Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1597

The advantage of 13 points allowed the Lakers to take the lead in the first game of the finals, leading by 1-0 and taking the lead in the finals.

And compared with the not too big difference and the victory or defeat of the game, the performance of the game is more surprising.

It\'s not to question the victory of the Lakers. It\'s that no one thought that the frenzied warm-up before the game would end in such a way that when the whistle blew, most of the audience did not recall it.

"Just, it\'s gone?"

"Well Ah, maybe. "

"The Lakers won? That\'s how it\'s won? "

"Ah, yes, I won."

"Tut Tut, why don\'t I feel it..."

“(⊙o⊙)… It\'s the same with me. "

"It\'s good to win anyway..."



The above dialogue from the fans on the sidelines may be the true reflection of the hearts of most fans after the game.

Specific what feeling, that only use two words to describe, that is: mediocrity!

Yes, mediocrity.

It\'s plain, just like a flowing water surface.

From the beginning to the end of this game, there is a lack of passion, a kind of bloodiness and a suffocating feeling.

You may say: Hey, life isn\'t about writing novels. How can you be passionate in every game? There must be some mediocre competitions. Otherwise, you think it\'s a TV series. After a few episodes, there must be a climax. How can this person be good!.

This is reasonable. In addition to some special professions, most people\'s lives are indeed dull and occupy most of their time. Even in basketball games, 48 points in a game can\'t be a climax all the time, and there will be boring games in a series of games.

But it\'s not a normal game.

Let\'s not say that this is a championship related finals, or a very important first game. Let\'s talk about the two sides of the game. It\'s the two big feuds in the NBA. Once they meet, they will never die.

If you go through the history of NBA and find all the games of the two teams, you may be surprised to find that almost every game is a needle to wheat, and the number of times to kill red eyes is even more numerous. Even so in the regular season, let alone the playoffs, the 11 playoffs between the two teams contain almost all the features that the finals should or should not have Quality is the model of the finals.

"Playing the Lakers is the only game they don\'t need to do any mobilization," green veteran David bird once said

Similarly, Kobe has also mentioned that in NBA, only meeting the green shirt is the most different.

It can be seen that the two teams have deep gratitude and resentment.

Therefore, in everyone\'s mind, the "old enemy" battle is definitely a situation in which a few sharp knives, from the inside to the outside, are splashing blood everywhere and never die.

Not to mention that hardiness is the style of the green shirt army. As I said before, they are the spokesmen of NBA iron and blood. The team is rich in brothers and expensive. This green army is a master of all kinds of villains. Think about Howard being beaten in the East and James being defended by the green army

However, the game passed smoothly. There was no conflict or quarrel between the two sides. There were not many fouls. The total number of Fouls of the two teams was only 23. Compared with the 40 fouls in the second game of the regular season, it was definitely enough to win the spirit civilization award.

Even after the game, the major commentators admitted that the game was not as wonderful as expected.

"In the flat push game, the Lakers accurately caught the weakness of the green shirt, and Jifeng hit Rondo, and then, it was over." -Barkley.

"The green shirts didn\'t make any effective response. Now it seems that the game can be declared over after the first quarter of the season when Rondo was stormed." - Smith.

From their words, it is not difficult to see that, let alone more or less, is also a bit disappointed with the game.

There are even radical fans who say, "the green army is vulnerable.".

But is the green army really as weak as people say?

But let\'s start with a wave of data.

In the first 19 points season peak played 41 minutes in the first quarter, and got 47 points, 8 rebounds and 8 assists, with a shooting percentage of 64.9%. Kobe also got 23 points, 11 assists and 9 rebounds in the quasi triple double. In addition, Gasol with 18 points, Artest with 14 points and Farmar with 10 points were also on the double.

While the green army is very average, Ray Allen 15 points, pierce 16 points, Garnett 19 points, Rondo 10 points, Rashid Wallace 11 points, although the same 5 people scored double, but the quality is obviously inferior to the Lakers, losing is also reasonable.

And in this sense, it seems to be the reason of the green shirt army.

"Well done." After the game, rivers face is not very heavy, but as usual flat, back to the dressing room, he also expressed satisfaction with the players\' performance.As for the reason, it will go back to three days ago.

As soon as the green army eliminated magic, rivers and his coaching staff couldn\'t wait to analyze their finals opponent, the Lakers.

However, no matter how the analysis is made, the green shirt army is the side with less strength. If they want to win, they need other means.

And after two years ago injured season peak but let the Laker run away, they can only start from other aspects, so they developed a can be called bold tactics!

Although the process was full of twists and turns, many people objected to it, but in the end, they reached an agreement. In a word:

let go of the first scene!

This sounds crazy, because even a coach like Popovich, although he often plays with one hand in the playoffs and takes a retreat as an advance, he does not dare to do so in the finals. After all, in the finals, every game is very important, and a game may affect the ownership of the championship.

But the green army did it!

"Only in this way can we use all our strength in the second game, and at the same time, we can surprise them!" Said rivers.

That\'s why the game happened. The green army, with few tactics exposed, dodged the most powerful wave of the Lakers. At the same time, relying on the media and fans\' crazy praise, many Laker players were in a careless mood.

Although after the game, Zen master has smelled a trace of conspiracy, but he is not a fairy, he did not expect the green army would be so bold, only if they were tired and away, let them have some reservation.

For them, winning is the most important thing, and the crushing win is even better. If the opponent is the green army, it is absolutely cool plus.

So after the game, the Lakers said they would win the championship in six games, but a storm was brewing in the dark. , the fastest update of the webnovel!