Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1188

It is said that they are on the right track, but in fact, it is only slightly better than the situation in the first three minutes. However, it is extremely unrealistic to expect the shooting rate of both sides to suddenly recover. Both sides put their energy on the defensive end, and fierce hand to hand combat can be seen everywhere. The game was played to 6 minutes and 43 seconds, and the two teams played 10-10. At this time, Gasol and Josh Smith were off the court for treatment, and both sides began to enter Rotation time.

The Lakers replaced Jifeng, Gasol, Fisher, Ariza, Farmar and Radmanovic, while the Hawks replaced Solomon Jones.

As soon as he came back from the official pause, the Hawks began to rely on the substitute\'s Solomon Jones to shoot first, and then he hit three points to help the team take the lead. However, the Lakers didn\'t score, which made Ji Feng on the bench scratching his head.

It may be that Jones\'s goal opened up the Hawks\' second pulse, and Josh Smith suddenly began to break out. He first received Bibby\'s pass, cut the inside line, and then snatched the front court rebounds by using Bynum\'s blocking error, and then directly shot in situ and scored two points!

The difference was instantly expanded to 7 points!

And the Lakers are eager to recover the score, but the state is really terrible, Kobe\'s backward bullet frame out, Gasol had already got the rebounds under the basket, but he slipped and threw it out On the other hand, when Gasol played on his back in the next round, hofford made an offensive foul spiritually!

Once in a while, the Lakers only got 16 points at the end of the first quarter, the lowest score in a single quarter this season, while the Hawks recovered from the state in the second half and got 25 points, leading by 9 points in a single quarter.

When pausing, Chan continued to emphasize defense, when the main score is not available, try to defend and let the opponent score as little as possible is the way to win.

Jackson is still calm. After all, he expected the situation today. The first game after the All-Star game is often the time when the strong teams overturn the most. Because the strong teams are rich in all stars, teams with three main players such as the Lakers are often greatly affected. After all, the impact of not playing a formal game for nearly a week is much greater than most people think.

However, Jackson is still not ready to lose, this time lost to the Hawks is too hurt, so he can only constantly through the change of players to adjust the state.

In the second quarter, Jifeng went straight into the game. Kobe, Gasol and Bynum were on the bench, and Jackson had to. Only Jifeng\'s data was OK. He scored 6 points from 3 of 5 shots. The others were 1-in-6 for Kobe, 0-for-3 Gasol, 0-for-3-bynum, and 2-point scoring for the three. This situation did not exist in the script. This state of affairs directly formed a blacksmith It\'s all right.

Kobe is also very angry, he tried a variety of ways tonight, but one of his hands is really bad, the other is the hawk defense is also very targeted, Joe Johnson constantly forced Kobe to go to the left, and then use the inside line bag to let him use the middle shot to solve the problem, which is basically cool in the usual, but today Kobe is really unable to shoot, the cold feeling of the night is always so unexpected Meet.

As for the inside twin towers, Gasol was covered by slag, his arm was painted, and his black hands also suffered a lot. Although Gasol retaliated, his hands were all worn out, and Bynum was almost the same. Restricting hofford cost him a lot of energy.

In the second quarter, the Hawks changed the main force early, but the track miraculously returned to the situation of both sides playing iron. Here, Ji Fengqiang suddenly broke in to help the Lakers break the scoring shortage. There, Joe Johnson finally rushed into the middle shot, while Jifeng assisted Radmanovic. The latter slammed the basket around the neck, and the Hawks returned a quick break pass out of the field

In the second half of the second quarter, one of the two sides got 9 points and the other got 8 points. In the standoff, the Hawks gradually gained the upper hand. Relying on Josh\'s excellent running without the ball, the Hawks kept a weak advantage in shooting. Then Bibby shot three points, and the eagles once pulled the difference to 12 points. However, after Ji Feng, Fisher helped the Lakers with a central shot and an auxiliary The situation has been stabilized.

After half-time, the Lakers were 36-45 down 9 points into the second half!

Both sides of the defensive battle let the fans have some of the passion, but in fact, this kind of defensive war is more tired than the attack to bomb.

"Only 34 points at half-time is the new low of the season for the Lakers It\'s the third time the Lakers haven\'t been ahead in the first half of the season Xu Xu, who was the commentator of the game, felt that the game of the Los Angeles team was more and more ominous, with only 36 points in the half-time. This season, the Lakers rarely play like this. Just look at the number of times behind at half court.

"It\'s obvious tonight that everyone is affected by the all star, obviously not in the state, very skillful." Yu Jia also said that the Hawks are iron enough. I didn\'t expect the Lakers to be more iron. Today\'s game is like this.

At this time, another match came to an end. The Cavaliers narrowly won the pistons with 1 point at home. Although they won, James had 22 points, 7 assists, 8 rebounds and 9 mistakes, which was almost another type. The quasi four doubles became news. In other games, only Duncan with 16 points and 13 rebounds played normally. It can be seen that everyone is still looking for state.

The midfield Lakers didn\'t go back to the dressing room. Ji Feng and others were all throwing baskets to find the state. While the hawks were fully analyzing in the dressing room, they were going to win the game and beat the Lakers in the season. It\'s worth mentioning.In the third quarter, the two sides fell into a stalemate. Generally speaking, the two teams opened in five and five, but the Hawks obviously played better. Josh Smith took up the offensive flag, and led the Clippers to play a 12-2 attack wave to stop the Lakers. At this time, some fans have sighed that the trend is gone.

But at this time, an unexpected person stood up, that is old fish Fisher!

He played steadily in the first half, 2-out-4 and scored 5 points, but after all, Fisher was not the main scoring point of the Lakers, so few people paid attention to him, and the commentators would not place their hopes on him.

However, at the critical moment of the third quarter, the old fish stood up!

First, he received Ji Feng\'s pass and hit three points at the top of the arc to help the Lakers stabilize the situation. Then he steals Bibby\'s pass at the defensive end. He pushed forward the personal fast break. Although he didn\'t score, he made Bibby\'s hitter a foul, with two penalties and two hits!

At the end of the third quarter, Fisher seized the opportunity to put in a 3-pointer at the pressure post! With eight points in a single quarter, the Lakers reduced the gap to single digits with his strong counterattack.

57-66, the difference is still 9!

"I didn\'t expect that Fisher came forward to save the team!" The commentators were blinded.

Even more fierce is still behind. Ji Feng has found that today\'s old fish is a shark, so he passed one to Fisher as soon as he came on the stage in the fourth quarter, and Fisher\'s three-point line outside the knife to get 3 points!

There\'s only six points left!

At this time, Kobe finally completed the game\'s first steal, strong 1v3 layup hit 2 + 1!

The game is full of suspense for a moment!

Staples\'s shouts were higher and higher, and the defensive shouts shook the whole field!

The Hawks didn\'t seem to have much to do here. Joe Johnson began to play singles. As a result, the Hawks\' first iron continued his hand tonight. Bang Bang\'s three irons let the Lakers seize the opportunity to surpass the score in one fell swoop! , the fastest update of the webnovel!