Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1191

Out of the dressing room, Chris Paul has figured out how to deal with the reporters, because he knows that whether it is the near 40 point fiasco or the midfield smashing the emergency lights in the channel of players, they will not escape the eyes of reporters.

Sure enough, Chris Paul was surrounded by reporters as soon as he left the dressing room. More than a dozen microphones were almost connected to his face. However, the reporter\'s first question made him open his eyes a little bit and couldn\'t speak for two seconds.

"Mr. Chris! What do you think of the Lakers\' 49 wins? Do you think the Lakers can break the Bulls\' record of the fastest 50 wins this season ESPN reporters asked aloud, with an excited look on their faces.


Paul is stupid. I lost nearly 40 points and broke the light in the passage. If you don\'t ask me about two such big things, the first question is to ask me this!?

Fuck! Who cares if they win 49 or 50!

Of course, Paul can only think about this in his mind, but his reply is still full of resentment: "the Lakers are very strong, can play until now, this result has exceeded everyone\'s expectation, although they are likely to surpass the legendary bull, but I still think that bull will be stronger."

"Do you think the Lakers will surpass the 96 Bulls?" The reporter directly ignored the words behind Paul, the middle sentence is enough!

"Well Paul\'s subconscious response.

“OK! thank you! My interview is over! " ESPN reporters pushed the crowd straight away and headed for the press conference hall, which was the main battleground for reporters tonight.

"Hey?! I\'m not finished yet Paul subconsciously wanted to stop the reporter, his subconscious told him that things are not so simple

However, the reporter\'s general flexibility is about the same as a rabbit. He wrote on his notebook as he ran: "queen bee was beaten down, believing that the Lakers will surpass the bulls, and the Hornets have become the most important stepping stone on the Laker\'s record setting road."

In the early morning of the next day, Paul\'s angry roar came from a mansion in New Orleans: "ESPN of CNM!"

"bang!" The newspaper was thrown to the wall with the headline on the front page: "Paul the queen of the bee is beaten, and the Lakers are running to the record on the Hornets."

The picture shows Paul smashing the lamp in anger

No wonder Paul was so angry. The title and the pictures just sprinkled a handful of salt on his wound.

But soon enough, the League announced the penalty for Paul smashing the lamp. Paul was fined $25000 and had to compensate staples for his loss


However, Paul is more angry that even if he is fined, he is not the protagonist of the news. At the moment, of course, the protagonist of the news is the Los Angeles Lakers, who won 49 but only lost 4!

"I used to lament that I didn\'t see Jordan\'s miracle with my own eyes. I\'m glad I\'m witnessing that the team closest to Jordan in history is making an impact on the throne. We are so humble and humble that we can\'t make history. We are great enough to be witnesses of history."

After the game between the Lakers and the Hornets, the words of the tiger rush immediately hit the headlines, causing a frenzied discussion among fans. Many people were talking about the record of the Lakers and the comparison between the Lakers and the bulls in those years.

Sports pictorial also compared the fastest 50 winning teams in history in the news of that day. At present, the top three teams are: 50 wins in 56 games in 1996, 50 wins in 57 games in 97, and 50 wins in 57 games in 83!

And the Lakers are only one game away from the 50 win, and the Lakers have only played 53 games. If the Lakers win any game in the next two games, the Lakers will set a new record for the Bulls!

And that, in their opinion, is as high as 90%.

After all, the two opponents after the Lakers are not strong!

"The most important thing is, the top three teams have won the championship of the season. Will the next one be the Lakers?" Sports Illustrated said at the end.

In such a storm of discussion, the Lakers were not affected. Thanks to the schedule, after the Hornets, they appeared at the airport that night and arrived at the next venue in Minnesota in the early morning. They went to sleep at 3:00 a.m., ate at 10:00 a.m., and trained at 2:00 p.m. to adapt to the venue. Many of the Lakers didn\'t get a chance to read the news carefully.

Today, that is, on the 23rd, they will fight the weak Western Timberwolves, which is regarded as a record war by all!

This was not a popular game, because of this reason, it became the most popular. The NBA temporarily decided to broadcast the game nationwide. This is the first game of the season for Timberwolves to have national live broadcasting.

At the moment, the home of the Timberwolves is full for the first time this season. After wolf king left last season, it is the first time that there is a full seat. However, the Timberwolves fans are not very happy, because it is obvious that the extra fans are wearing the purple and gold team uniform of the Lakers. They are all fans who have traveled thousands of miles to cheer for the Lakers or hope to witness the history on the spot!

However, this formation still scared Ji Feng. When he just came out, he thought that the Timberwolves could play such a good ball Market."Audience friends! Welcome to the battle of focus. The Lakers challenge Timberwolves on the road. Before that, the Lakers ranked first in the league with 49-4 losses. This is about whether they can break the historical record of 50-6 set by the bulls in 1996

CCTV started live broadcast on time. Yang Jian and Zhang guidi became the lucky host guests tonight. Next door Su Qun Yang Yi cried and fainted in the toilet.

The game begins!

The main force of the Lakers, the Timberwolves are rookies led by Lefu, who is now a rookie inside the Timberwolves, shooting with one hand is very accurate.

However, Lefu soon became another educated rookie under Jifeng. When he first came up, Lefu still wanted to throw one, but Ji Feng didn\'t make sense at all and directly blocked Lefu with three points!

After Lefu fell to the ground, the whole person collapsed. The three points can be covered. It\'s unreasonable!

What\'s more unreasonable is that Kobe, the leader of the Lakers, obviously has a strong desire to attack tonight. After defending him for 5 rounds, he was beaten into a sieve. All the 18 martial arts skills of Kobe were used, and Foye could only stop him with fouls.

In the first quarter, 40-18, the Lakers played the most crazy first quarter of the season. The Timberwolves once couldn\'t pass the half-time for a minute, playing iron eight times in a row, which made most of the loyal fans in the stands walk away.

At this time, the Laker fans have been restless, fans all over the world began to celebrate the arrival of 50 wins in advance.

This time are not afraid of poison milk, the first quarter lose 22 points can turn over the forest wolf can win the championship!

Sure enough, the Lakers played 78-38 points under the leadership of Ji Feng in the half-time, and the Timberwolves had completely given up resistance.

The final garbage time arrived, the Lakers finally 132-88, swept the Timberwolves, got the 50th victory of the season!

The fastest 50 wins in history officially achieved! , the fastest update of the webnovel!