Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1873

"Well, it\'s not impossible to contact China..." Ji Feng felt his chin and fell into thinking: "but it\'s not easy to go to China to hold the competition. After all, distance is a big problem. If it\'s settled over there, the problem is over here, it\'s not going to be a fight, though I don\'t think it\'s going to come to an end soon. "

Ji Feng, a stall player, also thinks that it\'s interesting to go to China to have a fight between domestic players and NBA stars. Just look at how popular the charity match jointly held by Ji Feng and Dayao is. If so many stars are brought to China, it\'s absolutely explosive.

Moreover, China is his territory after all. There are people who can help in all aspects, and there will be no problem in the process.

But Jifeng also has to consider that in case this side suddenly stops, the loss will be great.

"But I can let the domestic people start to prepare slowly first. In case this side can\'t end, we are starting the China plan. Now, let\'s finish the charity match here first!" Ji Feng thought about it and made a decision.

"OK! It\'s not too late. I\'ll get ready now." After the discussion, James left first.

This is just the most basic plan. After that, we need to expand a detailed plan and find a venue. This is a big problem. After all, the NBA is closed now, and many good stadiums can\'t be used. Besides the venue, time, inviting stars, publicity, selling tickets and other things are very troublesome. The time is only half a month, and it really can\'t be delayed for a second.

However, these are not the things Ji Feng has to deal with. Now he just needs to listen to the report every day. If there are any difficulties, he will just start to solve them, so his life will return to the state of daily training again.

However, this time is different. In the past half a month, many media have been surprised to find that there are familiar stars showing up at the gate of Ji Feng\'s mansion every day. For example, on the night of Ji Feng\'s decision, Shaq came to Ji Feng\'s house in his Ferrari. God knows how he got in.

In addition to O\'Neill, the reporters also found that on the same day, drozan, Paul, George, cousins, Holliday and other senior generals of Jifeng also showed up. At the beginning, they thought that Jifeng company was just taking advantage of the holiday to build a league here. After all, it\'s really boring during the suspension period. As for O\'Neill, they just came to join in the fun.

However, the next day, two of Ji Feng\'s best all stars, Durant and hofford, came here, followed by Nash, San Antonio three swordsman, Duncan, Parker, Ginobili, and wolf king Garnett, which made reporters crouching at Ji Feng\'s gate smell a bit unusual.

Kobe, Gasol brothers and Conley also came to Ji Feng\'s mansion on the third day. For a moment, Ji Feng\'s mansion was full of doors and bustling.

"Here, with so many stars..."

"Is it a rebellion?"

"Cough, wrong, come again!"

"With so many players gathered here, is it to discuss the suspension? They want to force the palace?!! " Some reporters immediately completed a complete set of 4 million words in their hearts, and they can shoot 58 episodes of the series of bloody brain disabled spy war drama.

Subsequently, various media also reported that for a time, it was known all over the world that Ji Feng\'s family had gathered 20 or 30 stars, and the purpose became more and more outrageous. Finally, there was even the unscrupulous tabloid YY. Ji Feng wanted to force the president to resign. He wanted to be the president himself!

"I want to be a fart president!" When Ji Feng saw the news, a mouthful of tea almost came out. He had to say that these reporters were really powerful. They dare to send out such nonsense. The most coquettish thing is that there are still people who believe it!

What Ji Feng doesn\'t know is that after the news, stern even smoked three cigarettes in the president\'s office of the alliance No matter what Ji Feng is going to do, this battle is really scary.

"Mm-hmm, that is, what\'s the meaning of the president? How can he be happy to play?" Curry nodded like a chicken pecking rice, then picked up the newspaper and read it with relish. Let alone, it\'s really like this. It\'s culturally good. Black can be written in white.

"Don\'t look. I\'ll give you my mother\'s website some other day. People there write much better than they do." Ji Feng glanced at the eye bank.

These days, these guys come here to discuss the charity match. By the way, they also train together. After all, the training camp is not open and the stadium is not allowed to use, which has a great impact on the preparation for the new season.

The players who come here are basically determined to have time to play. There are still some undecided players who have to wait until the specific date is set. However, the basic problem is not big. If you look at the team gathered by Ji Feng, it\'s not Ji Feng\'s loss.

At this time, James finally called!

"OK, there\'s something to do at last." Ji Feng, who put down the phone, was a little excited. Half a month later, the matter was finally settled!

2011 All Star Charity game, en, the name is this, a total of three games, a total of four days, the location is in Los Angeles, the venue has been coordinated, the time is set on October 1!

As for the competition system, imitating the All-Star competition system, the first day is to divide the red and blue teams into groups, with 10 players in each team. The players are composed of celebrities and stars from all walks of life. On the second day, there are various performances and supernova competitions. On the third day, there is the highlight, and all the stars are fighting with each other!As for the detailed things, whether you understand them or not, just look at them and it\'s over ~!

On September 17, when everyone was waiting for the result of the negotiation, a big news appeared on the front page of the major media!

"2011 All Star Charity competition starts with a bang!"

At the beginning, many fans thought it was a gimmick. After all, for such a long time, there were a lot of guys who could not afford to eat to make money through this. In the past two months, the charity match has been held for no less than six times, which is no surprise to everyone.

But then, the burst of the lineup will completely shocked the fans

Ji Feng, Kobe, Garnett, Duncan, Gasol, Nowitzki, Iverson, Durant The names of all stars don\'t need money, and the newcomers are also full of surprises. What? Curry, harden, Wesson, cousins and even rose, wall and Griffin are the top three winners

As for the guests, it\'s even more exaggerated. Even there are all kinds of supermodels and catwalks. It\'s paradise!

"You call it a charity contest?" A lot of fans can\'t talk.

So on the 19th, when the tickets went online, 60000 tickets in 10 minutes, only 10 minutes and three days were swept away. It\'s still 2011. After a few years, it\'s estimated that it won\'t take dozens of seconds. , the fastest update of the webnovel!