Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1199

After beating Timberwolves on March 8, the Lakers won 12 consecutive victories again. This is the third time that the Lakers have won more than 10 consecutive victories in a row this season, and the 56-4 loss has further crushed the Bulls\' record. At this time, even Jordan stood up to speak.

In an interview with Nike, Jordan finally talked about the problem of the Lakers at the moment. He said bluntly: "there is no doubt that a month ago, if I had doubts about whether the Lakers can break our record, after all, 72 wins are the peak of this era. I always think it\'s hard for any team to do better, but now, I have to admit that those guys have more chances than at least 80%, maybe even more. Maybe a new era is coming. "

But then Jordan laughed and continued: "actually, I thought that only one bull I can do, and there are two guys like me in Los Angeles, and their success is natural."

Finally, Jordan also specifically reminded the Laker players that although the opportunity is right in front of them, the more they can\'t be careless in the end. What they need to do now is to concentrate all their willpower on playing well in every game. He also mentioned that the Bulls lost several more games in the last month because of carelessness.

"If we didn\'t make mistakes at that time, we might not be able to surpass us now." Jordan said, with a touch of emotion, perhaps thinking of his best years.

However, it is also understandable that everyone has limitations. Everyone\'s goal is the record of the past, but lack of foresight of the future.

Jordan\'s words made the Lakers more powerful. Now basketball fans all over the world are talking about the team\'s state, schedule, when they can break the record, and whether they can win the championship. And Jordan\'s "two guys like me" also make Kobe and Jifeng fans enjoy talking about it.

But no one talked about Jordan\'s successor, because Jordan is unique, and Kobe and Jifeng are the same.

However, it may be that there are too many people to talk about, the poison milk is too much, and the 12 consecutive wins of the Lakers are also regretfully ended in two days.

At the beginning of this season, when Auden came back with Roy and Adelaide to form the rookie three giants, the outside world was very optimistic that the Blazers could re-enter the playoffs. Judging from the lineup alone, this young guard has an unlimited future.

After the start of the new season, although Auden\'s performance did not meet people\'s expectations, with an average of 8.4 points and 8.3 rebounds per game, and the running in of teammates was not tacit understanding, but Oden has demonstrated his ability and talent in the interior. The double towers, one attack and one defense composed of him and Adelaide, can also kill his own day in the fierce competition in the western region. At that time, we all expected that Continue to run in, the Blazers will become the biggest black horse this season.

But then came the injury. Auden injured his knee again before the all star game, so he missed the all star rookie game. After the all star, Oden announced that the season would be reimbursed again. The guy who was called the combination of O\'Neill and James before the draft had taken off was in danger of falling. He only played less than 20 games this season.

Auden\'s injury once cast a shadow over the future of the Blazers. Before the all star game, they had seven consecutive defeats, once falling to the ninth place in the West.

But when everyone was full of regret, the pioneers rose again!

Last month\'s 12-3 record allowed the Blazers to jump into the top six in the west, and stunned everyone who failed to sing them down.

At this time, people finally realized that the pioneers didn\'t need Auden to be the leader. They had a new leader!

McCoy, a guy Kobe calls yellow Mamba.

Although Roy was only in the third grade at this time, he had reached his personal peak at the age of 24. So far in the regular season, he could have scored 22.6 points, 4.7 rebounds and 5.1 assists per game. The data is quite comprehensive. At the same time, the shooting rate of the three events reached 48.0%, 37.7% and 82.4% respectively. He also scored a career high 52 points and 0 mistakes in the game against the suns.

If this is not a superstar, then what is it.

Moreover, Roy had a tendency to become a superstar in the League at this time, especially in terms of high-level data. Roy\'s winning contribution value on the offensive side reached 10.9, second only to two data maniac Jifeng and James, and per value also ranked seventh in the league, next to Ji Feng, James, Wade, Paul, Howard, Duncan and Kobe, In BBR\'s irreplaceable player ranking, Roy is higher in the fourth place.

It has to be said that Roy is the best shooting guard in the League after Kobe and Wade. He is very explosive, proficient in various offensive techniques at the offensive end, and he is also a perfect team core leader.

Inside, the power forward of the Blazers is Aldrich. At that time, Aldrich was only 23 years old. He and Roy entered the NBA in the same year, and grew very fast. In the third season, he could have scored 18.1 points and 7.5 rebounds per field. Aldrich is the type of person that all team managers dream of, and has an excellent middle distance.These two men built the trailblazer\'s inner and outer dual core, and supported the pioneer\'s backbone when Oden was not in. After them, there were also young players with an average age of 23, such as Steve black, Batum, Ferdinand, Otto, Channing, fry, bayrus, Rodriguez and so on.

If anyone\'s future in the league is more enviable than the Lakers, it\'s definitely the Blazers at the moment.

And this game with the Lakers, the Blazers in their home show amazing energy!

Originally Auden was absent, the Lakers were more favored by everyone, but the Blazers showed a strong desire to win from the beginning of the game.

Roy hit three points in the beginning, then the defensive end is amazing steal Kobe, and in Kobe\'s pursuit and defense will be the ball up.

It was a wonderful ball. Roy gave full play to his good rhythm and fast speed. It also boosted the morale of the pioneers. The so-called youth guard, when they burst out with enthusiasm, was the most terrible time.

After that, although Kobe Bryant returned two very beautiful layups in a row, but the Blazers were not afraid. Adelain played Gasol successfully in the interior line, and Batum\'s pick and roll smashed in front of Bynum.

The rose garden is boiling!

After the first quarter, the Lakers were 30-36, 6 points behind, and they could get 36 points in a single quarter on the Lakers, which can be seen in the offensive firepower of the Blazers.

The second section, Jifeng began to work!

Although the trailblazer small forward talent reserve is very rich, Batum, Otto and Ferdinand three in turn, but Jifeng\'s personal ability is really terrible, the No. 3 position was not accidentally broken again, Jifeng scored 15 points in this quarter, led the Lakers to return a 32-26 in a single quarter, the two sides tied into the second half.

In the third quarter, the two teams are still neck and neck, 96-96, entering the fourth quarter decisive moment.

In the last two and a half points, the Lakers led by one point. However, Roy stood up at the crucial moment. He first forced himself to be a Kobe hitter, and then surpassed the score by two free throws and two hits. Then he steals in front of Fisher, and a one-stop drive also caused a foul by Fisher!

At the end of the day, the Blazers united to complete a 24 second defense against the sky. The Lakers finally 119-121, two points short of regret, ending 12 consecutive wins. , the fastest update of the webnovel!