Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1100

"The rhythm of the game is really suffocating." When I saw the break, I held a huge TV to watch the game in the mansion. I took two breaths of fresh air. I patted my chest gently, which made my heart slow down. The 12 minutes just now was really too exciting.

The gunpowder smell of the two teams can be clearly felt even across the TV hot bar. She can see the burning flame in the eyes of both players, especially Ji Feng. She has not seen this kind of eager to win eyes for a long time.

And such eyes she can also read from the eyes of James and Kobe, these three people are very persistent to win the guy, usually a game has a good, here gathered three, you can imagine what the game will be like.

"I\'m going to draw!"

"I\'m going to be flat again!"

This is the feeling of many people after watching the first three quarters, the score and stick together the same, no one can pull away who.

The entanglement between the two sides appeared every second, not only the two people holding the ball. In places where the camera could not capture, the shaking and fighting never stopped. Both sides played a real fire. Big Ben of the interior line also got a technical foul because of physical conflict with Bynum. This was not the only foul in the third quarter. Jackson roared at the last moment because of his dissatisfaction with the referee Wheezing technical platform also received a technical foul, even the Zen master this kind of easy not to get angry person is angry, can see the bloody degree of this game.

As for the ordinary fouls, not to mention, both sides are early single quarter full, the Cavaliers and the Lakers now have four players each fouls more than three times, while Big Ben and Bynum have already fouled four times. The two brothers are also the focus of the game.

However, the main confrontation still focused on Laker JK and cavalier James. During the break, the cameras swept over their faces again and again.

Ji Feng got 20 points, 8 assists and 8 rebounds in the third quarter, and Kobe Bryant had 21 points, 6 rebounds and 4 assists in three quarters. JK\'s performance was not bad. Moreover, in the case of so many fierce fouls, the shooting rate of the two people remained good, and Jifeng\'s hit rate was more than 55%.

However, James played the same brilliant tonight, although in the second quarter, he was separated by Ji Feng, but he was not greatly affected. This season, his mentality has matured a lot, and his adjustment ability is very strong. In the three quarters, James has played a very bright role in attack and defense, with 27 points, 10 assists, 8 rebounds and 2 blocks in three quarters, which is only one step away from three quarters and three doubles.

It is James\'s excellent play that the Cavaliers did not show the decline under JK\'s attack, and continue to retain the hope of winning the fourth quarter.

Brown bit the pen cap and quickly arranged the tactics on the tactical board: "it doesn\'t matter. We still have a chance. In the fourth quarter, we have to play harder. As long as we can reach the consensus of the owners in the fourth quarter, the victory is still in our hands. We play time-consuming tactics, and we must make sure we get in!"

"Give the ball to James, let him break through, big Z you go up to help him pick and roll, it doesn\'t matter if you can\'t block it. Just give James the open block."

Brown heavily belongs to James\'s position on the tactical board, spent three circles: "tough! Tough! Still tough! LeBron, you\'re going to keep suppressing Jifeng

"Well, believe me." James gasped and wiped the sweat off his arm with a towel.

After this game, he has clearly realized Ji Feng\'s ability. Ji Feng is no longer the person who can only beat him through some aspects on the court, but has grown up to be a character of his own level. In this game, he has played his 120% ability and all his concentration. Under such circumstances, Anthony and Granger will be completely defeated Suppression, but Jifeng did not, Jifeng deal with very well, this strength is even stronger than the Olympic Games.

But this makes James more eager to win, beat such an opponent is more people have a sense of accomplishment!

But next door, Ji Feng also has such a feeling, this game he also gave full play to, even more focused than on the stage, but James\'s strength is really not a reputation, three quarters let him only get 20 points, such ability League is rare, but it also inspired Jifeng\'s competitive heart, he must take victory here, the same, also take the record!

The fourth quarter starts!

The Lakers serve, Ji Feng is the first to win, dribble after half-time reading Cavalier defense, Kobe\'s flank double pick and roll cut, Jifeng four people directly do not look at the pass!

This ball camera did not catch, let alone others, can only see Ji Feng\'s wrist shake, Kobe\'s inside line catches the ball, throws into!

"Goodjob!" Ji Feng and Kobe high five.

But James is also unwilling to fall behind, he uses the pick and roll to break through the inside line, after being sandwiched, he points the ball to the outside line, Mo Williams moss catches the ball and breaks through the jump shot!

Then the Cavaliers decisively put up the defensive iron bucket array, mainly in order to contain the Lakers two hot breakthrough hands, limit and Kobe\'s breakthrough!

However, this gave Jifeng the opportunity, he was in the outside line decisively to meet James\'s block shot, three points scored!And James immediately responded with a breakthrough to create a kill, 2 + 1 hit

The two teams once again launched a fierce battle, and the coaches of the two teams tried to break the defense of the other side by changing people constantly, which was also the change of tactics to deal with the other side.

The scene is getting more and more intense ~

72-72, 78-78, 83-83, 88-88

The game was tied eight times in ten minutes, and the game came to the last two minutes unconsciously. The two sides were 92-94, and the Lakers were two points ahead!

Cavaliers ball right, James now has 35 points, 14 assists, 10 rebounds triple double data, he still did not stop, carrying Jifeng caused Jifeng fouls, 2 2 2 on the free throw line!

The scene was full of joy!

After that, the defensive strength of the two teams at this time were all raised to the level of the playoffs. So many things happened in this game, and it naturally became more important to win or lose.

However, due to the intensity of defense, after James scored, no team even scored in a minute. At this time, it was too difficult to score under high pressure.

With one minute left, the Lakers have the ball right, which is very important. The two teams are tied at the moment. If they can score, they will have the first chance.

Ji Feng, you are welcome!

Attack time to 17 seconds, Jifeng breakthrough, valejo want to make a foul, but Jifeng hand in hand pass!

Gasol\'s one arm smash!

"Beautiful dunk, beautiful pass! The Lakers lead again! Ji Feng got his 13th assists and Gasol scored his 12th Cried Yu Jia.

However, before waiting for him to be happy for a long time, the Cavaliers also played a wonderful cooperation, this is a wonderful inside pass, big Z attracted enough defense, Valerio even empty blue into!

Level again!

Time is only 40 seconds, the atmosphere suddenly tense up!

At the last moment, who is the winner! , the fastest update of the webnovel!