Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1181

Of course, bosh came back from the wild, along with his three brothers Wade, James and Paul. Without Anthony, Anthony was not selected as an all star, so he had to take his wife to sea fishing.

They started after watching the slam dunk contest. Although all the people except Wade didn\'t deal with Ji Feng, they had to admit that Ji Feng\'s dunking was really too addictive, which made their energetic masters have no place to release their redundant youth. Under the leadership of old driver Wade, they went to a night club in Phoenix to have a good happy day Wave.

Bosh came back early. Paul and wade were still playing in the field at this time. Only James came back with him. The reason why he left early was to go to sleep early. After all, in the upcoming race, he was very lucky to replace Garnett who was injured and became the first starter in his career, so he wanted to have a good one As for the performance of old Zhan, it\'s needless to say that Ji Feng cut off last year\'s All-Star MVP, but this one is struggling to find a place.

However, before returning to his room, he saw the two Laker JK brothers in the gym. At this moment, bosh really wanted to shout: lost!

Is there a mistake, big guy? This is the first time he saw an all star, someone stayed in the gym until midnight. It\'s too exaggerated!

Listen to Ji Feng and Kobe\'s topic, the focus is how to kill the East tomorrow and leave MVP in the West

Bosh felt that tomorrow\'s victory was getting further away from them.

So bosh went back to his room with a broken confidence

The result of being stimulated before going to bed is that he can\'t sleep well. Bosh sleeps miserably all night. He wakes up and sleeps again and again. He comes back early to make up for his sleep, but it\'s all over.

Until 12 o\'clock in the afternoon, bosh walked to the restaurant of the hotel to prepare for dinner Then I saw Wade with a dirty face coming up to him and whispered, "I said that your brother left so early last night. I thought the girl in the nightclub was not on time. But you should be restrained. Be careful that you are squeezed dry by the big white girl. There is still a competition today."

Bosh really wants to die at this time

But saw the full face relaxed does not show the tired Ji Feng and the Kobe to walk into the dining room, bosh completely collapsed


February 15th!

This is a grand ceremony for fans all over the world, and the final play of all stars will officially open at 7:00 p.m. local time!

In the morning, Jifeng and all the western all stars are practicing together. In fact, the atmosphere is very relaxed. Basically, they are in a simple warm-up. Then George Carr simply said a few words, and then asked a group of players who have time requirements. They can go to him at any time and Practice freely. There is no tactics at all. All star is entertainment first.

Take Popovich\'s former all star coach when he said that it is enough to put a pupil in the position of all star coach.

The court is also full of reporters who come to explore in advance to analyze the status of these all stars by watching the performance of the training match. Of course, the most important thing is to interview a wave of all stars.

Of course, the most important issue is the ownership of MVP. In the West all stars, Xiaosi is naturally the most active. After all, Phoenix is his home team, and he has always been the number two figure here. After Nash\'s decline, he has become the signboard here. Naturally, he is the one who wants to get the most. However, he is not alone. In addition to Duncan and Yao, All-Star of this year In this way, besides the players, there are a lot of people who want to get MVP. O\'Neill will not talk about it. Kobe also has the meaning of competition, especially in the East. James will write his MVP on his face.

So after the interview, the reporters are very excited, this competition may be unprecedented fierce!

After a simple interview, Ji Feng returned to the hotel, and then took part in two activities and exclusive interviews with CCTV and Tencent respectively.

5 p.m!

The performance before the all star game officially started, which lasted for an hour and a half. This session, like the previous one, invited many famous stars to participate. For example, everyone was familiar with Arthur boy. Because of the race of NBA, rap was obviously more popular here.

Backstage, everyone is actively preparing for the game. As long as the TV stations cooperating with NBA League are broadcasting the game, it is also the last day of the all star weekend, and everyone\'s enthusiasm has reached the highest point.

An hour and a half later, the all star game ushered in the most anticipated part of the fans, the appearance ceremony!

The opening ceremony of Ji Feng\'s singing with Avril after dancing with a mask was called the strongest and most creative opening in history. This opening ceremony also directly set the previous All-Star ratings to a new high.

This year, stern obviously learned from the successful experience of the previous one. For the appearance ceremony, he specially built a gorgeous stage at the exit of the player channel, with a large LED screen in the middle to divide the East and the West. He also invited famous beautiful cheerleaders to dance on both sides and welcome all stars at the same time!Before the official start, the masquerade Dance Troupe, which cooperated with Jifeng very happily last year, staged a vigorous dance show ~!

With the sound of the famous DJ Frank playing in Phoenix next door, the all star appearance ceremony officially begins!

"Good! After the masquerade performance, let\'s officially introduce the players from the East and the west this year! " Yujia\'s voice came from the TV.

"One on one side this year." Zhang said.

In the camera, the first person to appear is mauwilhelmes moss in the East, while Tony Parker appears next door. They simply say hello and walk off the stage.

After that, the eastern and Western substitutes entered the stadium in turn, on both sides!

In this, only pierce couldn\'t be lonely to dance the break. Others were not low-key guys like Dirk, or players like Granger and Harris who participated for the first time, so the overall situation was a little dull.

But that\'s how it happened!

Just when everyone was a little disappointed, the last substitute of the all star appeared!

The same mask, walking slowly in space, the difference is that his body as long as you can guess, Shaq O\'Neill!

He appeared in the company of the masquerade dance company and had a passionate and hot dance on the field. The audience also cheered for face, while Ji Feng laughed in the back.

Different from last season peak, O\'Neill is mainly responsible for funny, funny dance let the whole audience into joy!

"There is only one O\'Neill in the world!" Yang Yi sighs that with O\'Neill, there is no need to be afraid that the all star will be cold, and this is also a gift O\'Neill gives to fans all over the world!

Then O\'Neal trotted all the way to the DJ stage after the dance, while the LED screen unfolded and the lights dimmed, revealing the ten All-Star starters inside! , the fastest update of the webnovel!