Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1073

The blessing of the mainland has been continuing, and Jifeng is still constantly refreshing the news records. This situation has reached the peak after Ji Feng\'s social account sent a thank-you letter.

However, it is obvious that Ji Feng sent it to the staff in advance. He does not have time to write in person now. He has finished the final warm-up and is doing the final preparation in the Laker dressing room.

But that\'s enough. Fans of Jifeng rush into Jifeng\'s social account, with 300000 replies in one minute. Such traffic makes all entertainment and network companies smack their tongue, and of course it attracts the attention of many network developers.

Tencent, slag wave and other large portal websites have seen the huge energy under the star effect. Maybe before long, a more convenient and fast communication software than blog and forum will appear in front of everyone.

Such a trend is not only in the mainland, Japan, but also in the DJ Ginza LED large screen to celebrate Jifeng\'s birthday. In South Korea, where the culture of aid is more popular, you will find giant posters and floats for Ji Feng\'s birthday in many places in Seoul. Even in a certain music program in South Korea, today\'s hot women\'s groups are at the end after winning the championship Happy birthday to Jifeng.

Many people think that Dayao and Liu Xiang are already the pinnacle of sports stars, but it is obvious that Ji Feng is more terrifying than they were at the beginning.

Some entertainment reporters claim that Jifeng has opened a new era for mainland stars. Others say that none of the mainland stars has ever reached the influence of Jifeng. However, Nanfang Daily is more appropriate: Dayao is at the peak of sports stars, and Jifeng is on top of the peak!

This situation was finally relieved before the game started. Fans and fans still had countless ways to go. People poured into the live room or turned on the TV, took out melon seeds and peanuts beer drinks, moved the small benches, and prepared to watch Ji Feng\'s game on his birthday night!

At the moment, staples\' night is definitely the most brilliant of the season. The Laker owner Buss and his daughter, Jennie bass, came to watch the game in person. Not far from him are the famous Laker players headed by Magic Johnson and Jabbar. The cameras swept over, and the fans all gave out huge cheers, because these people basically covered all the Lakers Brilliant times!

In the front row opposite, Avril and moldy two new generation music stars also appeared here. They came to support Ji Feng and Kobe, respectively. Avril was surrounded by Olson\'s three sisters and Ji Feng\'s girlfriend hot bar, while beside her were Anne Hathaway, a new Hollywood upstart, and Megan, a big beauty who just came out of transformers.

And they deserve the biggest cheers from the fans. After all, apart from the red carpet in Hollywood and the show in Paris, it\'s only here that can bring them all together. What\'s more, from their clothes, we can see that tonight is different from that in the past. Although most of them are wearing casual clothes, they can still see that they are elite The heart has done the modelling to come over, especially Megan, the white greasy chest can shake the fan\'s eyes.

Then there was a classic scene. The couple also appeared in the seat not far away today. The scene of Xiaobei peeping at her sister was also captured by the camera It is estimated that the washboard will be out of stock again after the game.

And there are also a lot of male stars. Donnie, who plays iron man and makes his career come back to the second spring, wears big sunglasses and makes classic iron man gestures on the sidelines, while he is surrounded by actors who play the role of pepper.

The DJ on the spot has also become the busiest person before the start of tonight\'s game. According to NBA rules, when a big star appears, he will give a brief introduction in addition to the close-up. However, the number of stars tonight makes the DJ have to say that he has lost his breath, but many of the little stars have not been introduced.

And Hearn humorously says that although he has been sitting here for decades, he doesn\'t often see such scenes.

However, although there are stars on the court, tonight\'s focus is still on the court, which is particularly obvious when the Laker players come out. When Kobe and Ji Feng appear, the air of staples becomes sticky. Especially when Ji Feng makes his classic celebration gestures to the stands, the enthusiasm of fans seems to directly break through staples\' ceiling 。

This scene also let the Grizzlies Ji Feng\'s old acquaintances Kangli and Milicic feel deeply. Ji Feng was still in front of them when the Grizzlies first appeared on the stage. Unexpectedly, after a year, he has grown into one of the top stars here. If you look at them, the gap is not generally big.

Guy turned his head in anger. He has made some progress in the past two seasons. His average score of 20.2 points per game this season is also a career high. His shooting rate has also increased by 3 percentage points and his defense has been strengthened. However, no one has compared him with Jifeng at this time. Moreover, he does not dare to directly challenge Jifeng. After all, every time he met him last season, he was ruthless Hand.

, however, there are still newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. For example, Mayo around Gaye, he looked at the appearance of Jifeng and directly Tucao up. He and Beasley make complaints about the season after the draft, but after the night of Ji Feng\'s hard lesson, Beasley became a lot of low-key, but he still did not change his victory over Ji Feng. Determination, after all, it\'s a shortcut to fame. Few people can help it. Isn\'t it that ragabel is famous all over the world for his fierce throat lock on Kobe, so Mayo also wants to try it!Although it may be opposite Kobe, Ji Feng doesn\'t think much of him

In a twinkling of an eye, the ceremony is over, and both sides start!

The start of the Lakers is the same as before, and the Grizzlies have made a new start of the season. Odom, who started last season, returned to his familiar sixth man position with Pau Gasol.

Yes, this is also one of the highlights of this game. Odom returns to his old club, and the big and small Gasol meet for the first time in their NBA career. In addition, Ji Feng\'s birthday night and record night, the Laker\'s record night, Ji Feng and guy\'s opposition, Mayo and Kobe Bryant\'s confrontation, of course, hadadi and Jifeng\'s Asian Derby are indispensable. In a word, the highlights of this game are really true It\'s too much.

So you can also know the reasons why many stars come here. Before the game starts, ESPN ratings set a record for this season. After the game, it is almost certain to set a record. As long as you show your face a little bit in this game, the exposure rate will not be worse than that generally advertised.

"Good morning, everyone. Welcome to CCTV sports channel\'s live broadcast of the 2008-2009 NBA regular season on Wednesday at 8:30 am! I\'m the host

"Hello everyone, I\'m Zhang Weiping!"

CCTV sports channel started live broadcast half an hour in advance to discuss the trend of the game with fans. , the fastest update of the webnovel!