Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1060

"My own people, my own people, don\'t fight, don\'t fight!" Seeing the two big men of the team quarreled, the nearest Arab League quickly went up to be the peacemaker.

This is where the progress of the Arab League lies. Before that, he basically did not speak in the dressing room, and seldom took the initiative to communicate with his teammates and coaches. When there were conflicts, he basically stayed out of the way. This is also the reason why the Arab League is still in trouble despite its good performance.

So the summer season peak gave him a lot of advice, and he is gradually changing, he is no longer afraid to communicate with his teammates.

However, ah Lian\'s heart is full of admiration for Ji Feng. Nine out of ten people are cold when his hands are so cold. Few people like Ji Feng find their hands through their own strength. Moreover, it\'s really cruel to target a person like this. If he is Bogut, he must have been beaten completely without defensive confidence.

Yes, Bogut\'s mind is a little broken now, and the conflict just now is also his emotional vent.

Bucks coach also saw that, so he yelled to the United Arab League: "change positions, you go up!"

He is ready to let Arab League replace Bogut\'s defensive position, let Bogut slow down.

But obviously, Ji Feng is not ready to let him go!

As the top pitcher in the league, Reid\'s physical fitness and low post skills are also excellent, which is the reason why he can grow from a second round show to the top of the team.

Near the bottom corner, Reid leaned back on Kobe and quickly turned around. He swung and then turned backward again.


Kobe is not surprised, because that\'s Reed\'s ability. His shooting percentage this season is as high as 51.4%, and his three-point shooting rate is also as high as 42.3%. This is still under his average of 21.1 points, and he is now the ninth in the scoring table.

The Bucks\' biggest offense is actually Reed\'s individual singles near the bottom corner of the low post.

And it\'s the turn of the Lakers to attack again. Kobe gets the ball at the top of the arc. Bogut is relieved. It\'s not the season peak.

However, after his own attempt to break through and attract the Bucks\' defensive attention, Kobe went straight to the flank and Ji Feng was already lurking there!

Jifeng again face AMOT, successive goals let Jifeng find self-confidence, play more relaxed, after taking the ball quickly after the crotch received a threat!

AMOT was too defensive to defend. He was startled by Ji Feng\'s action and unconsciously stepped back. This scene surprised many Laker fans. This is a breakthrough!

However, Ji Feng did not choose to break through, but made a step back, the right hand gently up to protect the ball, pretending to want to shoot, but there is a distance between the right hand and the ball.

"Not good!" AMOT thought Jifeng was going to step back by three points, which was the most frightening weapon of Jifeng this season, because it was too accurate, so AMOT was directly shaken up!

But unfortunately, Ji Feng this ball is not shooting, but Baifo!

Jifeng a Baifo jump off the jump of AMOT, in front of a vacant space, at this time only the interior line to stop Jifeng, but the League was Gasol brought to the line, only Bogut can be on, otherwise Jifeng is very likely to complete the dunk.

Bogut naturally understood this, but he did not move. He forced himself to stay where he was and continue to hold down Bynum. At the same time, he thought in his mind that he could enter as long as he didn\'t advance above him!

At this time, the Arab League is ready to defend Jifeng. His moving speed is OK. He can catch up with Jifeng in three strides. The Chinese derby is the first positive performance of this game!

However, before the fans are excited, Ji Feng directly dribbled the ball under his crotch to shake off the Arab League. There is no chance for this kind of confrontation.

At this time, Ji Feng is in front of the empty basket, he just need to throw or stop jump shot can easily get two points.

However, to the fans\' surprise, Jifeng still did not stop, he directly broke through to Bogut station.

"MD!" Bogut secretly scolded, and he finally determined that Ji Feng was aiming at himself. He would come to him even if everything was like this. He regarded himself as a sculpture!

Bogut angry, he is now angry head to head, since Jifeng so against him, he also want to make a counterattack, he chose to take the initiative this time, he can\'t let Ji Feng score easily again!

I saw Jifeng this time did not touch Bogut\'s body, Bogut subconsciously to Jifeng just backhand layup place offset, he will not fall three times in a place, never!

"Opportunity!" Bogut looked at Jifeng turn around action, he bet right, Jifeng really want to turn on the reverse Basket!

"Hum! What do you call Australia\'s hot pot Bogut moved quickly and made the take-off before the cover was closed.

However, Bogut just left the ground, he found something wrong, Ji Feng did not go in this direction, Ji Feng suddenly came to a sudden stop near the reasonable collision zone, with his left foot as the pivot foot, his body turned and half turned towards the basket to hook!Ji Feng, this is to go up and just reverse the basket ah!

Bogut heart sneer, change soup not change medicine, originally want to come a reverse operation, this also look down on his defensive area, he is in case of guard frame in NBA based man!

Bogut quickly moved, and then relying on his strong physical fitness will be lifted off the legs, and then quickly jump to the right.

Although the height is affected, but Bogu unique confidence will be season peak shooting fan out directly!

But he just jumped up, he regretted, because Jifeng did not jump at all, this is another fake action!

Dream step!

Jifeng a handsome along the axis of the foot turned around and turned to the original position, but the front is no longer standing Bogut, the empty basket, Jifeng lick the basket easily.

One more goal!

Bogut again!

"Good ball!!! Jifeng is a bull Ji Feng completely performed a sudden stop dream dance step, completely turning Bogut\'s play. Moreover, starting from the first worship of Buddha, Ji Feng once attacked two people opposite. What kind of technology is this!

The worst thing is Bogut. He has been eaten by Jifeng three times in a row, and from a technical point of view, Bogut is mercilessly pressed on the ground and rubbed.

"You\'re far from it." Ji Feng ground to Bogut scornfully smile, and then turned to celebrate with the Lakers, the difference has returned to 7 points, they are closer and closer to the turn!

But Bogut is completely autistic. Now he has no brain to think about it. Next round, he is entangled with Bynum. The referee gives two people a technical foul. The angry Bogut vent his anger on the referee. How can the referee get used to this problem.

"Beep, beep!" Another 20 seconds to the referee Gutt decisive foul!

Bogut was sent off!

Angry Bogut also want to say what, but was pulled away by his teammates, he can only burst out in the player channel incompetence fury, severely hit the wall, but there is no egg use

"Come on, man." Ji Feng lightly glanced at his back, this guy really can\'t help but fight. , the fastest update of the webnovel!