Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 723

Chris was very sad when he looked at his signature. He really put a smile on his face when he faced the camera. According to the probability, the probability of getting the sign was much more than that of the first three difficulties. It was a proper small probability event. Their plan was that the first three could be used. After all, the first three signatures of this year were very valuable. When they were put down before, they fought for the head and blood, for fear that they would win more than others If you miss a good signature.

But sometimes the bad luck is no way. Since the bulls can reverse attack to win the champion, there must be a team that has to be the unlucky guy who was attacked, the grizzly bear, is the hapless one.

Other team managers almost burst out laughing at Chris\'s ugly smile than crying. This season\'s Grizzlies can definitely win the most unfortunate team award. The original good hand played poorly, let Gasol go, missed the season peak, so thoroughly played rotten that he could not even get the top four. Chris was already strong without crying

But to be honest, the first five of this season are OK. As long as they choose well, there is still hope to make a team cornerstone. At the worst, they can make a qualified team puzzle.

Knowing the ownership of the draft, Ji Feng no longer pays attention to it, nor does he gloat over the Grizzlies. For him, these grudges have passed, and he doesn\'t have the energy. He needs more important things.

Because the end of the draft means that we are getting closer and closer to the Western game, and the atmosphere of the team is more and more dignified, because everyone knows the terror of the Spurs. No team in this league dares to underestimate this team.

On the 20th, the eastern semi-final finally came to an end in the expectation of the public. Celtics narrowly beat the visiting Cavaliers by 97-92 points at home. After the first round, they won seven again. After 21 years, they returned to the stage of the eastern finals!

James played a full 48 minutes, 29 shot 14 crazy cut 45 points, 5 rebounds and 6 assists, but he still can not save the team, 5 points like a natural moat, the Cavaliers did not once reduce the difference to 5 points.

And this performance also highlights James\'s isolation, he has no helper, except for him, only West got 15 points, the rest of the scoring double.

At the moment of the game whistle, the north shore garden stadium created a crazy decibel, so that the announcer\'s voice could not penetrate the microphone.

It\'s crazy to celebrate!

This game got 41 points, 4 assists and 5 rebounds, played the best game of the playoffs, and crazy against the Biao, James Paul Pierce crazily hugged Garnett, and then lifted rivers high into the air, the whole North Shore garden is just like the carnival after winning the championship.

Garnett and Ray Allen are also very excited, they did not touch the floor of the division finals in their respective teams, this is their first time here.

Celtic fans gave them crazy cheers and fans worshipped them to thank them for joining this season.

They have reason to celebrate. Although they are the team that has won the most titles in the league, 16 Championship flags flutter in the stadium in the north bank garden, but that\'s all in the past. For more than 20 years, the green army\'s loyalty can only live by memory.

The last time they entered the finals and finally won the championship was back to the bird\'s day in the 1980s. After that, not to mention entering the finals, they had been absent from the playoffs for six consecutive years since the 1996 season, until pierce led the team back to the playoffs in the 01-02 season. However, it was only the first round tour, and then the Celtics were once again reduced to the League fish belly.

This breakthrough is also the starting point for them to return to the peak!

After the game, innumerable green players voiced their voices in various channels. Bill Russell, the eternal soul of the green army, went to the dressing room to congratulate them and had a 30 minute long talk with Garnett.

After that, Garnett expressed the declaration of returning to the finals on behalf of the green shirt army. Pierce was even more blunt. There are still two steps to go before winning the championship!

Ji Feng can feel from the TV that after returning to the East, the shackles in the heart of the whole green shirt army seem to be broken, and the whole team is more confident.

"It\'s getting harder and harder." Jifeng looked at the lonely leaving of James, sighed, this is the playoffs, losers can only leave lonely, James from his championship dream, and more than a year.

And from the words of James after the game, it is not difficult to see that his patience for the Cavaliers is less and less. After all, here, it is difficult to beat four hands with two fists.

And with the new generation such as Ji Feng strong, James more and more feel a sense of urgency.

But now that we lose, there will be no part of the season. James can go fishing with his dust brothers.

All four teams in the East and West finals this season have been confirmed.

They are the West: Los Angeles vs. spurs; East: Celtics vs. pistons!

At 7:00 p.m. on May 21, the first game of the Lakers vs. the Spurs will begin in staples, and the first game of the West showdown is about to start!

This competition has attracted a lot of attention. As always, all tickets have been sold out, and they have been sold out one week in advance. Those with slow hands can only ask for tickets at high prices in various channels, but it is still difficult to get one ticket. VIP in the front row has even been fired to about $10000, but it is still in short supply.At 9:00 a.m. Beijing time, countless fans are waiting by the TV and computer to cheer for the team they support!

In the school, countless students secretly take out their mobile phones and put them in their desks, waiting for the live broadcast of the text every second. Even many teachers in class secretly put their mobile phones on the side, paying close attention to the trend of the game at any time.

Before the competition, Jifeng triggered an upsurge of nationwide support. Major websites, media, newspapers, magazines and even many official media cheered for Jifeng through their own channels!

This is the first time for Chinese players to participate in the western finals as the absolute main force. We can imagine how high the domestic attention is.

Before the start of the game, staples had already been starry on the sidelines. Nicholson was sitting on the sideline seat as usual, while he was surrounded by famous Hollywood stars.

Leonardo appeared in the front row with his little son, and opposite him was the most famous black star in Hollywood, Will Smith and his son, soccer superstar David Beckham, boxing star Tyson, Chinese superstar Jet Li, South Korea\'s entering Hollywood Li Bingxian also sat in the first row

The most popular ones here are Kobe and Jifeng.

Moldy in the game even with the Jersey to find Kobe\'s signature, Avril is not shy of wearing season peak Jersey sitting in the front row.

As the host here, Ji Feng also exchanged greetings with many acquaintances.

Of course, there are also some loyal fans of the Spurs. Ji Feng saw the huge Duncan sign, and Parker\'s girlfriend shava also sat in front to cheer for her boyfriend.

This is definitely a huge gathering in the field of sports and sports!

And the protagonists have all appeared!

Jifeng take a deep breath, such an occasion, let him unconsciously some blood boiling! , the fastest update of the webnovel!