Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1077

Front court rebounds, take-off in place, but also flat frame abuse frame, Ji Feng completed a picturesque dunk!

Warwick was so stupid that he didn\'t respond even when the basketball hit his leg. He just looked at Ji Feng\'s smash and roared. He didn\'t start again until Bynum pushed him away behind him. But he chose to walk near the middle circle, put his waist up and stare at the big screen. He wanted to see the replay just now!

The reason why Ji Feng grabbed the rebound behind him for the first time was that he didn\'t warn him. Ji Feng suddenly killed him from the rear and caught him by surprise. If he didn\'t take off fully, then Jifeng took off twice at the extreme speed in front of him to finish the slam. It was definitely a real ability. Since he played basketball, his shooting speed has always been the top one, He has never seen anyone finish such a high-quality second take-off so quickly, let alone finish the flat frame slam.

And like him, there are staples fans on the spot. After Jifeng finished the slam dunk, staples felt shocked by the air wave caused by Jifeng\'s dunk. The stands were full of wandering fans.

And the Laker bench is absolutely familiar with this scene, now whistling, waving towels, hanging shoulder to shoulder waiting for the replay to appear.

But in the position that the camera didn\'t detect, Zen master\'s mouth showed a faint invisible smile. He had not chosen to adjust before, because Ji Feng believed in Ji Feng\'s coping ability on the court. As expected, he bet right. He believed that the ball was not accidental, but Ji Feng really found a coping strategy.

"Coming, coming!" Just as the Zen master recalled, Sun Yue\'s exaggerated cry came to his ear. He blinked his eyes and looked at the big screen.

On the big screen, slow motion back defense has appeared. Ji Feng is like a golden lightning bolt. He moves away from guy in one step, and then goes around the baseline at the moment of Gasol\'s release. When the basketball pops up, Ji Feng\'s three strides have already jumped up, which is half the height of Warwick\'s arm. You know, Warwick is higher than Jifeng, Then the big hand closed, rebounded.

At the moment of landing, there was no interval at all. I felt that it took only a few seconds to react. Ji Feng soared like a rocket until his head was level with the basket. Then he smashed the ball into the basket. Under the slow lens, you can clearly see the vibration of the basket!

The whole process is full of violence!

"Hiss ~" the scene was filled with cold air, and then there was a burst of cheering. It was so exciting!

"What kind of monster is this..." After watching the replay, Warwick murmured to himself. He felt that he was not unjustly defeated. Judging from the replay, Ji Feng\'s physical talent and timing control are really too strong!

Yu Jia: "Ji Feng seizes the opportunity to get rid of guy, grabs the rebound in front of Warwick and completes the flat frame smash. It\'s too violent! He has come out! "

"Ah Avril off the field crazy shouting, it is estimated that will be made into a beauty expression package.

And the hot bar next door is more reserved, but also sweet smile Chong Jifeng make love action.

The goal raised the morale of all the Lakers, who were robbed of so many front court boards. Now it\'s their turn to do the same thing, especially Bynum, who has been depressed for a long time. Now he just feels refreshed.

The attack has driven the enthusiasm of the Laker players to defend. This time, Fisher taught a lesson to the young Lori. He used his super strength and muscle to push the ball out of the bottom line. Lori angrily said that the old fish pushed people, but the referee ignored it and firmly gave the Lakers the right to the ball. Slow motion shows that Lori is too careless in this ball Let Fisher take the lead!

Right to the Lakers!

The grizzly bear coach yelled down the court, as if to put pressure on the referee. In fact, he also wanted to make the players fully move, not to be frozen, not to be affected.

But at this time, it\'s impossible for one attack and one defense to be frustrated. Especially for the Grizzlies, although their defense is still in shape, there is still a gap, and the old fish can easily wipe it in. Fortunately, the small back defense and blocking can\'t make it.

However, at this time, Jifeng again from the flank, because the little Gasol just blocked, Warwick was suspended to the free throw line, no one under the Grizzlies can only accept that the basket was ravaged again!

Ji Feng got the second attack again!

Staples is on fire!

"Invincible! A cow The passion of the fans on the spot was very high, especially Ji Feng, who scored the two times with the same attack. The pain and pleasure of "tit for tat" made the fans feel excited!

And grizzlies in a row after a setback, Mayo finally decided to take advantage of Kobe did not come back to the final space, in the face of Walton, he once again coquettish walk breakthrough throw.

However, Wharton is not a vegetarian for more than two meters. In addition, this time, the movement is faster and the cooperative defense is in place. The basketball was rejected by the basket again. But at this time, the same scene almost happened. Jia entangled Bynum and Warwick wanted to take the rebound.

But the only problem is that the ball seems to be a little far away, Warwick needs to lean to get it.But when the camera shot past, all the people found that one person\'s position was even better than Warwick!

It\'s Jifeng again!

He turned his back and turned away from guy, then appeared in that position, blocked guy with his body, and then took off easily to catch the backboard before Warwick!

With real eyes and Jabbar\'s interior guidance, Jifeng\'s rebounds smell is extremely keen. He can always clearly judge which area the ball will fall in and prepare in advance. Even if Warwick can jump again, he can\'t beat Jifeng!

"The season peak once again appeared in the key place! Get this rebound, the Lakers attack Cried Yu Jia.

Jifeng took off the rebounds and quickly changed offense and defense. After being transported to the front court, Jifeng passed the ball to Gasol. Dajia finished the three-step dunk in front of his brother!

After the goal, the Lakers went two points!

"It\'s too critical. Jifeng has three rebounds in a row, and all of them are in front of Warwick. Jifeng\'s rebounding ability is too strong." Zhang sighs that Ji Feng\'s basic value in these rounds is 10 points.

This is not over. Ji Feng fully demonstrated his rebounding ability to everyone. In the whole second quarter, he got 7 rebounds in a single quarter, including 3 front rebounds, while Warwick only got an embarrassing rebound.

Relying on Ji Feng\'s excellent rebounding performance, the Laker\'s second attack score gradually caught up, and in the second quarter after Kobe came back to play a wave of 12-4 attack, half-time at the end of the 40-34 lead! , the fastest update of the webnovel!