Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1142

Jifeng holding the ball singles, staples\'s noise immediately reduced a level, almost everyone\'s focus is on Ji Feng who is holding the ball on his back at the moment.

Ji Feng played Bowen in the low position. Old Bowen ran with Ji Feng for half a game today. Basically, he took a rest on Jifeng. Even at his peak, Bowen was already tired, not to mention now. According to his 38 year old age, he should be easily beaten by Jifeng.

But NBA is so magical. Before every night comes, you don\'t know what stories will happen on every court. Tonight\'s Bowen obviously can\'t be measured by common sense. He not only keeps up with Jifeng\'s steps, but also can resist Ji Feng\'s back. He can constantly harass Ji Feng with small movements and interfere with Ji Feng\'s singles.

This makes Ji Feng all want to ask, this uncle, hang where to buy!

But Ji Feng is not flustered. Even if Bowen is so fierce tonight, he has already contributed 18 points, 8 assists and 7 rebounds, and his success rate in singles is as high as 83%, so he is very confident about his back.

Carrying two steps on his back, he walked inside against Bowen. His right foot stepped on the right foot about the right foot first. He turned around with his right foot as the axis at the same time. Facing the basket, he made a fake shot. Bowen was no exception!

Ji Feng seized the opportunity to step forward with his left foot and cross step the ball to his right hand. In this way, he successfully blocked Bowen with his left half body and directly faced the basket with a board to send the ball into the basket!

Bao Wenwen was stupid. He didn\'t expect Ji Feng to fight like this

"This guy..." Duncan saw this scene not far away, and then unconsciously touched his head, this action is really familiar ah, this is not his action

If Ji Feng didn\'t wear a golden shirt, he would like to go up and feel Ji Feng\'s head and ask him when he learned it.

When it comes to touching his head, Ginobili\'s hand is getting better and better. Ginobili Take the magic power.)

"Wow, Duncan\'s classic back single action, Ji Feng\'s ball is beautiful, Bowen has no way to defend!" Barkley cried.

Hold the ball back to body singles, fake action to cross step and then to change hands to play board!

This is the personal skill Duncan relied on to become famous. Over the years, Duncan used it less. However, when he was young, Duncan played all over the league and had few opponents. Even O\'Neill could hardly stop Duncan\'s low position.

This technology is also considered to be one of the top interior moves in the league. Many motor interior lines, including Dayao, have been used in competitions, but they are not as skilled as Duncan, but Jifeng is enough to surprise people.

Although there are more and more people in the league who will back their bodies, there is still a big difference between the back and the inside. Just like Kobe, he often chooses to shoot or turn quickly to attack the basket directly after his back, which is very few like Ji Feng.

The reason is that they are not proficient in the inside line footwork, so the speed is too slow, once the inside line hits, it is easy to be blocked.

Therefore, although Ji Feng\'s goal has caused a series of exclamations, many people think that it is Ji Feng who is not familiar with his opponent and will play so well.

San Antonio\'s local sports TV station invited admiral Robinson as the commentator. After seeing the ball, he first praised Ji Feng\'s skill.

"Ji Feng\'s footwork is very skillful, which can\'t be practiced overnight. This guy must have practiced a lot in training. He really learned the essence of Duncan."

However, he quickly changed his words: "but Ji Feng\'s ball is very clever. The Spurs didn\'t know he would play like this, so they didn\'t choose to make up defense. The next time he wants to play like this, it won\'t be so easy. Duncan is on the edge, and he\'s easy to be targeted."

"You mean Jifeng doesn\'t have dominance?" Asked the commentator.

"It\'s obvious that the big man plays because of his height and strength, but the small man will lose his flexibility and speed advantage. If Ji Feng is smart, he will change his way next time." Continued the admiral.

just as like as two peas in the face, when the Spurs didn\'t score, the Lakers just went the same way, but Jifeng went the opposite direction, and the passing men changed to Kobe, but still the way to play the singles.

"Well You see, it won\'t be so easy to score. Duncan will make up for it The admiral was embarrassed, but he stuck to his ideas.

The consciousness of Duncan\'s recovery is that Duncan\'s preparations for the recovery are both conscious.

But Ji Feng still made the same way of singles as the last one!

Hold the ball, fake it, shake it off and change hands!

At this time, Duncan really let go of Gasol to help defend. If according to Jifeng\'s rhythm, the ball would be blocked easily!

But Ji Feng still threw it out, but Duncan couldn\'t cover it!

"High board!" Yu Jia exclaimed!That\'s right. Ji Feng raised the hand shape of the shot. The basketball went to the basket with a higher arc, and crossed Duncan\'s big hand to hit the board again!

"Strong!" "Invincible!" The Lakers bench blew up.

"Beautiful! Be bold and careful Yu Jia clenched his fist tightly. Just now he felt that Ji Feng\'s ball was a little too big. Duncan moved and he still played like that. However, Ji Feng was still Ji Feng. The ball was so beautiful.

The admiral was a little confused

He didn\'t expect Ji Feng to be so bold that he still dared to fight in front of Duncan. However, Ji Feng should have guessed that Duncan would cooperate in defense, so he deliberately played a wave.

After the goal, Ji Feng squeezed Duncan\'s eyes and made a wink, and then ran to his own half. He just wanted to attract Duncan to come over. This is the way Duncan is best used to salute Duncan.

Jifeng\'s two spiritual low points extended the difference to one point, then the Spurs hit a goal by Finley, while the Lakers still let Jifeng play low singles.

This time, Duncan moved faster and more firmly, but Ji Feng\'s direct light passing

Gasol smashed the ball!

Zen master let Ji Feng go to the low position of the purpose revealed!

In this position, Jifeng\'s threat is to play like this. If you don\'t attack me, I\'ll play solo. Once you hit me, I\'ll pass the ball. No matter what, you can\'t defend Jifeng\'s attack!

After that, Kobe also went to the low post, and the picturesque two-point ball made the Spurs tired of their lives.

Relying on the two in the low post play, the Lakers in the third quarter at the end of the score finally exceed!

89-87, the Lakers went two points into the fourth quarter! , the fastest update of the webnovel!