Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1195

"I\'ll go! It\'s really powerful The huge force behind him made Jifeng stagger. He took three strides to stop. After stopping, Ji Feng felt his back. He felt that he had just hit a steel plate. Since upgrading, he has not been able to make any progress. This is the first time that he has encountered setbacks.

Moreover, Ji Feng is also a little lucky. Just now he didn\'t hold back his strength and had to try it first. If this directly showed that he had to push back and play alone, it was likely that the result would not be a foul. If he played Howard hard when his height, arms, weight and strength were not dominant, he would almost certainly be blocked.

So Ji Feng has been very satisfied that he can make a foul by Howard this round, so Ji Feng didn\'t discuss with the referee or ask Howard directly for trouble.

But Jifeng is not angry does not mean others are not angry, in other people\'s eyes, this is a slightly fierce foul, the purpose is not to let Ji Feng seize the opportunity to turn around to complete the small play big, so staples sounded a burst of boos, Kobe also went up to the referee a wave of theory, and Bynum and Howard directly spewed rubbish words.

And Zhang also said: "this is a vicious foul, it is easy to hurt others, Warcraft, this is not necessary to do so."

Howard is very much like a child who steals candy. He talks rubbish with Bynum and blinks at Jifeng, showing off. Jifeng can even read the psychological activities of this guy at the moment:

"I won\'t let you fight, I won\'t be angry!"

In this regard, Ji Feng can only regret to say that IQ is indeed a hard injury

Ignoring Howard\'s provocation, Ji Feng moved his back and directly put himself into the offensive state. He decided not to try again, but to win the game. Anyway, there will be a long time to go.

"This is Ji Feng, a very low-key player on the court." Yu Jia agreed that Ji Feng didn\'t find too many referees and directly asked Howard for trouble, but continued to put in the attack obediently.

If these words let those players who are swayed and killed by Ji Feng every other time, they will spit blood three liters on the spot. If Jifeng keeps a low profile, what are they!

The Laker\'s sideline was just a small episode. No one knew what Ji Feng meant except Ji Feng. The game recovered quickly. The Lakers played the serve tactics. Kobe came out to pick up the ball and then forced it out. After being sandwiched, it was distributed to Bynum. The latter tried to lay up but was slapped by Howard!

This is the power of Howard at this time. Except Yao, no center in the league can easily score in front of him.

The blocked ball came to Jifeng\'s hand, and now there are only 3 seconds left to attack. Ji Feng gets the ball and adjusts one step to press the whistle to hit two points.

And magic side use pick and roll to let Howard catch the ball to complete the smash!

The game seems to be back to the first quarter, the two teams have played their own offensive and defensive, the score can not be opened, has been hovering around 5 points.

Until four minutes later, the two teams continued to adjust, the main players came out one after another, but still facing the attack, the game played very anxious.

Until the last point and a half of the second quarter, magic played a wonderful cooperation. Howard caught the ball from the inside line and attracted Ji Feng\'s bag. Howard dodged Ji Feng\'s snatch and then divided the ball. Tekogru took the ball from the flank of the three-point line, and Jifeng couldn\'t defend himself and dropped the bag accurately!

Magic pulled the score to 45-43, only two points.

"We have to find a way to do it." Jifeng is thinking about how to break the game. At this time, because of the threat of Howard at the offensive end, Jifeng and Kobe have to separate their spirit to constantly assist in defense. However, Howard is obviously in full state tonight. After being co defended, he can always find open opportunities for his teammates on the outside line. The magic feel is good, 4 out of 6 three-point ball, which also makes the defense of the Lakers more difficult, so Ji Feng wants to do it at this time Help the team improve their morale.

It\'s the turn of the Lakers to attack, Ji Feng takes the lead to try, run to the front court and wait for the position, and then go straight for the three points!

"Ji Feng three point projection!"

"Oh, it\'s short. Hit the front line!"

Jifeng didn\'t make it this time, but Jifeng felt something wrong with his shot. At the moment of landing, he slammed on the floor and rushed toward the interior line.

"What\'s the situation?" Magic people are a little confused, plus the basketball hit the front edge and continue to fall, and then from the magic people\'s feet to play out, just fell into the hands of Jifeng!

"Throw in and grab, there\'s still time!"

See Jifeng get rebounds, Royce quickly ready to fly block eye-catching, this position must not let Jifeng sudden in.

However, Ji Feng made a choice that surprised everyone. After two dribbles, he suddenly slowed down to the outside line.

At this time, the defensive season peak of Lewis had to change defense, but saw Jifeng\'s action, he was relieved, since it is to the outside line, it should not be their own attack What a fart!

I saw Jifeng back to the three-point line directly transport a step back to turn to rely on Lewis, and then a crotch after the extremely fast turn forced breakthrough, Lewis simply can\'t keep up, can only be Jifeng a step past a clean!"Don\'t try to throw it!" At this time, Howard because Bynum was involved, see this scene directly three strides to chase out, want to block the shooting season peak.

Ji Feng originally wanted to throw at this time, but Howard\'s appearance made Ji Feng very angry. Since he can\'t throw,

then - smash the ball!

Do what you say!

In this 0.0 seconds of hesitation, Ji Feng three strides with all his strength, and then head for Howard.

Bang Dang!

Buckley directly stood up in the studio, with his chair down. He was staring at Jifeng\'s action. This guy was trying to buckle Howard!

Kobe has done and done a very good job in this matter, but the Warcraft of that season was just a rookie, who didn\'t know anything and had no experience. At the moment, Warcraft after Kobe\'s education was different from that at that time. Jifeng\'s choice seemed very risky. If it was blocked, it would not be the biggest black history!

This is definitely a career bet!

But Ji Feng didn\'t have direct rigidity. He had a strong abdomen in the air, and his left hand was in front of his chest. He refused Howard\'s physical contact, and then glided to the right side to avoid Howard\'s cover in the air!

Bang Dang!

Jifeng\'s right arm pressed the ball in the basket, while Howard hit Jifeng\'s right arm, Jifeng lost his balance and fell to the ground!

But even if he was lying on the ground, feeling the pain of his back, Ji Feng was still very hot-blooded, passionate, and had to buckle Howard, which was enough to make him crazy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!