Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1067

Carlisle was known because of the introduction of the Olsen sisters.

Last year, when I learned that Olsen sisters intended to set up their own clothing design and cosmetics company, Ji Feng decided to take a stake in the company and put forward her own suggestions. In addition, she authorized them to develop Jifeng\'s own IP. Naturally, Olsen sisters would not miss this opportunity. After some discussions, Ji Feng joined the company with more than $70 million in funds The third largest shareholder.

Jifeng is definitely not aimless, or because he covets their beauty, he is willing to spend a lot of money. In fact, Jifeng likes their younger sister more. The reason why he doesn\'t hesitate to spend so much money is that Jifeng is totally interested in their ability.

Although the two of them are beautiful enough, it would be a big mistake to think that they eat by their faces just because they are beautiful.

Although they are only 22 years old now, their lives are legendary enough. In Hollywood, they can be called human money printers. Their ability to absorb money is absolutely terrible. What\'s more, they are born with a business mind. They seem to know how to use their advantages and turn them into wealth.

They started on the show nine months ago. A friend introduced their mother and two children to participate in the selection of actors for the TV series "family photo". They were very lucky to play their first role in their lives.

They co starred in Micheli Tana in the TV series "family," a family comedy series that was popular after it was broadcast in 1987 and stopped production after the eighth season in 1995.

American viewers watched the two children grow up on TV, and the Olsen sisters became household names, paving the way for their future acting career.

Their later career is more like a legend. They became producers when they were 6 years old and joined Sony at 16 years old. They became famous child stars when they were 16 years old. They had a very clear plan for their career. They starred in many TV dramas and films, and their photo albums sold more than 23 million copies worldwide, They have also produced many albums and DVS, and their sales have already exceeded 20 million. What\'s more, they have written their own books. In the United States alone, they have sold 15 million copies.

When they were 18 years old, they became the president of the American double star entertainment group company. Each of them had a controlling stake of $150 million. In 2003, they were successfully listed in the Forbes list of the world\'s top 100 rich women. A year later, they became one of the world\'s 50 most beautiful female stars. In the same year, their names were permanently on the Hollywood avenue of fame.

So it\'s easy to understand why they share the same language with Ji Feng, because in their eyes, Ji Feng and they are the same kind of people and have the same topic.

Facts have proved that the cooperation of the three talents is perfect. In less than a year, the company has launched its own series of clothing brands, as well as dolls and various commodities. With the help of the two sisters, it has successfully opened the youth market and has great influence among young people, especially in Los Angeles, and has been successful in all Wal Mart stores A special counter has been set up among them.

In just one year, they have successfully recovered all the costs. Ji Feng even got 5 million dividends. However, Ji Feng immediately invested all of them. On the one hand, he didn\'t lack money. On the other hand, he found that he really underestimated the two sisters. Indeed, genius exists in all walks of life. The Olsen sisters are sensitive to fashion and business Du is really amazing. Ji Feng thinks that before long, his shares will become a lot of money.

For a long time after Ji Feng returned to Los Angeles, Ji Feng would discuss with Olsen sisters the company\'s further development plan. At that time, the Olsen sisters knew that Jifeng wanted to move.

So they introduced Carlisle to Jifeng

However, Carlisle, who was good at designing clothes for various fashion companies, was good at designing clothes for his own company. At the same time, he was not good at designing clothes for his own company. At the same time, he was not good at designing clothes for his own company Now that he has changed his career, he even gave up the fashion designer, which he took more than 20 years to open up the situation, and became an architectural designer instead!

Although they are all engaged in design, clothing design and architectural design can be said to be totally different two categories. Although there are some similarities, it is not easy to change careers. Moreover, under the premise that he has already made such great achievements in the field of clothing.

Not only that, he also brought all his wealth. He not only took out all his savings over the years, but also sold all his shares into cash. He also mortgaged his house for 10 years to the bank, and set foot on the road of architectural designer in a desperate attempt.

In addition, he would not make a fuss about it, so he bought a large piece of land in beilair community and wanted to make one or two finished products to make a name and attract investment.

The cost alone is quite huge. This is Los Angeles, a place where every inch of land is worth money. Although the land is not as exaggerated as it was more than ten years later, it is also expensive enough. Fortunately, it has made a good start.At the same time, he also put his more than 30 years of design experience in real estate projects, began his luxury house design road.

This happened two years ago, and there was a lot of noise at that time, because he once said that he wanted to design the most luxurious house in the world, and this project was also called the dream home of the rich.

In an interview, he once said: "I don\'t understand why the rich are willing to spend $200 million to $300 million on yachts, and they only spend a few weeks on them every year. The rich are also willing to spend a lot of money on their private planes, but their houses are only worth tens of millions of dollars. So I want to build a most gorgeous mansion, which will be a giant yacht The design is brought to land. "

Yes, his idea is to "drive a luxury private yacht to land", which is a good gimmick.

However, things can\'t go smoothly. When the Olsen sisters found him, he was not in a good condition because he needed a huge amount of money to carry out such a large project by himself. Although he made a lot of money, he found that this thing was burning money. Fortunately, he raised money from various sources and took advantage of his own wealth Finished the first phase of the project.

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