Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1065

Different from the past, the hot bar obviously made sufficient preparations for the choice of flying on the Laker game day. Although she knew that this night was also the record night of Ji Feng, she had no way to miss it. For her surprise plan, she missed it. Anyway, in recent months, Ji Feng has been linked with the record every night, and it doesn\'t matter to miss a game.

"One more time! You really didn\'t tell Ji Feng about our itinerary! " As soon as she got off the plane and got out of the channel, the hot bar called Xiaomei, her assistant in China, to confirm the issue that she was most concerned about. Because this was a private trip, the hot bar went to Los Angeles alone. The assistants, agents and other things stayed in China. Anyway, there was Ji Feng here, and with him, everything would be there.

"I swear! I really didn\'t tell Ji Feng your plan! Really Xiaomei vowed: "it seems that he didn\'t find out at all. He didn\'t call me this time. You have to believe me. I promise with my character."

"Your character..." Hot bar lovely roll a white eye, according to past experience, fortresses are from Xiaomei this Jifeng iron powder here to break, generally speaking, as long as Jifeng sugar coated shells are enough in place, Xiaomei basically knows everything, and even several times she has been successfully rebelled by Jifeng, and the price is just some signature periphery of Jifeng!!!

Hot bar wants to ask very much, is she such a big living person still can\'t compare a little small favor!

If Xiaomei knows the idea of hot bar, it will certainly express indignation. You don\'t need to, because you have taken the whole person of Jifeng home, and he is yours. Naturally, you can\'t see the surrounding and signature, so you naturally can\'t feel the feelings of our fans!

But this time is really not, Jifeng in recent days and JY entertainment here has no contact.

"Good, good! Good performance! I\'ll bring you a gift this time. Well, that\'s it. Goodbye The hot bar got the answer she wanted, hung up the phone with satisfaction, and then put on sunglasses and was ready to go to pick up her luggage. Because she had to stay for a long time, she took four boxes with her.

As for how James has sent someone to escort her home.


When you come to the hot bar of the luggage office, you want to praise yourself. What kind of smart little brain can think of this plan? It\'s perfect!

Hot bar seems to have seen Ji Feng\'s surprise expression when he saw himself ~

"hehe hehe ~" seems to have thought of something. The hot bar laughs foolishly and his eyes under sunglasses are bent into lovely crescent.

At this time, she did not find that Jifeng had quietly stood behind her, and then gently patted her shoulder

"Pa!" Ji Feng took a shot and quickly moved to the right side of the hot bar.

"Who is it?" Hot bar habitually turn to the left, but there is no one behind.

"It\'s over! I met a thief This is the first reaction of the hot bar. In Los Angeles, many gangs of thieves will use this move to distract tourists\' attention. When you react, the luggage has disappeared in the crowd.

So hot bar, the second moment quickly turned to make sure that their luggage is not in

Then, she saw a large number of roses, and the familiar smile after the roses ~

"Jifeng!!! Why are you here! " The eyes of the hot bar are widened instantly, and the eyes are full of surprise Of course, there was a little surprise. She wanted to ask Ji Feng for a moment. Could you hear the voice in her heart and see the thoughts in her mind? Why did she know she was here!

But soon, the joy of reunion occupied the small head of the hot bar, so the hot bar directly took himself as a koala, one head into the arms of Jifeng.

"Miss me ~!"

"Yes Heavy nodding, Jifeng can hear his chest was smashed out of the drum

"Then you sneak up and don\'t tell me!" Jifeng gently patted the hot little butt, en, still so elastic.

"People want to give you a surprise." The hot bar rubbed in Ji Feng\'s arms, and then thought of what hot bar immediately raised his head, bared his lovely teeth and said: "this little beauty! I knew it! I knew she would rebel! I believe her lies just now. Hum, I don\'t want her when I go back. Let her be your assistant

Reba is bitter in her heart. Her well prepared surprise has come to an end. Now she is rational and thinks about her various links carefully. The only thing that may be overlooked is Xiaomei. After all, the only person who can know the time of her arrival is Xiaomei who follows her every day. It is clear that she has already known by looking at Ji Feng\'s appearance.

"You have wronged others. I really didn\'t ask her this time." Ji Feng couldn\'t help but scrape the hot nose. It seems that she has a deep complaint about surprise. It seems that she has to let her finish it once.

"You buy your own ticket with the credit card I gave you. It\'s a secondary card. I\'ll get news here if you pay for it, little fool..." Jifeng pulled out his mobile phone and said that he came home after meeting a Lian that day. He originally wanted to ask the people around the hot bar, but he received a message about the ticket consumption that night"Ah ~!" Hot bar pursed her lips and patted her small head: "I gave the card bag to Xiaomei and asked her to buy it for me. How could Xiaomei choose this one?"

Ji Feng shrugged his shoulders and thanks a wave of Xiaomei\'s God\'s assists.

"Let\'s go. If we don\'t, we\'ll be surrounded by animals." Jifeng put down the hot bar, picked up the luggage and took the hot bar out.

Different from the past, Ji Feng is now one of the top stars in the NBA. In Los Angeles, his fame is no worse than that of Hollywood. In such a short time, there is a trend of crowd gathering here at the airport.

"How long will you stay this time?" Jifeng asked while starting the car.


"A week?"


"Half a month?"

"No ~!" Hot bar mischievous smile, and then erect a finger: "a month! This time I want to watch the first sunshine of the new year with you

"Really?! Great Jifeng mouth involuntarily up, this feeling is absolutely more happy than winning a game: "you said earlier, this is the biggest surprise."

"So easy to satisfy? ~"

" of course! "

"Sleep by yourself that night!"

"Cough, cough! No way Ji Feng said that he was determined, and then he couldn\'t help speeding up the accelerator. It was really a night to look forward to.

"Hum, hooligan!" The eye waves of the hot bar are flowing, reflecting the infinite spring light ~

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