Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1309

You catch up with me. You can\'t part with each other!

If you like the roller coaster fans, you will love the game between the Lakers and the Rockets. In the first three quarters, the two teams together played a total of 10 small climaxes, which is not common in previous games. Even Zhang, who has been steeped in basketball for so many years, wiped his cold sweat at the end of the third quarter and said, "this game is really exciting, thanks to my heart It\'s good to be dirty, or I can\'t stand it. "

Yes, from the second quarter to now, the two teams have been entangled in the field for as long as 24 minutes, not only the score, but also the players of the two teams have been in a red eye killing state, both sides control the rhythm of the inside and outside lines respectively!

Inside belongs to the crazy Dayao!

He has been playing singles teaching for Bynum on the inside, the hook on the right side of the penalty area, the jump hook on the left side of the penalty area, and the middle distance at the top of the free throw line The rocket\'s tactics are as simple as 1-4 to give Yao singles. Artest and Battier even stand and watch, but their feet don\'t move much!

But that\'s it. No matter how hard Bynum defends, he can\'t help playing crazy Yao. He pushes and pulls, but all of them fail. The Lakers can\'t bear it, and they have to wrap Yao Ming. But Yao Ming, who killed the red eye, doesn\'t care. With 4:02 left in the third quarter, Yao performed the most classic scene in the interior tonight. Battier just passed the ball to Yao Ming, the nearest Ji Feng, decisively stepped forward to attack. However, the big man turned around and grabbed half a step to get under the basket. Gasol and Fisher couldn\'t help each other, so he could only look at Yao\'s sigh, and hit 4 in a single round. Yao\'s strength was undoubtedly obvious.

What\'s more, in the next round, Gasol tried to find the court. He wanted to use the speed to make a strong breakthrough from the outside line, but he couldn\'t get rid of the big Yao. The reluctant shot under the basket was blocked by Yao mercilessly. Fisher also wanted to take advantage of the chaos to get points, but in exchange for another hot pot

Some people may say that Bynum is too watery, but in fact, once Yao goes crazy, this is his strength. This is his peak season. Any player in the low post in the league is not his opponent!

A simple data, when Yao Ming is on the court, the rocket\'s offensive efficiency is 110.7, which can be ranked as the second place in the league with the pioneers, second only to the first Laker. Once Yao Ming leaves the court, the rocket\'s attack efficiency will directly drop to 104.4, only ranking 22nd in the league.

In 2008-09, Dayao played 975 rounds of back to back singles, averaging 12.7 rounds per game, accounting for 66.3% of his personal attack, 52.9% of his shooting rate, and 964 points, 0.99 points per round, more than 85% of the players this season.

And defense, this season Yao has also reached the peak, especially his protection of the basketball, the restrictions on breakthrough players.

Take James, whose shooting is not stable at this time, for example, he has won 2 games and lost 6 games since he met Yao. The field average data is only 22.3 points, 6.2 rebounds and 5.5 assists. The shooting percentage is only touching 38.9%, which is far below the normal level of his career.

In the four regular season games this season, Bynum\'s average rage at big Yao is only 11 points and 6 rebounds, and the shooting rate is only touching 40%, while Yao\'s is astonishing 28.5 points, 10.2 rebounds, 2.1 blocks, with a shooting rate of 58%.

Some people look down on Bynum, but if you look at Howard, this season\'s peak Warcraft has lost two games against Yao, and the data has been cut in half. The average game is only 13 points, 9.5 rebounds, and the shooting rate is only 47%. In the competition season, 64% of the shooting rate is nearly 20%.

And Dayao field average 22 points, 14.5 rebounds, hit rate as high as 61%, eat sleep play Warcraft is not just talk about.

Yao in this era is definitely the most terrifying internal killer of the league.

So the low post situation of the Lakers can be expected, the first game has been a warning to the Lakers.

So the offensive point of the Lakers has always been in the outside line, that is, JK\'s hand. However, today\'s joint efforts of Artest and Battier still caused some difficulties for the Laker\'s JK\'s attack, but even under such defense, after the initial maladjustment, JK still played his own strength.

Ji Feng still cut 18 points, 8 assists, 5 rebounds and 1 block in three quarters, while Kobe Bryant got 25 points, 6 rebounds, 3 assists and 1 steals.

As ESPN said, "this game is a fight between Laker JK and rockets Yao!"

The last section!

Kobe Bryant replaced the rest of the court, and the Rockets long lost the opportunity to let Yao, who has played nearly three quarters, on the bench.

However, the two sides of the game is still fierce, the peak of the season with a 3 points to tie the score, but Brooks immediately returned a breakthrough layup.

And Bynum finally took advantage of Yao\'s layup to get the eighth point of the game, and Scola also used to turn the top to score again.

One and a half points later, Yao and Kobe came back, and the final showdown began!

"The game is exciting."

"Who can win?! Who can win

"The heart is pounding! It\'s like doing sit ups when the two teams are finished! "After the four minutes, the two teams still play hard to solve the full score, the difference has been hovering around 2 points.

However, at this time, the Rockets suddenly played a wave of small climax, Battier\'s three points and Artest\'s free throw let the Rocket Center get an 8-point lead!

With only 5 minutes and 45 seconds left before the end of the game, the Lakers faced a crisis and Jackson called out a pause.

After the pause, Kobe took control of the ball, but after playing for 2 minutes, the Lakers were still behind. At this time, Kobe was in a hurry and began to take turns to break through the Rockets\' interior line. This decision has achieved some results. Kobe made the difference back to 94-99, and the difference gap returned to 5 points!

But at this time, the change happened!

With about 5 minutes left in the game, Kobe turned his back, passed Battier, and rushed in again. Yao Ming quickly moved from the oblique stab to help defend. Kobe was directly trapped in the double encirclement of Battier and Yao. However, Kobe still chose to push forward, but in the process, Kobe\'s knee collided with Yao!

Just listen to a cry of "ah". In Jifeng\'s eyes, Dayao\'s huge body fell back to the ground!


On the Rockets bench, everyone stood up, and Adelman angrily yelled at the referee: "OMG! Stop the game!! It\'s a foul! This is murder

Then, the referee quickly stopped the game, and at this time, Yao Ming, surrounded by rocket players, covered his knee and fell on the floor in pain!

"Ah, ah! Dayao is down! It\'s very, very painful, holding your knees in both hands. What\'s the situation? " Yu Jia stands up with anxiety on his face and stares at the field. Everything just happened so fast that he didn\'t see what was going on.

Zhang, who was on the other side, brushed his hands together and prayed quickly. This scene made him recall the appearance of Yao when he was injured.

"Ohno! Dayao is holding his knee in agony. I hope he\'s OK!" Barkley said, shaking his head. , the fastest update of the webnovel!