Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1070

"It\'s not bad to be at the top of the list, but this kind of thing has been foreseen for a long time, isn\'t it? Dayao has been on the top for five consecutive years." Feng Li said with a special smile.

Yes, although he succeeded in reaching the top 100 celebrity list before he was 20, and successfully created the youngest age to reach the top of Forbes at the age of 19, before the list came out, the outside world basically guessed that the top of the list was reached by the quarterly summit. After all, where is the achievement of Jifeng this year? If you can say that when Dayao ascended the top, it was a surprise It\'s absolutely worthy to go to the top.

Therefore, in addition to Ji Feng\'s age, there is also the gap between him and the second place. After all, it is the first time that Ji Feng has such a big advantage to reach the top.

"You\'re right. My boss, after all, even ah Lian can rank in the top five. It\'s natural that you rank first." James agreed with Ji Feng\'s words: "so what I want to say is the second one. In addition to the top 100 celebrity list, you have also successfully made the Forbes China rich list. Your personal assets have reached $830 million, ranking 830 million!"

Forbes China rich list is a list made by Forbes, an American financial magazine, for China. There are 400 people in the list, which is updated once a year. This season\'s peak is the latest one on the list, and the leaping range is also very large. It directly surpasses many well-known entrepreneurs and directly gets into the top 100.

This period is not ten years later. In this period, the gap between the rich on the mainland of China and the rich abroad is not generally large. Mr. Gates continues to dominate the list this year. His personal assets have reached 34.2 billion US dollars, while the top one in the list of mainland China is the boss of BYD, with personal assets of 39.6 billion yuan. Therefore, the assets of more than 6 billion yuan of Jifeng are very terrible And it is in this era of general shrinkage of personal assets.

For this reason, in the morning news, CCTV financial channel also made a 10 minute program to analyze Ji Feng\'s business philosophy. Ji Feng became the first sports player to appear on the financial channel in history.

Some fans joked that when Jifeng retired, they would collect all the channels of CCTV.

Well, this should not be, at least the agricultural channel season peak is how can not go up

According to the asset analysis of Forbes, the annual salary is ignored. In addition to various high-end endorsements and large-scale shoe sharing, Jifeng\'s multiple investments are the key to the success of Jifeng. His investment in a number of emerging network technology companies, including Ali, has not only led to the development of the network, but also led to the continuous soaring of his personal value. In addition, the gym and basketball opened by Jifeng last year After one year\'s development, the stadium has developed into a chain industry with many stores in BJ, SH and other big cities.

"Ji Feng led all this with his intelligent mind, and he made fitness a trend item among young people." Forbes said.

His agency in the United States has also been dug out, Forbes said, with more than 10 potential rookies including Ji Feng, the peak team has become a force that the NBA can never ignore in the future.

James\'s voice came, because Ji Feng opened the external release, so he could clearly feel the heat around him, his eyes were opening wider and wider, and his face was with an incredible expression.

830 million dollars Hot bar always knew that Jifeng could make a lot of money, but it was beyond her expectation that she could make so much in a year. She quickly turned on her mobile phone and climbed over mountains and mountains to the Chinese website.

As expected, today\'s headlines were occupied by Jifeng, the headline harvester. All major websites reported this event on the front page. Hot bar, after a general look, Ji Feng\'s figure was found in not only the financial, sports and entertainment sections, but also the whole domestic news was covered by Jifeng.

In the forum, there are discussions about Ji Feng\'s success in making the list of the top 100 richest people in the mainland.

"Jifeng is a great force That\'s how you make money when you\'re an athlete

"It\'s not when athletes make money, it\'s Jifeng who makes money. Let alone, there are several people who can speak for shoes and still own shares in the shoe company. I don\'t know the specific proportion of UA. But last year, the crazy front generation sold no less than 30 million pairs in China alone, and the market value of UA doubled year by year, which is enough terror."

"I don\'t want to say anything else. I just want to ask what Ji Feng can\'t do. Sports and entertainment, singing and dancing, and variety show. Now the business is so big. The most coquettish one is a rich second generation, who is tall and handsome, my mother."

"Bah! What kind of rich second generation, people\'s Jifeng depends on their own good! "

"To add a little upstairs, Ji Feng is not 20 years old, and his girlfriend is hot, my goddess. However, I think they are suitable for thieves. I finally know what they mean. Jifeng is really 20 years old in other people\'s family."

“+1! When I was 20 years old, I was still studying the teaching achievements of teachers in the dormitory and foundation friends. If you look at Ji Feng, I am already the most powerful athlete. I am too lazy to count the honors under him. I still fall in love with hot bar, make friends with Avril, talk about life with my elder sister, and talk about ideals with various business tycoons. I decided to donate my hard disk! "

"My address is XXXXXX, thank you, good people live a safe life!""Amazing, so it seems that Ji Feng is really a winner in life..."

"You know that!" Xn…

The forum is full of comments, but most of them are envious. Except for a few keyboard warriors who are still sparing no effort to advocate why they don\'t repay the society for making so much money, the rest of the news is naturally very positive.

As for these remarks, we don\'t need to pay any attention to these remarks. Ji Feng\'s image is very positive all the time, and his public welfare activities have never stopped. Moreover, Ji Feng has fulfilled the dream of all basketball fans, and his popularity is booming. These remarks soon became the targets of attack by the majority of fans and were submerged in the tide of the people.

"Wow, that\'s why the three companies make so much money! The rich are big, please take care of them Hot bar put down the mobile phone, watching Jifeng hang up the phone directly after the quarter peak half of the body.

"It\'s true that money has made a lot of money, but what three companies, such as Forbes, can\'t be so easy to find all the assets of the real rich people. Take me for example, he didn\'t include this real estate project." Jifeng shaved off the hot little nose of the money eye: "as for the maintenance, mine is yours, this is my wife, otherwise how to marry you home."

"Know ~" hot bar some moved, she can feel Ji Feng\'s sincerity: "don\'t be too tired, just spend enough money, and I can make money!"

"I see, little rich woman, let\'s go on, let\'s go on!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!