Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1170

"Wow, another record! 23 seconds, more than two seconds faster than the Spurs\' record, worthy of the championship Cried Yu Jia.

"This is another record of Ji Feng. Including the record of the last All-Star skills competition, Ji Feng has arranged two records. Let\'s see if we can break the record again." Zhang said with a smile that although shooting star is the most entertaining game, mainly interesting, it is still very happy to break the record.


Ji Feng, who hit the decisive goal and was still a brilliant and elegant three-point midfield player, made his long-standing symbolic celebration near the middle circle. Of course, he did not forget that his hands shot at the audience, attracting a burst of crying and howling from the audience, especially the female audience.

On the other hand, the stars on the court also stood up and applauded. O\'Neill also played the famous break dance. The classic dance with O\'Neill\'s appearance made him feel happy. As expected, he was the most suitable star for the All-Star atmosphere.

"Stone Buddha" touched manu\'s head sitting beside him. Unfortunately, he was a little bald, and his hand feeling was not as good as before.

"I knew I\'d let you go." Duncan clapped and said, Jifeng this guy is really out of line, search through the entire Spurs history, and the crazy state of Ginobili can have the power of a war.

"Don\'t make a fuss. I\'m useless. That guy is a pervert." Ginobili doesn\'t feel much about the hands on his head. Duncan\'s hands are poisonous. He only knew about it in the last two years, but it\'s too late. It\'s too late. So enjoy it. Anyway, the hair that has passed away can\'t come back. He just hopes that he can have hair when he retires, even in the Mediterranean.

Of course, the most happy of all is the Laker generals led by Kobe and Gasol. After all, it belongs to the victory of the whole team of the Lakers, which is also a collective honor of the Lakers in this all star game. As a member of the Lakers, they are naturally and proud. Therefore, they also ask Ji Feng to go to the sidelines to celebrate with them.

But Jifeng\'s action just finished, there was Jabbar glider around the field after a circle, rushed back and yelled to jump on Jifeng\'s back Jabbar, 218 cm in height, jumped onto the back of Ji Feng, 203 cm in height. How can he feel happy? Jabbar successfully pushed the atmosphere to a climax.

Then there was the award ceremony. Jabbar, Jifeng and Leslie held the cup above their heads in the cheers of the whole audience!

First champion get!

"congratulations to Ji Feng and the Laker team. This is the first time that Ji Feng has won this award and the first title he has won today ESPN\'s commentary said: "in addition to winning the championship, Ji Feng showed his good state in the game. He hit all six shots with a 100% shooting rate. There are two midfield three-point points in it. In this way, I am more looking forward to the next three-point competition!"

This sentence also reminds the audience in front of the TV that Ji Feng\'s feeling is really nobody. Maybe Ji Feng can really create a miracle in the three-point competition!

So the ratings began to soar again

Curry is sitting at home eating his favorite popcorn and watching TV. He is still a student party. Naturally, he has no money to go to Phoenix, let alone buy tickets. After all, the bills on the top of the all star mountain have been fried to 4500 US dollars, which is definitely a huge sum of money for him now. He is not surprised by Ji Feng\'s performance. Ji Feng\'s three-point ability is better than his performance He knew it was better.

However, this does not hinder his expectation of the three-point competition. He also wants to see if Ji Feng can win the championship with the unprecedented full score!

"It\'s time to go to the bathroom!" After watching the award ceremony, curry clapped his hands and said it was time to empty himself before the competition came.

However, at this time, the voice from the television, at the moment is introducing the list of people who participate in the skills competition. But when the name of the defending champion Ji Feng comes, KULI looks helpless and almost forgets that Ji Feng has also participated in the skills competition.

"Hold on!" Curie sat back, he decided to watch Jifeng skills competition before leaving, for him, Jifeng dribble is the template, he does not want to miss!

At the moment, Jifeng has transferred to the contestants of the skills challenge led by Ross. They have just finished warming up, but Jifeng obviously has no chance to warm up.

And the host also introduced the four contestants. Ji Feng was the last one to appear. The other three were Harris, Parker and rose in order!

This skills challenge is also full of points, including the representatives of the three generations of point guards. Harris, the weakest, is also at the peak of his career this season, so it has attracted a lot of attention.

first came to Harris. This is Harris\'s few chance to make All-Star appearances. So he seemed nervous. When he played, he could feel his hands with Jifeng and his hands. All of a sudden, after the game, he didn\'t take a little time to pass the ball straight. He spent 3 times to finish it. Then he adjusted the ball and shot it. It\'s not bad. It took 36.9 seconds to complete all the required movements. This is a great achievement.Then there was Parker, whose dribble was famous for his steadiness, but he repeated the embarrassing scene of 2003. His poor shooting performance took him 50.8 seconds, and he was almost out of the final.

Ji Feng can hear Parker\'s heavy voice after the fifth iron strike: fuck!

at first sight, his mentality collapsed.

Then rose, who was very excited, was the same as the feeling of being an all-star at the beginning of last season. He hit and hit the ground with the same accuracy. He only took two chances to finish the shot, and finally ranked first in 33.3 seconds.

In the end, it was Jifeng\'s turn to play. The opening was not fast, which was in sharp contrast to that of Rose\'s whistle. However, Ji Feng\'s success rate was too exaggerated. He passed the ball, shot and lay up all at once and made a steady stroke. Finally, it took 29 seconds to complete the preliminaries and successfully meet rose in the final!

The representatives of the two rookies met in the final. Rose was very excited. It was always challenging to compete with Ji Feng. He liked challenges.

So he clapped Jifeng and said, "I will do my best!"

Ji Feng shrugged, still calm, he has absolute confidence in himself.

Rose played a very stable, straight pass and hit the ground pass are completed at one time, the shooting is only two times, and the final straight pass is also completed twice, taking only 33.3 seconds, which is not much different from the preliminary level.

It\'s Jifeng again!

"Are you ready?" Ji Feng went to the court with the ball, played a ring finger, and then took the microphone in the host\'s hand: "itsshowtime!"


Jifeng comes out with all his strength!

Steady dribble, accurate pass, accurate shooting, the last moment Jifeng killed the basket, a 360 turn windmill dunk!

"28.6 seconds! Ji Feng celebrates the champion of his defending skills contest with a dunk! You deserve it , the fastest update of the webnovel!