Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1124

"What\'s the situation? How can I get a microphone? Is this a chorus?"

"I haven\'t heard of it. All the programs have been reserved, and the guest list has been on the Internet. Avril sings two songs by herself. I haven\'t heard of a chorus program, although the second one seems to be a new one."

"Don\'t worry, don\'t worry. If it\'s a chorus, Avril will introduce it. Don\'t be impatient."

Seeing the action on the stage, the crowd under the stage also broke out a commotion. Many people whispered with the people around them. The big brother looked around and tried to find the shadow of the people who would come up. Many people took out their mobile phone search program list to see if they had missed something. Of course, some people kept speculating and researching Avril\'s chorus However, the fans watching the live broadcast from afar also suppressed their curiosity and waited for the action on the stage.

At this time, Ji Feng has made the final preparations in the backstage, and makes OK gestures to the stage. Avril nodded slightly, then unexpectedly picked up the microphone and began to guest host. This is also an unusual treatment. Before, many people left immediately after singing.

"Hey, friends from all over the world, how are you! ~"

" OK ~! " "Avril, I love you!" "Goddess! Marry me

The crazy screams resound through the square, even more exaggerated than the previous celebrities, which confirms the incomparable popularity of Avril this year. Many people even come for her not for the new year\'s Eve, but for her. You can even see Avril\'s figure in it.

"How about that song just now?" Avril continued to create the atmosphere.


"Bull force!"


"Best in 2008!"

"How about another one?" Avril blinked.

"Of course "Isn\'t it necessary?" "No problem singing all the time!"

"As you can guess, it\'s a new song that my best friend and I sang together. It\'s a new attempt, and it\'s also the first stage of this song!"

"Please welcome my good friend, Ji ~ Feng Avril screamed.

"Hua Hua Hua ~ ~" the biggest disturbance broke out under the stage tonight. Many audiences were surprised and exclaimed with wide mouth.

"I\'m going ~! It\'s Jifeng! Who can think of it!"

"fake! Jifeng and Avril are singing together!? marching into the music world?"

"it\'s Jifeng! My God! My double destiny met again today! It\'s still in New York About the new year\'s stage in Times Square!


"the case is solved. No wonder Ji Feng was not on the team when the Los Angeles Lakers arrived in Los Angeles, so he stayed in New York to do such a big thing!"

"the magic operation of ABC, it will become a classic!"

the audience watching the live broadcast in the United States have expressed their views in the message area.

but the most lively is Asia China tramp over mountains and through ravines to see their idols. However, considering the huge base of the Chinese population, the number of people watching is still quite impressive. When Ji Feng really came to the stage, there was a lot of screams in the room of a Chinese mainland when

came to the stage in real time. ".

" Voice, at this moment, all Chinese people have turned into fans of Ji Feng!

there is Xia Leng, the loyal fan of Ji Feng. She opens the forum and sends the news to the public at the moment she sees Ji Feng!

"Ji Feng goes to New York Times Square to sing with Avril The big title immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

At the beginning, there were still people who were skeptical, but with the increasing number of people who disclosed information, we finally believed it.

Xia Leng also played his invincible hand speed, began to screen capture transport!

Br >

, I\'m a singer who can\'t get on the stage of Asian peak in New York Yes!

This trend has finally extended to the media, and many media have begun to follow up. Finally, Tencent Entertainment first confirmed the news that Ji Feng appeared on the stage. It is true!

Amazing news!

And this news also quickly spread to Asian countries, so the number of people watching the live broadcast increased exponentially, which scared the people of all the TV stations!

At this time, the lights began to change. A white light came to the channel. Ji Feng, a brown leather jacket, slowly stepped onto the stage: "best years of our lives, I hope you can enjoy it!"

We had the best years of our lives, but you and I would never be the same as before, but September goes by so fast that we can watch the seasons changePerfect stage!

This is a high-quality song, the effect of such a performance is simply exploding!

Those restless audience were instantly attracted by the song, and when Jifeng and Avril\'s harmony part were released, it triggered the audience to scream again and again!

At the end of the song, the audience broke out the most hot screams, which made people feel that the temperature of the whole Times Square had risen abruptly, and even some people were shouting "Ankou" and "Ankou".

Jifeng stands on the stage and hugs Avril. Avril is very excited and shouts in Jifeng\'s ear, "we have succeeded!"

"Yes, it did!" Ji Feng is also very excited. This is the first time that he stands on such a big stage. He feels different from that on the basketball court, which gives him a different experience.

Jifeng holding Avril around, and then waved to the audience, but also excitedly threw his body wearing jewelry down.

Then they walked off the stage in the cheers of the audience ~

"Ji Feng ~! That is great! This is the best stage A gust of fragrant wind came, the hot bar rushed into the arms of Jifeng, raised his head and said.

"Hoo ~ it\'s OK. It\'s not off the chain. It\'s finally over. Let\'s get rid of our makeup and wait for the new year\'s Eve." Ji Feng breathed a sigh of relief, and then ran to remove makeup.

At this time, the impact of Ji Feng\'s appearance is still fermenting!

Domestic fans and media have been crazy, Tencent video director immediately called ABC to seek cooperation, he must get the first-hand video information of the party!

And in New York, the Chinese media have also been out, ready to come to interview Ji Feng, James\'s phone was not accidentally hit.

However, this does not affect Ji Feng for the time being. Ji Feng watched the rest of the performance backstage. When the zero hour approached, Ji Feng took the hot bar to the stage and joined the carnival team.

At the end of the new year\'s concert, millions of people turned their eyes to the countdown signs and crystal balls on the Times Square. As people counted down in unison, the 1070 pound, 6-foot long crystal ball slowly fell from the top of the square. , the fastest update of the webnovel!