Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1107

After the individual training, Jackson took the whole team to play a full field 5v5 practice for one and a half hours, and then the morning training lasted more than five hours.

Usually at noon, we usually eat nutritious meals in the team\'s restaurant, and chat and boast. This is also a reserved project of the team and a favorite relaxation time. After all, training for such a long time every day is very boring. Of course, some players will choose to walk slowly on the treadmill to relieve their tired body. After all, there is no nap habit here in the United States 。

But today, different from usual, after lunch, the staff of the alliance appeared here with the director and the camera team, and Ji Feng also saw many Chinese faces inside, with reporters from Tencent and CCTV sandwiched among them.

This is also the old tradition of Christmas. At this time, the League will shoot such promotional short films, which will be broadcast before Christmas and during the advertising time between games. This kind of video is very useful, not only can increase the audience rating of the game, but also can ignite the smell of fire medicine on both sides, and let the fans see the Christmas message from their favorite stars to the fans.

Jifeng is also familiar with the way, wearing a Laker uniform: "Hello, I\'m Jifeng, a player of the Los Angeles Lakers. I\'m playing a Christmas war here. Please lock in CCTV5, pay attention to today\'s Christmas feast, lock in the Lakers vs. Celtics, lock in the NBA regular season, and wait for my performance!"

Then Ji Feng said it again in English, which was broadcast on English stations such as TNT and ESPN. Of course, Japanese and Korean reporters also invited Ji Feng to learn two sentences of Japanese and Korean. They will put them on their own TV stations. Jifeng is also the busiest person here.

This can also see the popularity of Jifeng, in many countries in the world, there are Jifeng loyal fans.

It\'s hard to imagine how much media coverage before and after Christmas in Los Angeles.

Not to mention anything else, just look at the appearance of the three layers around Ji Feng, and you will feel a bit of scalp numbness. It is just like a world media exhibition.

After shooting the short film and accepting the interview, it was already 4 p.m., the media left one after another, and the Laker training continued.

The media left did not go far away, they went directly to another training hall, because at this time, the Celtics, who had just arrived, were starting their first public training session.

This time, compared with the Lakers, the media naturally paid more attention to the situation of the green army, because Garnett, who had been absent for four games due to injury, arrived in Los Angeles unexpectedly this time, which made the knowledgeable media smell a little different.

After all, as previously said, Garnett will be injured for at least a month, and Celtic did not elaborate on Garnett\'s knee injury, but said vaguely that the old injury recurred.

Garnett has an old knee injury, which is not uncommon among NBA veterans who have been in the NBA for more than 10 years. For example, Kobe, McGrady and Carter have suffered injuries to their knees. Cartilage wear is very serious. Artest has also repeatedly exposed his own pictures of fluid pumping.

Therefore, the focus of media attention is whether the game with Garnett will come back.

"Come back? No, no, no, no, Kevin just came to cheer us on. This guy is a guy who stays at home. To be honest, if I were him, I would stay at home with my daughter

However, green coach rivers insisted in an interview that Garnett would not pay.

And Garnett himself said: "my knee old man needs to rest, you know, I\'m no longer young, knee injury is normal, in order not to affect the next game, I need to rest now, as for coming here, my teammates on the field, can\'t I come to give them oil."

The reporters were speechless and lost one after another

Of course, some people think that this is the green shirt in the old suspicion, otherwise it is difficult to explain why Garnett suddenly came here with the Cavaliers, after all, Garnett had missed three away games before.

"Is that guy really good?"

After the news came back to the Lakers, to be honest, we were still a bit confused. The strength of the green shirts was very strong, but the green shirts with Garnett and without Garnett were two teams.

If Garnett doesn\'t play, although the outside world still advocates that the green army has the power of a war, the inside of the team is actually very relaxed. According to the current strength of the Lakers, as long as they play normally, the green army without Garnett is not the opponent of the Lakers. The inside double towers alone can let them drink a pot, not to mention the lethality of Ji Feng and Kobe\'s team is absolutely not without Garnett The green army can afford it.

But with Garnett, it is not the same. As the most comprehensive power forward in history, Garnett can attack and defend, which is enough to make the green army produce qualitative change.

The first game of the green army, the Lakers were made a little uncomfortable, still relying on Ji Feng\'s unexpected three-point projection to win the game.

"To do our own thing, we\'ll prepare according to what he wants to play." The Zen master set the tone."That\'s right. No matter whether Garnett goes up or not, what we pursue is a goal, that is, victory." Harper is on the side.

That is to say, but Ji Feng always thinks that the green shirt army is preparing some tactics. However, Ji Feng can\'t think of it. He can only fight to block the water.


In the evening, Jifeng returns home early. This evening, James and Gasol, who is alone in the United States, will come here to spend Christmas Eve with them. Christmas in the United States is different from that in other parts of Asia. On Christmas Eve, there are few people on the street and many shops close their doors early. In their mind, this festival is to be spent at home.

The mansion has long been dressed up by the heart of the hot bar, big Christmas tree stands in the door, the door is also hung with a variety of Christmas decorations, and the table also has Christmas Candy from neighbors.

"Merry Christmas!"

As soon as he entered the door, Ji Feng saw James dressed as Santa Claus, and the man was also wearing a big Christmas hat. At the moment, he was putting the Christmas cake on the table.

"Hey, I hope I\'m not too late." Soon, Gasol came to the door with a gift.

It\'s the first full Christmas Eve that Ji Feng spent in the United States.

After the grand dinner, Jifeng and Gasol started the game between men with 2K. Of course, Gasol, the beauty buff in Jifeng\'s family, killed no one left. Ji Feng in 2K is really too strong.

On the Internet at the moment, the blessings from all over the world have been continuously sent, and many friends in the mainland have also dried out the gifts prepared by Ji Feng.

As in previous years, Jifeng has also prepared various kinds of gifts, and the practical model of crazy front 2 generation has been handed to many girls, who will become the first wave of users.

After Ji Feng, he also interacted with some people on the Internet, and showed photos of the Christmas dinner.

The warm Christmas Eve has come to an end, and the Christmas dinner is about to begin! , the fastest update of the webnovel!