Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1160

Pick up the heat and leave before the airport riots. The party is ready to return. Just now James called to remind Ji Feng not to forget to go to the carnival near the stadium in the evening. Ji Feng has an activity to attend.

"The atmosphere here is really good." The SUVs roared on the road. The hot bar was holding her knees and looking at the scenery outside the window. This was not her first time to be an All-Star, but her first visit to Phoenix gave her a stronger feeling than last year. Along the way, all star elements could be seen everywhere, including a field near the airfield where fans\' activities were being held. The whole city of Phoenix seemed to have been in this weekend It has become a basketball city.

"Of course! This is the best place, sister. You have a good eye Aopang drives his car and doesn\'t forget to play tricks. He shakes his head when he hears the hot words. He looks very happy.

"Nash should have said that..." Jifeng, a cruel Tucao, make complaints about Feinikesi\'s locals all day, but he always goes wrong on the way. Nash is also a low-key guy. Otherwise, Jifeng\'s journey will be kneeled.

However, this may also be an advantage of O\'Neill. His personality is easy to mix with local fans, and also easy to integrate into the team and local culture. We should know that the local plot in all parts of the United States is very heavy, and exclusiveness is not just exclusion of foreigners.

But Shaquille O\'Neal can get along very well here, although the record is not very good, but still deeply loved by the fans, this is absolutely his personality factor.

He is definitely an optimistic and optimistic guy.

"Don\'t care about the details. Steve and I are no different." O\'Neill farted, regardless of the white eyes of Nash next door, but Nash did not refute, it seems that he has been used to the style of the guy.

"Anyway, have you ever thought about getting MVP this year?" O\'Neill asked.

"Well No, I won it last year, and it\'s no fun to take it every year. I\'m not in a hurry. I have a long career. In addition, this year at the home of the Suns, I should be the leading role of the suns. Unfortunately, Steve was not selected. " Ji Feng said that what he valued most when he came to the All-Star game this time is of course the three-point championship he has never won. As for other individual events, he also wants to win. Only the MVP of the main match is really without any idea. Moreover, what Ji Feng said is also true. Generally, the players who hold the earth team think more about this MVP. After all, it is in front of his hometown parents.

"How about passing the ball to me? I\'m on the Suns, too O\'Neal opened his mouth and pointed to himself. If he could get Ji Feng\'s support, Nao Pang estimated that this all star would be very happy. To be honest, he wanted to cooperate with Ji Feng for a long time. Usually at home, he would watch Jifeng\'s pass dribble. By the way, when he was not born, he would be so happy if he was the same team as Jifeng in his peak period, but it\'s a pity that now he only has to work with Jifeng All stars are addicted.

"Of course, no way!" Jifeng resolutely refused.

"Damn it, do you want to be so fast? He has a knee injury and won\'t play more." O\'Neal said sullenly, thinking Jifeng would pass to Shaq.

"I don\'t know him well and who said I\'m going to pass him." Ji Feng has a mysterious smile.

"Who are you going to pass it to?"



O\'Neill:.... "

Hot bar, eyes are wide

"Zhi ~ ~!!" As a fake fan, she knew the grudges between shark families. Unexpectedly, Ji Feng said it directly here. Her small head was a little jammed. Just as she wanted to pull Jifeng\'s clothes, she heard O\'Neill open his arms and yelled at the lake:

"what do you want me to do! I\'ve done something in Los Angeles, too! Can\'t you all see it

Hot bar:.... "

Thick second sense of the face

Looking back at Jifeng, Ji Feng laughs back and forth, and he is about to switch his breath, and Nash also covers his mouth. It seems that he is holding back very hard.

Let\'s heat it up. That\'s the way to relax.

"It\'s OK. After so many years, the enmity has faded away. Only the fans think that they are still in hot water. It\'s just a lack of opportunity. These two guys want face." Jifeng calmed a wave of heat, usually Jifeng often joked with aopang, and the all star seemed to be an opportunity, a chance for shark to break the ice!

After shouting, O\'Neill returned to the car as if nothing had happened and continued to drive to the hotel.

"I\'m sorry, man. You\'re kidding. All star. I\'ll try my best to pass the ball to you. Have a good time." Jifeng patted shark on the shoulder, and he had his own idea for the all star a few days later.

"Hey, hey, thank you. I\'ll see you tomorrow." Aopang gets out of the car and claps Jifeng, then pulls Nash on to Heipi.

And Jifeng took the hot bar to stay in the hotel, and then took the team to the stadium to participate in activities.When we arrived outside the stadium, we knew where the fans were. Many fans took photos outside the stadium of the tokinsdick resort hotel. Several street basketball courts were set up temporarily on the big square outside the stadium, which attracted many people to challenge and watch, as if Rose had just abused vegetables there.

Of course, there are also all kinds of basketball related games. There are all kinds of temporary shopping places around. Snacks and souvenirs can be seen everywhere. If you are lucky enough, you can also see the star. You can even buy a genuine football shirt for him to sign. Ji Feng is surprised everywhere he goes. Beasley, who is playing in the coquettish next door, finds himself The fans all around disappeared.

Because today is fans\' day, all leisure and entertainment facilities will be open today, so that the stars and fans can play here.

"Hey, Jiage, director Zhang. Long time no see." Ji Feng found CCTV program group near the stadium. His task tonight is to make an all-star feature program with Yu Jia and director Zhang.

"Welcome to this all star special program. We have invited Ji Feng, the biggest basketball player in China! Welcome Director Zhang made the opening remarks.

As they chatted, they walked into the stadium. The lights in the stadium were dazzling, all kinds of entertainment facilities were full of fireworks, and there were all kinds of exhibits for the suns and all star players around. For example, O\'Neill\'s big shoes and Yao\'s were put together, attracting the attention of many small fans.

Ji Feng talked all the way to the camera, introduced everything here, and detailed the schedule of this all star event. All of these were familiar with in the car on the way.

Of course, the game is also indispensable. Ji Feng and Zhang Zhiyu Jia have also searched for many interesting basketball games outside the stadium and enjoyed themselves.

Until 9:00 p.m., after recording the program, Ji Feng said goodbye to the film crew. The first day of the all star event was over, and the all star rookie competition was finally coming! , the fastest update of the webnovel!