Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1875

"This is where we can find the top of three power forwards, Dirk Nowitzki, Duncan and Garnett." The reporters on the sidelines were crazy.

Because of the state and so on, these people may not be complete in all stars, but here they can be seen in the same frame. It\'s really a feeling of "yeqinghui".

After that, Parker, Manu, Kobe, Gasol and other players also appeared in turn. Ji Feng was undoubtedly the last player.

And see Ji Feng on the red carpet, many reporters immediately reached out to greet: "Ji Feng! Ji Feng! Look here. Can I have an interview? "

"Well, I\'d love to be interviewed, but I\'ll have to wait a little longer, because there are still many people waiting behind me!" Ji Feng spread his hand, then signaled that there was someone behind him, and then walked into the stadium.

Leaving a group of reporters staring at each other.

"What\'s the matter, Ji Feng is not the last word?"

"No, there are more famous brands than Ji Feng? Kobe just went in with Gasol

"I didn\'t hear that James Wade was coming..."

"You two force, James who has Jifeng big card, even if you want to come, he should also be in front of Jifeng, not to mention James\' heat department and Jifeng\'s Laker department are now deadly enemies, he will not come here, did not see and James good relationship, Paul, Anthony this group of people did not come!"

"Well, it\'s true that James and Ji Feng are in the same situation now. Although they don\'t have a face-to-face confrontation, no one can see their relationship. That\'s strange. Who is behind them..."

The two reporters were chatting happily, only to hear a few voices from behind: "excuse me, excuse me, it\'s our turn!"

Looking around, ouch, a group of entertainment reporters are walking forward with machines and microphones on their shoulders!

"What\'s the matter? It\'s a charity basketball match, so what are you doing here?" A sports reporter was pushed to the back. It has to be said that in terms of position grabbing, sports reporters still have to bow down. Entertainment is professional.

"Don\'t you know, the basketball part of the red carpet is coming to an end. Now, it\'s time for people in the entertainment circle. Look, Ji Feng\'s girlfriend has come in. Don\'t talk. She\'s busy!" The entertainer gave a simple answer, and then entered the working state.

And the sports reporter who didn\'t pay much attention to things other than sports has been stunned by what happened next

Hot bar with big power from far away to appear on the red carpet, two people each wear their own evening dress, a time of competition, although many reporters here do not know big power, but such a scene can not help but press the shutter.

Later, Zhou took his new girlfriend, ah Kun, to the red carpet, followed by Hu Ge and Yuan Hong, which made many Chinese entertainers feel proud.

And then, from Avril, there was a big wave of climax. Mildewy, Taylor, Anne Hathaway, Olsen sisters and other actresses competed with each other. Then, the appearance of Downey couple made the scene set off a big wave of climax.

"What kind of charity game is this..." The journalists are stupid.

Most of them didn\'t appear on the list before, and many people came here spontaneously after they knew about it, and Ji Feng didn\'t refuse to come. The bigger the momentum, the better. Therefore, the red carpet, which had only been for one hour, would have walked for two and a half hours before it was over. If it wasn\'t for the race to start, it would have been two hours!

With the extension of time, the effect has directly doubled. Originally, Tencent and TNT all said that they came with the mentality of supporting Ji Feng, but they didn\'t consider the ratings. However, the red carpet live broadcast exploded directly, and the ratings soared, almost refreshing every minute.

This makes the bosses of these TV stations happy to faint. It\'s a surprise!

ESPN left tears of regret, they missed such a good opportunity, you know, NBA lockout let them also bear a huge loss, this is how good stop loss opportunity ah, so missed!

"Come on! Go! Find Ji Feng\'s team, we want to live, how much money I pay! Two days after tomorrow, the whole live broadcast, fast, must be fast! " ESPN a whole office can hear the boss\'s roar

There is no doubt that the charity competition organized by Ji Feng is very popular, and it is very popular. This super red carpet show with a combination of style and style has already exceeded most people\'s expectations.

And then the game, did not let you down!

Today is the first day, that is, the competition dominated by the new stars. In recent years, the supernovae have appeared one after another, not to mention the champion for three consecutive years. Durant, hofford, Conley, Wesson, harden, curry, George, Derozan and other high ranking rookies have also appeared one after another.

This group of people is also full of power, there is no way, look at the hundreds of reporters on the sidelines, the audience of 20000, live broadcast in more than ten countries around the world, live broadcast in the United States, as well as dozens of stars on the sidelines, as well as the magicians Johnson and Buckley, Kenny Smith sitting on the commentary stand, you can\'t do without playing your life!

It\'s more than an all star!For a time, the rookie games in the past were all the rookies in the last two years. Except for some years, to be honest, they are really average. You can see how many players in the rookie games can become all stars later. Most of them are in the league. Naturally, the degree of brilliance can\'t be guaranteed.

but now the game is different. Most of the elite players of the draft have been here in the past 5 years. This group has been on more than one level in a moment.

Harden curry, Griffin and Durant dunk, these wonderful scenes have been staged, the audience is watching with relish.

At the half-time, Ji Feng, Nash and Kidd came on the stage one after another and performed for 45 minutes. Regardless of the quality, the effect of the program was absolutely full. After all, apart from here, can you see Duncan singing love songs with the female stars? What can you see Nash singing with the ball!


This is the charm of this charity match!

At half-time, the audience rating of this charity game has exceeded that of most All-Star games. The fans put their enthusiasm in this game, which they haven\'t seen for a long time. The audience rating has become overwhelming.

Stern\'s smoking worse

Jen, Wade, bosh, Anthony, Paul, I feel very happy!

In the second half, celebrities began to come on the court and play with the new people. The moment Ji Feng dunked with Avril in front of the court directly broke last year\'s all star record!

"Incredible success! The magic of Ji Feng is from inside to outside Journalists have already taken what they don\'t want. , the fastest update of the webnovel!