he\'s very flexible, and I like this guy Smith is still appreciative of Ji Feng\'s first performance.

“OH,NONONO!” Barkley immediately retorted: "this kid just made two 3-point shots in a bad luck."

"You have to admit, this guy is more energetic and efficient on the court. He and Conley have a good understanding. After Ji Feng goes down, Conley is also lost. He only gets four points Said Smith.

"I dare say that Jifeng can\'t decide the outcome of a game. You know, man, I mean whether he\'s here or not can\'t affect the trend of a game. He\'s just a supporting role. He may get 5 or 6 points per game this season, but I\'m sure Jifeng can\'t get 25 points in a game. As for leading the team, it\'s not his task, you know what I mean Thinking. " Barkley said to the camera as he shook his finger.

"Ha ha ha ha, come on, man, do you remember the taste of donkey ass? It seems that Yao didn\'t let your memory rise." Smith laughed.

"Yao is different. He\'s different. I\'ve lost my sight, I have to admit, but the great Sir Barkley can\'t miss it twice. This time I\'d like to kiss the donkey\'s lips, but I don\'t think I\'ll have such a chance." Barkley\'s big mouth fired again.

This kind of words is half sincere and half for effect. Sure enough, during the period of Buckley and Smith\'s bet, TNT\'s ratings soared, and this also virtually enhanced the popularity of Jifeng.For the external disturbance, Ji Feng does not know. In the visiting team\'s dressing room, he is thinking about his own way at the moment. He always refuses to let himself play. How can he complete the task and strengthen his skills, but after thinking for a long time, Ji Feng has not come up with a feasible way. After all, he\'s just a rookie. Mark is the coach. He can\'t revolt directly in the dressing room, so he will definitely become the public enemy of all coaches in the world.

"It\'s so damn helpless. I\'d better keep training and try to find a way." After thinking about it for a long time, Ji Feng found that he couldn\'t do anything for the time being. He could only continue to train hard and fight for the chance.

At that moment, the dressing rooms pushed away, and Mark said directly in front of everyone: "Jifeng, Conley, you two start the next game!"

Then mark left a room full of confused players and went out again.

"Why did the goods change suddenly?" Jifeng didn\'t expect someone to deliver the pillow just after dozing off, so he said to himself.

Conley was very excited and ran over to give Ji Feng a high five.

Mark certainly won\'t take the initiative to let Ji Feng start, but Chris\'s call to the boss helped.

Mark originally wanted to continue to refrigerate the two rookies, and continue to train guy and Lori, but he didn\'t expect to get a call from the boss before returning to the dressing room.

"Hum, you all believe that an Asian rookie can change the team, then I will help you! If you lose this time, see what you can say Mark, who hung up the phone, seemed very angry. He felt that his idea was right. He firmly believed that one day facts would prove him right!

He thought of a good way to let Ji Feng and Conley start the game and let them play as much as possible. As long as the performance is not good, then he has reason to put these two people on the bench!

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