Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1133


Precise bag drop!

Ji Feng hit a three point goal in the half of the five best goals tonight!

"It\'s a cow! Invincible! Strong When the Lakers substitute Seaton burst, towel flying, Sun Yue also played the bench in front of the disco.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!!! Three! With only 0.8 seconds left, Ji Feng scored a half-time three-point shot! the breaking of rock frightens the heaven! How wonderful Yujia held up his hands directly in the live room to celebrate. This kind of ball can best arouse the emotion of fans.

"The three-point 6-for-6 in a single quarter is too accurate. It\'s really accurate. I haven\'t seen anyone more accurate than Jifeng for so many years. No one has just blocked the talent players. Maybe it\'s useless to think that the time is so little. But you can\'t defend Jifeng like this. After the logo area, it\'s his range!" Said da Xu.

If the ball is placed on other people, the first feeling of everyone is that it is beautiful, and the goddess of luck favors it. Because this kind of ball is not in range at all, it can\'t be a conventional weapon. In the same situation, the probability of not entering the second time is greater than that of entering.

But it happened on Jifeng, which made Xu feel that this is the strength. He always felt that Jifeng could score there!

Even the wizard fans have a lot of applause for Ji Feng, many people are clapping and shaking their heads under the camera, showing their own as a wizard fans at the moment quite complex emotions.

But the emotion is more complicated is general arenas, who thought he felt very good tonight. In the first quarter, he made 4-for-5 three-point shots and scored 16 points in a single quarter. Just after he came back, he played like this. However, he didn\'t expect Ji Feng to be more tiger, 6-out-of-6 three-point shots, 22 points in a single quarter, and 4 assists and 4 rebounds. The first quarter of the Lakers was also 33-25 ahead, so all the data season Fengdu stabilized his head, and showed more amazing performance. Even in his eyes, several shots were excellent.

This made him smile bitterly. He finally understood how the data maniac came from, and finally realized the strength of Jifeng. The strongest senior high school students in history deserved it. What he didn\'t dare to think of when he was a sophomore was very relaxed here.

But arenas is not easy to admit defeat, he asked to play directly without rest in the second quarter. He had been able to play hard at Staples and Kobe, and would not be afraid of the challenge of Jifeng tonight!

Ji Feng laughed after the ball was put in. Of course, it\'s not his conventional weapon, but it\'s not an accident. He likes to shoot super long 3-points in all positions in training. Thanks to that guy in KULI, he likes to drag Ji Feng to play with super long three-point after training with Jifeng. Although he loses more and more, he still enjoys it.

And the main reason why he laughs is that the ball proves that he feels really good tonight. When you feel hot, don\'t say there is a problem with the shooting hand, even if the shooting action is all crooked, the basketball will also be obediently hollow into the net.

It has to be said that Arenas is definitely a good opponent. Tonight\'s sensational performance is closely related to his stimulation, which also gives him greater confidence in shooting after that!

Section two!

Jifeng continued to play with Gasol and three substitutes, Ariza also played the third position, Jifeng was swung to the point guard position by Zen master!

In this way, Jifeng and arenas match for the first time!

The fans in front of the TV are sitting in front of the TV, their eyes wide open, watching arenas dribble slowly through the half-time, waiting for what kind of spark will happen when the two in the best condition meet each other for the first time!

Arenas faces Jifeng. He doesn\'t call pick and roll. He is not as tall as Jifeng, and there is a big gap, but it also gives him confidence. He wants to pass Jifeng with speed!

All of a sudden, his right foot stepped on the right front of Jifeng, and the whole person swayed with the ball in a super big loop. He directly wanted to pass Jifeng with his powerful ability to change direction.

However, the expected breakthrough did not come. Arenas overestimated his speed, or underestimated Jifeng\'s ability to fight against the speed. He directly hit Ji Feng on the shoulder!

"Dry!" A huge force came, arenas in the confrontation directly in the downwind, his center of gravity was hit askew, fortunately, he controlled the basketball, otherwise this is a mistake directly.

After arenas was confused, he became angry. He didn\'t expect that Ji Feng not only guessed his direction correctly, but also almost made him a big fool. He directly chose his shoulder to continue to exert his strength and wanted to earn face.

Arenas, this is to think more, his strong confrontation is in the same level of people, and Jifeng than against that is not a level.

So the result of arenas force is also obvious, Ji Feng easily shouldered arenas\'s two impacts, and then cut the ball forward with his right hand!

Arenas suddenly lost his balance and fell forward. He could only watch Jifeng finish another three-point pursuit!

Yes, it\'s the three-point ball again. Ji Feng is the most favorite fast attack and three-point shooter in the league. However, the shooting rate is still very high. Fans call this killing and killing heart!

"Hang Everyone on the bench stood up, Kobe covered his mouth as if losing, and Vujacic\'s towel danced like a wheel of fire.One to one end arenas, that\'s a boost!

It\'s not over. A minute later, Ji Feng played solo with the ball, almost in the same way. But Ji Feng passed arenas and killed basketball with one hand. Blanche in the interior had already run away. He didn\'t want to be hit by a high-speed sports car!

Compared with the ball just now, the effect of the program is outstanding.

This competition night set the tone from these two confrontations. After arenas was suppressed, the Wizards could only rely on Jamison, who felt ordinary today. As for Butler, he was choked by Jifeng.

This quarter, the Lakers also opened the gap, the half-time score 58-42, the Lakers led 6 points into the second half.

Ji Feng shot 3 out of 4 shots in a single quarter and scored 9 3 points in the first half.

Such a high hit rate continued to the second half, the third quarter of the fourth minute Ji Feng came on stage, the first round of touch is to receive Gasol\'s point ball, arc top shot three points!

Ten three!

Ji Feng\'s third single game three points double!

And arenas also wanted to return one, but three times shot all iron, enraged arenas also applied for a technical foul in the next round, he severely pulled down Bynum, sent the latter to the free throw line.

But Buckley understood the scene: "it\'s really disappointing to see your opponent beat you the way you like."

Yes, Ji Feng beat arenas in his most confident field. At the end of the third quarter, Ji Feng has made 12 of 14 three-point shots, which is only one step away from his record of 13 three-point in a single game.

In the fourth quarter, Ji Feng dribbled the ball through the half-time, handed over the ball from the top of the arc and ran to the flank of the test. When Kobe arrived, Ji Feng took the ball and let it go!



Ji Feng tied his record of 13 three points in a single game! , the fastest update of the webnovel!