Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1605

"Jifeng! After the pick and roll, pull it out, turn around after catching the ball, and take the shot immediately! "

"This ball!"

"In!!!! ~~~"

" the goal is absolutely flat! The goal is absolutely flat! The Lakers even the score! "Extra time is coming." Yu Jia stood up directly, raised his arms and roared. From 25 points behind to 2.3 seconds, he made a three-point draw. What kind of game did he watch!

"Season - the God of despair - peak!"

All the fans of the Lakers were boiling at this moment. The Lakers didn\'t use complicated tactics at all. They completed the attack of 2.3 seconds with one serve and one pass. Ji Feng actually put the ball into the basket in such a "simple" way.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Kobe had been squatting on the edge of the court, staring at Ji Feng\'s action. At the moment of the goal, he jumped up, waved three fists at the sky, and then fell to the ground and wanted to run to the field. Fortunately, Harper\'s eyes were quick and his hands were quick, so he stopped.

"Wait for Bryant, the game is not over, you can\'t go in at this time!" Said Harper, with a feeling of excitement.

Indeed, although after Ji Feng hit the ball, the five men on the green shirt field were stiff at the moment of the goal, and pierce, who was defending Ji Feng, sat directly on the floor with dull eyes, but there were still sober people.

Garnett was the most sober one on the field. He went straight to the referee: "there should be time for this goal! We should still have a chance! "

In fact, without Garnett to remind the referee, he also went back to watch the video again. After all, in such an important game and at such an important moment, every decision must be extremely careful, which is also the reason why no bonus points have been given to the Lakers.

Three referees gathered together to watch the video, and many of the Laker fans were upset again. There will be no change.

"Fans can be relieved that the ball is definitely counted. Ji Feng\'s taking the ball is definitely within the time, and there is no unnecessary action, and it is impossible to step on the line. Therefore, the probability is to see how much time is left in the game after Ji Feng throws in. After all, the red light is on a little later after the goal is scored." Zhang said.

Indeed, as Zhang said, after the referee looked back for two times, the three points were even, and the score of both sides became 98-98, even.

As for the time, the green army fans are dead hearted. There is only 0.23 seconds left. The green army has not suspended, which means that they have to serve from the back court for 0.23 seconds. Such a short time is not enough even if God puts on their shirt temporarily.

The green army gave up as soon as they saw it. The moment Rondo sent the ball, the normal time was over, and both sides entered the most intense and exciting overtime match!

"This game can be called ups and downs, this should be the most wonderful game in the playoffs of this season so far, the technical and tactical level, the play of the stars, in a word, everything, 48 minutes, both sides played a good half of the ball, it depends on the five minutes extra time who can take the lead." Barkley said.

"On the whole, although the Lakers are catching up and the 23 point gap is really tough, the biggest problem they face should be Kobe\'s departure, which makes the Lakers lack an important core and scoring point on the court." Said Smith.

"Kenny is right. In addition to contributing to the second highest score of the Lakers, Kobe\'s defense of Ray Allen is also crucial. In the second half, Kobe made Allen, who scored 13 points in the first half, only 6 points, which means that he directly seized a big point of the green army. Now that he is not on the field, the threat of this point by Ray Allen is greatly increased." Barkley said.

"But the Lakers have done well enough. Just imagine before the second half, who would have thought that the Lakers could still play so tenaciously even though they were 23 points behind, and even the gap in the last two seconds, so we could just enjoy the game quietly." Barkley said, as soon as the conversation changed.

Smith: "it\'s Dry, talk to let you say, Laozi says fart!

However, no matter what kind of situation Smith can win, it is obviously beyond the expectation of all people.

However, although the two said so, the overtime match was far beyond their expectation.

At the beginning of 1:34 seconds, both sides did not get a point. Either in hand to hand or on the way to hand to hand, some green shirt soldiers were sent off soon, that is, black and hard Perkins, who made a whole game of hard steel inside and the double towers of the Lakers. He fouled Bynum who received the ball in a defensive card position. The number of fouls also reached 6 and was sent off.

But this does not hurt, Rashid Wallace and Garnett composed of the two big front combination is also strong, offensive ability is also stronger.

Soon, Rashid Wallace used a medium distance to break the deadlock on the field, but Jifeng suddenly scored one and got his own 46 points!

After this round, both sides seemed to open the valve of attack, pierce and Gasol successively cut two points.

After that is Ji Feng and Ray Allen\'s performance, two people in 2.5 minutes time each shot 2 3-pointer, Ji Feng score also came to exaggerate 52 points!Time soon came to the last minute, the two sides played 112-112, the score is still a draw.

At this time, the Lakers played again. Ji Feng attracted the defensive inside pass, and Gasol scored a key goal under the basket to stop the green army.

However, after the pause, pierce forced Jifeng foul, stood on the free throw line to level the score again!

At this time, the situation changed, Farmar made a fatal mistake, his pass was wrong, and Ray Allen seized the opportunity to break quickly, causing Farmar to foul.

2 penalty 2!

"Roar!" After the goal, Ray Allen roared up to the sky and the green army fans cheered.

With only 9.8 seconds left, the Lakers are once again facing a backwardness.

Asian fans lament all over the field. Most of them are scolding Farmar for not being able to support the wall, and some scold Ron Artest for not responding quickly. There are also those who say that Kobe\'s end has already been doomed. There are also sighs that this is destiny. Of course, more people are still regretting for Jifeng, who has already scored 54 points and has the highest score in the finals. He still has to lose. There is really no way.

Farmar is also very low, squatting on the ground with his face covered in a daze. He also knows that the ball may ruin their efforts.

The Zen master called out the last pause.

This ball will determine whether the Lakers lose the game, continue to play overtime, or kill the game!

"Come here, don\'t cry and lose face, we still have a chance!" Jackson knows that this is not the time to swear. They have to find a way to score a goal and get at least two points. , the fastest update of the webnovel!