Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1163

10 minutes before the first half of the rookie challenge, there was the first commercial suspension of the game, which was also the first suspension of the game. No matter James or Howard, in the first half, would not take the initiative to call the suspension. After all, it was a performance game, and the first quarter was very smooth.

It\'s too smooth. This game is so smooth that people have forgotten the passage of time. Of course, this mainly refers to the first grade. It has to be said that the performance of this rookie is still of high quality at present.

The rookie in 2008 is brilliant this season. The quality and quantity of his rookies are the best in the last ten years. No.1 rookie Ross has become the leading star of the bulls and the hope of the team\'s rejuvenation. Beasley, the top player in the heat, has become the sixth person to play an outstanding role in improving the team\'s performance this season, and has played a key role in improving the team\'s performance this season It shows the true nature of the scoring king. There is a trend to squeeze guy out to become the grizzly bear leader. No. 4 show Westbrook plays well in the thunder, and Durant and green become the hope of the team in the future.

No. 5 Sullivan also thrives in the Timberwolves, and is as talented as David Lee in rebounding. No. 6 show Galliani, though unable to play early in the season due to injury, has now entered the rotation line-up in New York and has made a good performance.

Gordon in the seventh show has raised the beam of the team in the days when Davis and others are not around, and has a good performance of more than 30 points in a single game. Augustine in the ninth show has become the starting guard of Bobcats. In order to give Augustine a place, the team even plans to trade the original starting Felton. As for the No.10 show, Lopez is more familiar with Chinese fans, and he shows in the interior The dominance of the nets let the top management of the nets firm his determination to form the team\'s future interior combination with Arab League.

Take the five players on the court at the moment, Bisley, Mayo and Ross all have their own ability to attack the ball, and their individual singles ability is also very strong, especially in this kind of defense is not very good occasion, they are playing like a fish in water, all kinds of flowers play flying, Bisley and even Rose came to an air to catch a slam, poor Scola became their cooperation The victim.

That dunk is the best dunk of the game. The excited Howard also sang a rap on the court. Ji Feng can even feel Howard blinking in his direction.

And the first grade with Lopez and Pau Gasol in the interior also did better in rebounding protection. After all, Scola was on the second grade at the moment, and the other four were outside players, playing one big and four small, so the inside line was almost undefended, which was determined by the attributes of the two teams\' players. There were only two generals in the second grade, and Ji Feng was needed to help them protect Back rebounds, Ji Feng played 5 minutes to get 4 rebounds is this reason.

This also makes a lot of grade one more offensive opportunities, just after the season peak off the court, the first grade even has a round to grab four front court rebounds and finally score the ball.

But the second grade play is general, because of the rotation is more, 10 minutes everyone has been out, James also played the next big four small and five small lineup, so the scene has been suppressed, wonderful attack is not much.

"The second grade is really playing, but the first grade is obviously running to win." Zhang said.

As soon as the voice dropped, the iron was struck on the outside line of the second grade. Bisley took off the backboard and quickly pushed forward. After going to the front court, he went straight into the interior line between the three to finish the smash. Scola was pitifully blocked again. Bisley even pinched Scola with his leg when he fell.

That\'s not true. Beasley even yelled at Scola after landing. This scene made many people frown, including Ji Feng. It\'s obvious that the second grade didn\'t prepare to make you buckle it. Can we use such arrogance? If we usually drag you down, will we wait for you to enter.

And for Mao Guang roaring at Scola, it\'s not bullying honest people!

Ji Feng can\'t see, he directly stood up to find James: "LeBron, it\'s time to let me play."

"Of course, you\'ll be on the next dead ball." James nodded. Although he didn\'t care about the outcome, he couldn\'t let the first grade guy be too arrogant. If he lost, he would hit him in the face. Besides, Beasley was really arrogant.

However, before Ji Feng came out, the second grade didn\'t make it, instead, he was pushed back by the first grade fast break. However, this time, the second grade didn\'t keep his hands, and the direct foul pulled Mayo down to the free throw line.

When he scored the first goal, Ji Feng was replaced, along with Jeff Green and hofford. At the same time, the first grade also adjusted, Gordon replaced rose.

"Hey, I bet you won\'t be fined." Ji Feng directly challenged Mayo who was shooting a free throw. Then Mayo shook his hand and didn\'t make a penalty. Ji Feng took the rebounds with open hands.

Push back!

Ji Feng\'s goal this time is also very clear. He points to Bisley directly and waves to open, but grade one doesn\'t have the sense of attacking each other. Jifeng takes Bisley on the top of arc!

Jifeng didn\'t keep his hand. After dribbling the ball from his crotch, he made a breakthrough to the right. When Bisley\'s center of gravity moved quickly, he pulled the ball back from his back. Then he swayed to the left side and hit his shoulder directly. Beasley stepped back three steps, and Jifeng went straight into the inside line!Facing Lopez, who wants to limit himself from the inside line, Jifeng doesn\'t keep his hand. He holds the ball with his right hand and jumps high. He pours his whole right hand into the basket directly through Lopez, paying tribute to the flying man vincarte!

Superman can fly!

Lopez was hit directly out of the sideline, a face of silly, it seems that he would be detained so miserable.

"Roar!" This ball makes the stadium boiling. After biesley and Lopez, the best dunk of the game has come out!

"Oh, roar, perfect dunk. Is Jifeng warming up for tomorrow\'s dunk contest?" Barkley is also high on the sidelines.

The first grade ready to serve, the ball has just been sent to Gordon, Jifeng directly change defense, Gordon also want to show the operation, Jifeng right hand directly cut off, and then three strides directly is a dunk!

Gordon people are stupid

The audience is even higher!

Ji Feng\'s strength was a little bit muddled in the first grade. After half-time, Mayo was ready to play singles. Ji Feng slapped him under the strong jump basket, and then went down quickly. At this time, Bisley still wanted to stop Jifeng, but Jifeng directly dribbled the ball behind his back. Beasley was almost shaken down and could only watch Ji Feng complete the dunk again!

Six points in a row, one steal and one block!

Jifeng directly hit the momentum of the second grade!

ESPN also found that Ji Feng played Gordon, Mayo, Bisley and Lopez once in these rounds, leaving Xiao Jia to survive.

But before ESPN anchor shared the discovery, Ji Feng showed Xiaojia a face in the low position on the field with his footwork, and a light and dreamy footstep got two points!

ESPN explains that this is the real one who can\'t run! , the fastest update of the webnovel!