Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1226

No one thought that the original balanced trend of the whole game would be completely changed because of the great seal of the season peak!

The cover completely broke the balance between Jifeng and James, directly leading to the Cavaliers in chaos on the court, and Mike Brown\'s suspension did not save the chaotic scene.

The main reason, of course, is that James is in a hurry!

The suspension did not make James more calm. Although the outside world said James was mature, he was still a teenager in his twenties. After being blocked, he would be eager to find his place.

And we can\'t blame James for his mental imbalance. Being blocked in such a high-profile game is definitely a very shameless thing. What\'s more, it\'s still in the key anwerball, which directly leads to the team\'s backwardness. As the team\'s leader, he must respond.

Of course, there were also staples fans\' assists. After the ball, there was thunderous applause and roar, and the whole staples was just like crazy. Many girls who came to watch the ball yelled at Jifeng, and even Rihanna, a strong supporter of James, kept shaking her head and sighing. How embarrassing was old Zhan.

The photographer\'s performance made James even more depressed. Those people snapped the whole action of the button just now, and many photographers\' hands were shaking. Needless to say, how high the price of the poster and news copyright of this high-definition photo would be, and what\'s more, James felt that he would join Ji Feng\'s moving picture collection again.

So James on the field completely started a personal attack mode, holding the ball for many times looking for 1-on-1 opportunities, all of his teammates incarnate as tool people, and James only has the basket in his eyes!

Indeed, just back on the court, James\'s eyes were like a fire. He asked for the ball directly from the back court. Even Xiao Mo was deprived of the chance to dribble. Mo passed it to the boss with resentment and ran forward silently. He knew that he had no chance with the ball in this round.

James a fierce man to the front court, rhythm changes between the rapid breakthrough, but Jifeng did not choose hard resistance, but false anti real flash, the result is to the heart, James this shoulder with his own 90% of the strength, this did not contact, James on the contrary heavy heart, barely killed to the basket, the layup strength is small, was mercilessly rejected by the basket.

Embarrassed, not to fight

On the contrary, the Lakers seize the opportunity of fast attack and counterattack. Gasol passes under the basket and Jifeng dribbles to attract defense!


This time more stimulated James\'s nerves, old Zhan finally hit the second goal, after the pick and roll into the inside line, a man against the open up defense Bynum, forced to hit!

A wonderful one to three, Bynum would have called a foul if the referee hadn\'t been merciful.

This season peak all had to point a praise, crazy James really enough abnormal, Bynum this tonnage he can resist to finish the shot, enough ruthless.

After the goal, James finally had a good idea. He puffed his chest muscles, then beat him hard and roared up to the sky. James\'s mood can be regarded as recovered.

However, he is normal, but the hidden danger has been planted. From before the suspension to now, James has been playing alone. For two minutes, the Cavaliers have not made an attack, which directly leads to the other players of the Cavaliers not to play!

The direct manifestation is that mistakes start to increase!

First, Mo gave a low-level pass, and then Big Ben\'s two handed dribble was embarrassing. The most troubling thing was the famous actor who was famous for making fouls. Brazilian long hair artist Valerio wanted to make Gasol hit a man with the ball. However, due to his poor acting skills, he was not only called for a false fall, but also was verbally warned by the referee, which made many Laker fans laugh.

Jifeng also laughed, thanks to this year\'s diving is not fine, otherwise Valerio\'s wages will be thinner.

To see the leopard, the two core forces inside and outside the line began to make mistakes, indicating that the knight\'s state at the moment has been completely lost.

James began to recover the pass, but no matter small Mo or big Z didn\'t throw in, and it\'s a terrible thing for any team that plays the Laker, because the Laker can\'t catch the counterattack ability!

"Zhamusheng breakthrough, instantly attracted two defense, crazy dance, small Mo three points, again hit iron! This is his second three-point miss in 2 minutes, rebounds to Jifeng\'s hands, push back, pass, Kobe catch the ball and lay up! James is too late to make up for defense. The Lakers are 17 points ahead

With 3.5 points left in the second quarter, JK successfully connected again, and the Lakers had a full 17 points lead and a 17 point lead in a single quarter, which was a crazy gap.

Cavaliers pause again, come back after the recovery of state, James also finally into the game\'s first three points, but still failed to recover the decline.

Single section 37-20, the Lakers 61-44 half-time lead 17 points into the second half!

James came back to the dressing room and patted himself on the head, obviously not satisfied with his performance in this section.

From the data point of view, although James got 8 points this section, but only one assists, only one rebounds, but the error has reached 4 times, the shooting rate is less than 50%.On the contrary, James\' direct opponent Ji Feng, 11 points, 4 assists, 2 rebounds, 1 block and 1 steals in a single quarter, with a shooting rate of 67% and only one mistake, which can be called a perfect single quarter performance.

Even ESPN said bluntly: "James lost in the second quarter, he needs to find himself."

And Zhang was happy with Jifeng\'s progress: "this is the best quarter of the competition between Jifeng and James. Most of them were open in May and five before. This season\'s peak is really beautiful."

The competition between the two also made the half-time very difficult, and fans were looking forward to the two continuing their Mars shooting collision in the second half.

However, the second half was a little tepid. The ability of the Lakers to control the rhythm was too strong. When the advantage was on the side of the Lakers, they were able to play well. No matter how crazy the Cavaliers were and how much they wanted to equalize, they could not narrow the gap to less than 10 points.

After three quarters, the Lakers are still 14 points ahead of 90-76.

To the most critical fourth quarter, James only took a two minute break and went straight out. You should know that he didn\'t have a minute off in the first three quarters. In the league, his physical fitness can make Mike Brown do this. He would have been on his knees for a long time.

But Mike Brown can\'t help it. Without James, the Cavaliers are actually a playoff team at the most. When chasing points, they can\'t do without him.

James did his best. His teammates didn\'t feel anything. He simply stopped passing. He took the ball and tried his best to get into the basket.

But Jifeng also does not mind, can always respond, the last three minutes Jifeng is still in James head racing into the crucial three points.

The goal shattered the Cavaliers\' dream of scoring.

110-100, the Lakers beat the Cavaliers at home to win the 70th game of the season. Meanwhile, the season double killed the Cavaliers, which made this record full of color! , the fastest update of the webnovel!