Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1083

Carlisle joined the Jifeng camp and cooperated with Jifeng later. Naturally, he did not know the feelings of Jifeng and James at the moment and the previous stories, and he did not have the idea to ask. Everyone has his own memory. Even if he asked, he could not feel the same way. He only knew that no matter what happened last year, the people standing in front of him now have great energy.

And now he is with excitement, want to let Ji Feng have a look at his two days of carefully prepared results.

Compared with James, he is naturally responsible for the layout of birthday party venues. He has been involved in design for so many years. He can do such a good job in fashion design and cross industry architectural design. It is not easy to make the party site. Therefore, Ji Feng gave it to him. Although it is obvious that there are some big materials for a famous designer to hold a birthday party Xiaoyong, but Carlisle didn\'t care. Instead, he did it with excitement and excitement, because he understood that Jifeng\'s party here was the biggest publicity for their designed mansion. Although he didn\'t know who the guests were, according to the reputation and status of Jifeng, it would certainly not be small, even if it was just a star Now, NBA stars have a very high status in the United States, and they are rich owners.

Ji Feng naturally knows the influence and propaganda effect of the party here today. Although he didn\'t speak with Carlisle, there are some things that can\'t be used at all. When you have enough influence, your words and deeds will naturally be followed and imitated by countless people. This is the so-called celebrity effect. When you are strong, turning your hand is a storm, and Ji Feng obviously has After growing up to this stage.

"Walk around and see how it\'s prepared." Being interrupted by Carlisle, Ji Feng is not angry. He is not a person who likes to live in memory. Moreover, it is not the time for him to recall. When he is 70 years old, he will have enough time to recollect slowly. So he immediately regains his smile and gently takes the hot bar\'s hand to greet the two 40 year old uncles to lead the way.

A group of four people walked through the garden and the swimming pool. Along the way, they could see the thick party elements. The long red carpet led directly from the door to the main entrance, which was hundreds of meters long, which was definitely the longest red carpet Ji Feng had ever seen.

The swimming pool at the entrance has also been decorated. All kinds of Party things can be seen here. There are big inflatable ducks and water guns floating on the clear water, and there are all kinds of lamps and lanterns that have not been lit up. You can imagine what a carnival scene it will be in the evening.

On the shore, the professional security personnel from the security company are wandering around and checking, talking with walkie talkie from time to time. They and the security guard at the door constitute today\'s security force. In places that Ji Feng can\'t see, the police station nearby has already sorted out the equipment. Naturally, they know the party to be held here, and so many big people are present Nature dare not neglect.

Meanwhile, the attendants and service personnel from the five-star hotel are also running around in the big courtyard, doing the final preparation work, but the number is not large. This is still a private party, all public figures, too many people do not meet their needs.

On the lawn beside the swimming pool, the DJ invited from the largest nightclub in Los Angeles is now skillfully playing with the equipment. Seeing Ji Feng, he made a very hip-hop gesture as a greeting. In front of him, he even built a large enough trampoline platform to make Ji Feng exclaim that it was the city people who could play.

The hot bar has a sharp eye, and you can see the big champagne tower and chef table not far from the other side of the swimming pool. There is the dining area marked out, surrounded by large flower baskets. The favorite purple roses of the hot bar are also placed a lot. Of course, the most attractive one is the large champagne tower at the door, which was designed by Carlyle himself. The champagne was built into the shape of an ancient Chinese tower Shape, let this area take a little Chinese flavor!

However, the hot bar is not very interested in the champagne tower. Although her drinking capacity is not one cup, it is almost the same. Naturally, what she cares about is the array of delicious food in front of her eyes and the steak that the five-star chef is constantly turning over!

At this time, there was a breeze blowing, the fragrance naturally drifted to the position of Jifeng. They stood there. They wrinkled their noses, and then their eyes were bright. This is what she cared about most!

At present, as a food hot bar, it naturally has the general persistence of eating goods. When you see where you can stand it, you lead Jifeng all the way to the dining area.

Lunch is naturally in the form of a buffet, with no seats arranged. Western food is given priority to, taking into account Chinese dishes, cold dishes and hot dishes, soup and desserts, as well as various types of red wine.

"Wow, it\'s better than the variety of cafeteria!" The hot bar looks at the delicious food one by one, and then the eyes get brighter and brighter.

country salad with thousand island sauce, Hawaiian pineapple chicken salad, French tomato and cheese salad, German lyonna cold cut sausage, Norway smoked salmon sashimi, Japanese sushi, French Orange grilled duck breast with secret sauce, fried Longli fish, Thai coconut curry chicken, Italian bacon seasonal vegetables, mushroom flavor Stewed beef brisket, filet mignon with black pepper

You can think of everything here!

Pinch one secretly~The hot bar\'s eyes narrowed again, with a satisfied smile on her face, and behind her, Ji fengchong patted her small head: "go, eat casually for a while, snack goods."

Leave the outside and come to the living room. The living room has already been decorated. There are all kinds of ribbons and balloons. In short, Jifeng is very satisfied.

After walking around, the time is almost over. Jifeng and the hot bar have arranged their clothes and are ready to go to the door to meet the guests.


At the moment, there are many reporters and paparazzi at the gate near Jifeng\'s house. I don\'t know where the news comes from. The whole United States, no, the whole world knows that Jifeng will hold his 20-year-old birthday party in his brand-new mansion.

At the moment, there are more than a few people on the Internet who send birthday wishes to Jifeng, and this birthday party naturally attracts everyone\'s attention. Even though it is late at night in the mainland, there are still many people waiting for new news on the Internet.

At 12:00 noon, reporters and paparazzi reporters at the door were all flushed with excitement. They could guess that Ji Feng must have invited many star stars to come here. After all, NBA guys are famous for being addicted to money. James next door holds Party headlines every year for his birthday. Last year, Wade\'s birthday party was also very lively, a famous hip-hop singer Arthur boy specially attended to assist Wade. The most popular scene of the birthday party was that the owner of the car company gave wade a limited class sports car directly. However, the production of this sports car is only 1000 per year in the world, which reflects Wade\'s great influence in Miami.

But they didn\'t expect that so many people would come and their wrists would be so big! , the fastest update of the webnovel!