Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1177

Ji Feng finally appeared!

It has to be said that after the first three players came out, Stern was a little worried, because compared with the previous one, although the three bucks just now were good, they lacked surprise and were a little boring.

Howard that is not bad, but he buckled four times to succeed, greatly reducing the enthusiasm and expectations of the fans, 48 points into 50 points is also a bit of a force.

Before the total three buttons is, not enough irascible, not elegant, not creative!

It\'s Jifeng at last!

Stern is now looking forward to Ji Feng coming out to save some of the cold atmosphere.




With such a cry, Ji Feng rubbed his hands, and then the judges on the table behind him said hello. Then the staff gave him a ball, and the light lit up the whole half of the court. Everyone held their breath and looked forward to Ji Feng\'s first cut.

However, Ji Feng made two postures, which made the audience\'s appetite satisfied, and then slowly walked to the court. At this time, Kobe, who was originally in a suit, took off his coat and walked on the court with Jifeng!

"Oh, oh, oh, Kobe\'s on the court. It seems that Jifeng\'s goal is to cooperate with Kobe. What kind of creativity will it be?" Yu Jia said expectantly.

See season peak and Kobe also came to the backboard behind!

This is obviously an idea of dunking from the back of the backboard, which is similar to Howard\'s, which makes many people frown. The original idea of Howard was to glide in the past, but it didn\'t succeed. Later, he used his long arm to push through the backboard to finish the dunk. However, he didn\'t fail several times in advance It\'s hard enough.

So Jifeng also started from behind the rebounds, it is easy to form a contrast with Howard\'s dunk. If this is simple, the score must not be equal to Howard, especially when Howard has got full points.

Jifeng\'s choice is undoubtedly a challenge!

But Ji Feng chose it on purpose. Before that, he practiced the idea of dunking after rebounding with Kobe in the interval of training, which was originally used in the final, but Howard\'s dunk let Ji Feng give up the idea.

The real man is to be positive!

"Are you ready?" Kobe took the ball to find a continuous position, and then back to the press box inside Ji Feng said.

“OK!” Jifeng signal can start!


Jifeng\'s right foot severely stepped on the floor, issued a sharp sound, and at this time, Kobe directly behind the basketball pass, the ball hit the right behind the backboard!

At the moment, Jifeng jumps high, cuts from the right baseline, catches the ball under the basket on the right side of the rebound, and glides to the left side of the rim!

Ji Feng in the hurdle under the precise control, avoid the backboard, glide to the backboard near, the second exhibition abdomen, forced rotation 160 degrees to press the ball into the basket!

Bang Dang!

Blow up, blow up!

The stadium was finally ignited!

"Ooh, ooh, ooh ~!" At the same time, there was a scream from the scene. Kobe directly rushed over and gave Jifeng a hard push. Ji Feng slipped directly on the floor and fish jumped to the three-point line. All around were reporters carrying cameras to do the same thing!

James and Wade\'s mouth turned into a zero, Gasol was surprised, but pulled Fisher and Farmar\'s pants to let them not be surprised.

The five judges did not wait for the replay. The five judges had put up the 10 point sign.


Perfect full score action!

Especially compared with Howard, he has 50 points. There is no reason why Ji Feng is not. And I have to thank Howard for deducting before Ji Feng. If this order is changed, Howard will not have 50 points!

This maneuver is longer and more difficult than Howard\'s!

"It\'s wonderful. It\'s a record glide. It\'s like a century\'s flight." Yu Jia said.

"Perfect! This ability is too strong, timing, physical talent, indispensable ah, perfect 50 points Zhang also said.

Ji Feng\'s dunk finally pushed the atmosphere of tonight to a climax!

Nate covered his head. He was a little short of oxygen and needed to slow down. He felt that the final was getting further away from him.

The second round starts!

Ferdinand, who scored the lowest in the first round, took the lead. This time, he had to fight back. The previous two 50 points made him have to take out the action of pressing the bottom of the box.

He also brought in foreign aid, a member of the Laker team and his Spanish teammate Pau Gasol!

Gasol throws the pass, Ferdinand flies behind the backboard, catches the pass and smashes the ball in!

The same is true of backboard!

However, compared with Ji Feng, this is not very difficult, so it is still three 8 points and two 9 points, the same 42 points as the first round, which basically cut off his journey to the final.However, O\'Neal and glider Drexler both felt very good, just because it was too much of a loss to come out after the season peak, while Spanish TV gave 10 points.

Then Nate, who also chose to cooperate this time, seems to have done a lot of preparation.

Wilson Chandler stepped onto the court, just when everyone thought it was another flying dunk, Chandler lay on the ground, the position of the inside arc of the free throw line

When everyone was confused, Nate stepped on Chandler to complete the dunk!

Reasonable season peak spurts again, this is the brain thinks very well, makes out the unusual awkward typical Dunk

Four 8 points and 9 points. Nate made the lowest score tonight and left the game in a gloomy mood. It seems that the final will not be with him again. The former dunk king and now the soy sauce brother are really unpredictable.

Howard\'s turn again!

At this time, Howard began to play flower work!

A forklift into the court, the top is a higher basket, about 3.5 meters, on the right side of the original Basket!

Then Howard ran to a phone booth set up at the scene to change his clothes. When he came out, his white shirt was already covered with Superman\'s red cloak, implying Superman\'s return!

It\'s Superman again. Howard really likes this idea.

After the hoop of Howard della was confirmed safe, teammate Nelson threw the ball on the backboard and rebounded to catch the ball and then made a simple double hand smash!

A little dry dunk, showing Howard can jump higher, and then no more

Then more coquettish came, the scene of the judges asked the height of the basket and discussed, and then gave 50 points

Howard got a double full mark to advance to the final

"This dunk, at least 10 points, is for the previous creativity..." Jifeng speechless shake his head, this is the guy\'s idea of a season, really is, not so

But it can be used

Jifeng went up, and after consulting with the staff, Howard\'s basket was not removed, but put in place, and then Jifeng measured the distance between the two baskets with a real eye, and let the staff make the final adjustment!

"Well? Ji Feng, do you want to borrow Howard\'s props? " Yu Jia said.

Ji Feng brought two basketballs!

"Double blue, double ball?" Director Zhang exclaimed in surprise, which is too difficult!

Jifeng in the audience\'s exclamation in the vicinity of the three point line jump!

Then jump high, first the right hand into the 3.5 meters basket, and then the left hand into the original Basket!

Different height of double ball double basket slam!

Needless to say, it is still full of 50 points!

Jifeng also entered the final with full marks! , the fastest update of the webnovel!