Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 747

On the morning of May 28, Ji Feng got up before 6:00 as usual and ran around the park in front of the hotel in the morning. He didn\'t stop running until he ran 10 kilometers. This habit was brought to him by the system. At first, it was to complete the most important task, but after that, Ji Feng kept this habit.

In fact, Ji Feng has tried to sleep in the morning or something, but after being woken up by the biological clock at 5:00 a.m. for three consecutive days, Jifeng simply gave up. Later, he found that such running made his physical fitness on the court better and better, and this habit has always been retained. Therefore, no matter Jifeng plays away or at home, his daily running is Lei Da can\'t Moving.

This is also one of the reasons why Ji Feng has enough physical reserve on the court and can quickly adapt to the NBA level confrontation.

Jifeng has always thought that physical fitness is the first hurdle for all Asian players to break through when they come to the NBA. You need to have the physical strength to play for 48 minutes. In this way, the coach may let you play for 48 minutes. If you play a quarter, you will become a dead dog. How do you let the coach use you.

The habit of Jifeng has also been reported by many media. After the G2 match in Los Angeles, the Los Angeles media also made a special report on the San Antonio media\'s "why Ji Feng can run so well", which praises Jifeng\'s spirit of self-discipline.

However, Jifeng knows that this method is not necessarily suitable for all people. 10km is not a small number, and it does great damage to the knee. Jifeng has a systematic body protection system to dare such waves. Other people don\'t just run away and waste themselves.

What\'s more, Ji Feng\'s training amount is far more than that. Others can\'t learn from it.

Therefore, Ji Feng once said in an interview for the whole problem: "I advise you to train moderately, do not play off, I am not responsible for saying!"

However, the star effect is terrible, there are still many people competing to imitate, Jifeng can only say, you like what you like, to train a few long-distance running seedlings for the country is also a contribution

After running, Ji Feng went to the gym for another hour, and then washed up to catch up with the team\'s breakfast.

it was perfect!

the Laker team had seen Ji Feng\'s abnormal training amount in the morning. Farmar called Ji Feng in and called him over.

"Celtic, fierce ah, I thought they were going to be cold, did not expect, this life is really hard ah." Farmar said as he ate his steak and watched the sports news online.

Last night\'s Eastern Conference finals also played the third game, previously won a home court Celtic to Auburn mountain palace, in the case of not being looked after, but with a 94-80 victory over the pistons, broke their own playoff away invincible record, at the same time, the total score was 2-1, the green army regained the home advantage!

"It\'s not just hard. Their running in is getting better and better. The pistons are completely in the downwind. It doesn\'t feel like the green army before." Ji Feng said.

Looking back on last night\'s game, the green army gave him the greatest feeling of fluency. This credit must be attributed to the rookie Rondo of the second grade. This guy\'s rhythm is really good. Although he only got 10 points and 7 assists in the whole game, his carding of rhythm is the key to Celtic\'s victory. There are only seven direct assists, but a lot of indirect assists. Every attack comes from him He is the green army rhythm control point, does not do worse than Billups, a sophomore rookie can do this, it is not easy!

He let the green army 6 people score double, the three giants even, James Posey, Perkins, alien Cassel all benefit, this is the most terrible.

Pierce even normally only shot six times, to earn 11 points, but the green shirt won 14 points.

And his positive defense ability is also very strong, Billups this game has been limited, only 6 points and 3 assists, it is like sleepwalking.

"Some people on the news say Rondo is more and more like a smaller version of Ji Feng. He passes, assists and drives, breaks sharp and has a broad vision, but he won\'t shoot three points..." Kobe looked at Ji Feng and said.

"Bah! Rondo won\'t shoot three points. His free throw is also rubbish. If he can\'t make a goal, he depends on his life. I\'ll educate him when he is in the final Ji Feng is obviously very dissatisfied with being compared to Rondo.

"The pistons are too dependent on Changxi. If they play like this, the green army will return to the finals." Fisher sighed.

"Do it! This time, we must pass the Spurs! I\'ve wanted to go and meet the Celtic guys for a while! " Bynum is clearly upset that he was sanctioned by Garnett in the regular season.

"You can play first, big man."

“…… Please don\'t expose it

"Cough, you can go through this level tonight first." Zen master coughed twice. How could these guys want to go to the finals.

"Yes The Lakers are silent

However, from the side, we can see that the atmosphere of the Lakers is very good and has not been affected by the loss.

That night!

The fourth match of the west is about to start!

Tencent broadcast room directly changed the name to "West G4, who is the master of ups and downs!" , jkj and GDP are on both sides, which is also the needle point and wheat awn of this round of series competition!Yang Yi, as a CCTV commentator, posted an article in his column two hours before the game to make a preview: "in Game 4, if the Spurs win, everything is possible. The Lakers win, and almost determine the final quota. I am more optimistic about the Lakers. How about you?"

Before the start of the competition, the Internet was also full of news of the game. Chinese in the United States, wherever they were, volunteered to help Jifeng. Banners of cheering and cheering could be seen in almost every state.

For the Chinese, Ji Feng is the biggest idol in their hearts, and his birth has further changed people\'s views on Chinese to a certain extent.

And the mainland is even more enthusiastic, almost to the extent that all the people respond to help. The official website of the high school affiliated to Jiaotong University even made an early notice to cheer on the competition of Jifeng.

Jifeng in the warm-up time to find a yellow area gathered in the stands, in a large white, the Lakers purple and gold is very conspicuous.

They also raised their own large banner, which read: "continue to create miracles! Jifeng is a bull

Jifeng waved to them and made up his mind. He must not counsels and disappoint those who support him!

Spurs appear, as usual is crazy shouting, except for that small piece, the whole stand is still crazy spurs rhythm, GDP triggered a huge cheer!

"Both sides start! The Lakers are still the same, Bynum is still on the sidelines! We have to test these people for victory in this competition

"The Spurs didn\'t adjust this game unexpectedly. The rotation of the second game let them taste the taste of winning. Bonner and Oberto were inside the team. Parker and Finley were partners in the back court. Bowen was still the third position."

"The game begins! Who on earth can win the game , the fastest update of the webnovel!