Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1201

After a successful away victory over the Mavericks, the Lakers continued their record of never losing in a row this season. In this game, the season peak scored 25 points, 13 assists and 11 rebounds, with a shooting rate of over 65% and 3-out of 4 shots.

Jifeng is also the only player who has been able to win three doubles back-to-back in this season, and this is not the first time Jifeng has done so this season. Other players who are good at triple doubles, such as James and Kidd, have been far removed from triple doubles by Jifeng this season, and there is more than one position.

However, the reaction of the media and fans is very insipid. The report just mentioned a sentence, and did not publicize it. Even Ji Feng himself did not mention it in the interview. As an opponent, Dirk Nowitzki pointed out the key point: "such performance is very common for that guy, so I\'m not surprised."

Yes, that\'s how the fans feel when they see this data. If this kind of thing is put on other players, it will definitely have to blow for three days. Maybe they will have to be named as the successor of XX. However, when it comes to Jifeng, that is the normal operation.

Now Jifeng has finally mixed into the original Kobe\'s level. Getting high marks is not news, but not getting is news. However, after this game, a newspaper has reported that Jifeng has no strong desire to attack this game, only passing the score and only getting 25 points in a single game.

Pass And only got

This let other NBA players see have to collapse, you get a single game 25 points is pass, then they are nothing, even handed in a blank paper!

Do you know how difficult it is for NBA to get 25 points per game? You think it\'s CBA. There are only 7 players who have scored more than 25 points in the league this season, and Anthony has only 24.8 points per game this season!

However, if you think about it carefully, there is no problem. After all, the average score of Jifeng this season is as high as 31.2, and the average score of 30 + matches is as high as 32 games. If you take 25 points, you can really pass.

Therefore, it is understandable that the media fans\' reaction is bland, and there is another point, that is, Ji Feng\'s ability to make news is too strong. You just reported that he broke the record in the front foot, but he didn\'t wait to ferment. At the back foot, Ji Feng broke other records, so the media reporters learned to wait.

Sure enough, let them wait!

Three days later in San Antonio, the Lakers ushered in the second strong opponent of this trip to Texas, the Spurs!

The two teams have met twice this season, and the Lakers have all won and created the biggest point difference in history. The Spurs must hope to regain face at home.

This season\'s Spurs opened low and walked high. After all stars, the Spurs achieved 11-4 record, which made them surpass rockets and Hornets one by one. Now they have ranked third in the West. Although they are only one winning game away from the Hornets, a game is a great advantage at this time.

This record naturally makes Spurs fans happy. They say that they are indeed the Spurs. No matter how they doze off in the early stage, their tusks will show up in the near playoffs. Those who sing bad about the Spurs and those who say that the Spurs are old are blind.

There are also Spurs fans are looking forward to the playoffs, they think the Spurs this record is in Ginobili injured as many as 30 games and Duncan absent 12 games, until the playoff GDP is fully out, the Spurs still have a chance to compete with the Lakers.

Indeed, although the Spurs\' track this season has declined compared with the peak period, it is basically the same. Both of them have a significant improvement after All-Star, which is also the way Popovich used to do. However, from the perspective of the season peak, the Spurs have hidden a lot of crises this season.

One is the well-known injury. Ginobili\'s old injury has not healed, which has greatly affected his state. Duncan has been troubled by knee injury and had to strictly limit his playing time. Only Parker is in good condition in GDP. The second is of course a platitude. Old man, only rookie George Hill is young in his team, but we should know after the season The game is totally different from the regular season. Once GDP suffers from injury, Bowen and other veteran players suffer from physical strength, George Hill is not able to fill the gap.

Moreover, compared with previous seasons, the biggest problem of this spurs is defense. When a team based on defense is no longer sharp, it is the beginning of team collapse. At present, the Spurs only rank ninth in the league in defense score, which is the worst position in ten years.

Moreover, the Spurs won so many games, only the Cavaliers are the league\'s first-line strong team, the rest such as the Lakers, Nuggets, rockets, Hornets, and even Mavericks blazers, the Spurs are winning less and losing more.

In fact, Jifeng is very surprised that such spurs can get to this position. It has to be said that Popovich\'s coaching ability is first-class in the world, and they have a high winning rate against the weak teams in the league. To be frank, it is extremely strong to abuse vegetables. However, in the playoffs when the competition is more terrifying and all strong teams are strong, whether his magic can continue to work is unknown.

Of course, Jifeng doesn\'t mind being a bad guy to uncover the truth behind the prosperity, starting from this game!

At the beginning of the game, the Spurs\' pure main force, the first five games were all substitutes, and the average playing time was only 22 minutes. The reason why Popovich let him take turns is self-evident, which is to run to the Lakers.The other four are Parker, George Hill, Mason, Thomas, veteran Bowen and Oberto sit on the bench. This is the youngest and most powerful lineup that the Spurs can bring out. But it is relatively young. Mason has been 28 years old for 80 years, and Thomas is 72 years old. These two men are also the reinforcement of the Spurs half a season, and some people ignore them at that time Solution, Popovich has always been interested in veteran, left Holly came Thomas, what is the difference.

It\'s hard for the old man. It\'s an indisputable fact that the Spurs lack trading chips. In addition, they can attract some old players to play. This is the sorrow of the small club, so Popovich is really great.

And the Lakers are still familiar with the starting five tigers.

The game begins!

Old Duncan, old man win Bynum, spurs attack, just when Parker organized the attack, suddenly found that the Lakers played a 2-3 joint defense!

"Oh, joint defense! For the first time this season, the Los Angeles team has played united defense at the beginning of the game. What will the Spurs do Yu Jia said.

The Spurs are also a little confused. They always play defense. This time, they were caught off guard by the Los Angeles team. However, they could not find any opportunities in the outer conduction. They wanted to hit the inside line. However, Bynum and Gasol are definitely marking Duncan. Moreover, 3-2 joint defense is very difficult to play inside. Duncan may play hard when he is 10 years younger, but there is no chance now.

But under the helpless Parker catches the ball three points, the regret hits the iron! , the fastest update of the webnovel!